Sandbox Pavilion

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by TFx KiLl3r, May 17, 2009.

  1. TFx KiLl3r

    TFx KiLl3r Ancient
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    [​IMG][/URL] The overview

    Pavilion used to be the main UNSC training ground during the war, however it was left when the forces trianing here were needed. As it was a top secret place no one knew the whereabouts of the facility and so it was left in prestine consition. Years later war veterans found it a turned into a symmetrical battleground for spartans to train on.

    Pavilion is an symmetrical map on the middle of sandbox with a base on each end of the area. It takes up about half of the area down in the middle. Pavilion is set up for team based games such as capture the flag, team slayer, king of the hill and team oddball. It does not really work on FFA because of spawns placed and the positioning of power weapons which would mean that some players get an advantage as the power weapons are placed in the middle which is an equal distance between the bases. The map provides intense gameplay with different heights and length of view and so on.

    Capture the flag
    Team Oddball
    Team Slayer
    King of the Hill

    Weapons and Equipment
    6x Battle Rifle
    1x Shotgun - 120 second respawn - 0 spare clips
    1x Sniper Rifle - 120 second respawn - 0 clips
    4x SMG
    2x Needler
    1x Rocket Launcher - 120 second respawn - 0 clips
    2x Covenant Carbine
    6x Frag Grenade
    4x Plasma Grenade
    1x Bubble Shield
    2x Regenerator


    [​IMG][/URL] Main view of the blue base

    [​IMG][/URL] View of the blue base from ground level, with the regenerator spawn.

    [​IMG][/URL] The ramp in the blue base up to the second level.

    [​IMG][/URL] View from under the blue base to the Shotgun spawn.

    [​IMG][/URL] Main view from the red base

    [​IMG][/URL] The view on ground level of the red base and the regenerator spawn

    [​IMG][/URL] View of the underground BR spawn in the red base (there's one on the blue side aswell)

    [​IMG][/URL] A view of the center walkway to the sniper spawn

    [​IMG][/URL] A view of the center looking the other way to the picture above

    [​IMG][/URL] The center piece on the second level with the rocket spawn and the sniper spawn on the top level in the fin, also the bubble shield spawn in the tube corner

    [​IMG][/URL] A view from the other side where two plasma grenades spawn in the tube corner

    [​IMG][/URL] A closer look at the third level and the sniper spawn


    There we go! All comments, positive (or negative) are greatly appreciated!!

    Download Here
  2. blackandblutoo

    blackandblutoo Ancient
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    Wow, cool idea. It seems you took your time in the map and it showed off. It sort off reminds me of turf.
    From the pics it looks like you can get out of the map very easily. Have you made it cheat proof? If not, a V2 might need to be done to fix it.
    also I love where you put the sniper, It is stratigic and well placed.
    overall 9/10
    nice map

    EDIT: P.S. dont rate your own map, it makes you look like a douche.
    #2 blackandblutoo, May 17, 2009
    Last edited: May 17, 2009

    AKILLYEZ Ancient
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    Hey hey, this looks really cool. Im not easily inpressed but wow dude. I really like the layout. The map looks really fun. Nice job. I would look into possible escape points though. This map doesnt look to difficult to escape. Other than that, nice job.
  4. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    The map does look solid, but it shares the same issue a majority of these Main Level sandbox maps share. Many of these map that utilize a surrounding wall are too easy to be broken; one little grenade and you're out. So what's to keep someone from grabbing the sniper and going out to a dune to snipe. Exactly why the main level should be used for larger scale, free-roam Objective based maps.

    I'd relocate for a v2 as this has potential.
  5. will2715

    will2715 Ancient
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    I agree your pipeline is fantastic but lets not talk about that here. Your map looks amazing and the pictures show it off very well. I think your weapon choice was well chosen and their power weapon positioing must get a mention, for instance the shotgun placed on the ground floor in a tight sort of area just right for a shotgun! 6/5
  6. TFx KiLl3r

    TFx KiLl3r Ancient
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    Ok, lets get something straight please can you download and show me evidence of where you can get out of the map instead of saying you can do it based on the pictures. Relocating the map would be impractical because of the amountof items you would need for the floor and I cant see this map working in the crypt. Thanks
    #6 TFx KiLl3r, May 17, 2009
    Last edited: May 17, 2009
  7. TFx KiLl3r

    TFx KiLl3r Ancient
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    Thank you and yes when i get round to it I will fix the arch, got a bit sloppy at that bit because it was many for a roof until in the pic i realised its aesthetic look.
  8. RunTime83

    RunTime83 Ancient
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    Very nice map. I'm liking this one a lot. Very intricate, medium-sized map with lots cover and opportunities for CQC. Nice work on the different levels of elevation as well. I'll be keeping this one and trying it out in a game.

    I really don't get the big deal with escaping a map. Some people are so worried about it. Do you know how impractical it is to be trying to escape a map from grenade jumping or whatever if you're playing with people actually taking the game seriously? You won't even be able to make it out of the map. Besides, if someone is gonna be doing that, I wouldn't even be playing with them. Enjoy the map and the game for what it is.
  9. TFx KiLl3r

    TFx KiLl3r Ancient
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    Thank you! Someone who agrees with me finally! Thanks for the comment and I cannot believe someone voted my map 1 star without a comment... people these days
  10. Nutekiller

    Nutekiller Ancient
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    I have played this map a few times and i liked how the center was put together, also each end is well thought out and I cant wait to play other game types on it... The sniper in the middle is really somthing to chase after when you first start playing.. my friend played assault on it and he said it worked out well, maybe you should look into that..
  11. CookieMan

    CookieMan Ancient
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    I think the idea of the holes in the ramps at each base were excellent! This map looks like gameplay is balanced and excellent. The central bridge provides cover and vulnerabilities, which is balance. I think that since there is an open area at the bottom, it is between instant-kill and no damage for the shotgun, making it balanced again. I'd give this map a 5/5.
    #11 CookieMan, May 17, 2009
    Last edited: May 17, 2009
  12. Laxer

    Laxer Ancient
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    Looks like a pretty solid map. This actually reminds me of the map "Pavilion" from GOW2, the second picture looks just like one of the bases from GOW2.

    Anyway, this looks smooth and clean. The flow and gameplay might be a problem though, because of all of the cover. And in some places it looks like you may be able to break the map. Great Job though.
  13. TFx KiLl3r

    TFx KiLl3r Ancient
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    wow, thanks again guys for the amazing replies! I do love my replies!
  14. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    Yeah you see when I get my xbox back from repairs I'll make it top priority. mmk?
  15. SlayerPrayer

    SlayerPrayer Ancient
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    wow, the idea and forging that went into this are outstanding, loks like a great team based map and i will be looking forward to playing with a group of friends later great map 5/5
  16. Gnarleywalnutt

    Gnarleywalnutt Ancient
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    Nice job. Good Aesthetics and solidly built. You got my DL
  17. TFx KiLl3r

    TFx KiLl3r Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow, thanks for the amazing comments, yes i had made thsi map think of pavilion from gears of war 2 lol. It was because i liked the name for a map. Then i just added a bit of the actually map in each base! Thanks
  18. blackandblutoo

    blackandblutoo Ancient
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    You really seem to like this map! I like that and you did take your time on it. Just make it a bit neater on some parts and you will be fine. As for the "jumping out of the map" thing dont worry about it. Its just one of those things that people dont like. It really dosent affect gameplay if you play with the right people. But seriosly - nice map
    P.S. I love the tunnels
  19. TFx KiLl3r

    TFx KiLl3r Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thank you, yes I did take my time on this but, well as my friend puts it, "i'm a quick forger" haha. Thanks for agreeing with me about the jumping out of map and so on! And im glad you like the tunnels I do too!
  20. Runic Aries

    Runic Aries Ancient
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    The map works yes, but it is very easy to escape from, i have a video of me doing it in about 10 seconds with a single grenade.

    if you get onto the columns in the middle, you can grenade jump up to the walls in the middle and just walk out from there.

    I would recommend removing the columns or making the map larger inside the crypt.

    for now 3/5

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