You yourself said there are no "what ifs" with God. And Find me a time that has happened?' And also, I think if a surgeon refused to operate, and instead just sat and prayed... I think that hed be sued and lose his job.
What if they didn't operate? What if they just prayed Surgeons aren't God. I don't know, its not recorded, but it could happen.
The patient has a 100% chance of dying/not being healed or changed in anyway if they arent operated on. Hoping for a miracle when you ahve the ability to do it yourself is pointless and stupid. Have you or anyone you know ever had surgery? At any point did you hope that the surgeon was sitting in the room praying instead of operating?
Amoeba, it's like this; I see a person about to be hit with a car. If I have the power to stop it by myself I should do something and not just pray that everything ends up well. EDIT: And how would aborted/miscarried fetus/baby/things go to heaven? If they were never baptized to rid of the original sin they'll be going to hell supposedly.
To both of you, I'm NOT ENDORSING IT. I'm presenting a what if point like you guys do all the damn time. @Wakko: Baptism doesn't get you into Heaven, lol.
Yes but it does rid the orriginal sin and if theres no baptism or confession than aborted babies go to hell. lol [Nothing lasts forever not humans and deffinatly not religion most likely religion will actualy end our existance. Kind of ironic something created to save humans will eventualy destroy us. : /
Do I think religion will last forever? Absolutely not. As humanity progresses, science will disprove religions. Notice how science disproved Greek and Roman gods. Evolution is somewhat disproving Christian beliefs, although nothing is certain at this point.
Aborted babies don't go to hell... people who don't have a choice to get saved or not go to Heaven. Baptism doesn't get you into Heaven. I lol'd at that last sentence. How does evolution disprove creation? They pretty much can co exist, they're not mutually exclusive.
aMeoba is a Christian..I'm pretty sure, he was talking about a hypothetical situation. I'm a Christian [Duh], and I agree with him, they CAN co exist, but we are not saying that the do, will, or have. Christians aren't stupid, you need to learn that religion isn't a blind faith acceptance, it's a knowledgeable choice. You will never be able to be able to debate theists if you think they are idiots.
On the contrary. I don't think Christians are idiots. I don't see how you would assume so. I have family members who are Christian, and I know much about the religion, I just choose not to follow it. Maybe I was being stereotypical. Many Christians at my school tend to shun the sheer theory of evolution.
We are born into sin, a miscarriage, abortion, dead baby, whatever, they weren't born into sin. They didn't ever enter into the sinful world, they remained Holy they never became man. Now pro abortion people jump on me here--I know. Christianity says no man is without sin, and we born into sin. These babies were never born, so they didn't enter sin, but it says no man is sinless, so it must not be human--and okay to kill. Right? No. Again I state this is Christianity's view on the subject. The bible speaks of God knowing someone in the womb: Job 31:15 "Did not He Who made me in the womb make [my servant]? And did not One fashion us both in the womb?" If you abort you are ending something God has fashioned. Psalm 127:3 "Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward." If you abort you are throwing away a reward. Psalm 139:13 "For You did form my inward parts; You did knit me together in my mother's womb." If you abort you are destroying something God has made. Ecclesiastes 11:5 "As you know not what is the way of the wind, or how the spirit comes to the bones in the womb of a pregnant woman, even so you know not the work of God, Who does all." If you abort you are destroying bones with the Spirit. Jeremiah 1:5 Before I formed you in the womb I knew [and] approved of you... God can know someone in the womb. Jeremiah 20:17 "Because he did not slay me in the womb, so that my mother might have been my grave, and her womb always great." Someone can be killed in the womb. Hosea 12:3 "He took his brother by the heel in [their mother's] womb, and in the strength [of his manhood] he contended and had power with God." Someone can have power with God in the womb. Luke 1:44 "For behold, the instant the sound of your salutation reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy." A baby in the womb can hear and have joy. This obviously shows Christianity views the unborn baby as a soul, so whether or not you are killing man, you are killing a human soul. Man--from the first two chapters of the Bible to the last two-- is a synonym for sinful, not human. Don't blame religion for our destruction-you can't know anything of that statement for sure, besides, only one religion can be true. You shouldn't group all of theism together, because each religion contradicts the other.
Wars are started because of differences in groups usualy they are over land or personal views [Religion] and its not far out there to assume that our existance will be ended from one of these arguments with differing religions. All of wars and crimes against humanity have been because of religion and I believe religion will be the thing that will end us. Plato-"Only the dead have seen the end of war" heres a list of current and some old wars based on religion its size is mind blowing All religous groups have drawn blood on the battle field, for what? A different belief of a god(s)
Ask any priest if religion is blind faith, and they will tell you that it is. If you ask for proof, then you are not accepting god fully AND YOU WILL BURN IN HELL FOR ETERNITY.
Well, there is no proof, so any faith is blind faith, and without any faith, you are not a Christian. Therefore all christians must have blind faith.
Your logic makes no sense. That would mean that If I write down on a piece of paper, that I am an almighty god capable of controlling the universe, and believe it, that I do not have blind faith. You cant make something up, and then count it as proof, even if you do believe it.
Okay, that is the stupidest debate point I've heard--ever. Blind faith is accepting something without a logical reason to believe it, therefore Christians don't have blind faith, and looking at surface level, neither do evolutionists.