Goony Raceway 1 _________________________________________________________________ I KNOW I DONT HAVE ALOT OF PICS BUT I CANT SHOW ALL MY SECRETS Starting Line Splits off in two to ways ..... Close to the Finish Spec Tower MAP : Halo 3 File Details MAP : Halo 3 File Details
I liked what I saw, except that there shouldnt be a watchtower because a person shooting could interupt gameplay
from these pics i see very little interlocking, the forging looks really messy and i agree with toxikpanda, the spec tower is a bad idea for his reason. I would rate this a 4/10.
i only interlock if necesary. and my friend helped me make this is doesnt interlock at but just cause it doesnt have interlocking doesnt make it a bad map. and thank you for your opinion it will help me in the future
That, my good sir, is where you are wrong. I know it is said that you don't need interlocking because of all of the different pieces on Sandbox. That holds true for anything that isn't a racetrack. In a racetrack, interlocking is a crucial asset that keeps the map flowing. I looked at the pictures and saw many jagged edges and bumps. It looks like you put no effort whatsoever into the track. Using the ramps like that also hurts the map, as going down you tend to miss it completely, and going up like that will take away your speed. Also, this is very short. And finally, watchtower = fail. The sad thing is, this is a very good racetrack set at general community standards. Almost every track since March 3rd has been like this. 2.5/5