LEMONLIGHT Lemonlight is my first forged map, it is another version of the map Limelight. It has the same idea, just a different layout. Its Recomended 2-4 Players But Supports 4-8 players. Weapons & Equipment: Frag x8 Plasma x4 Battle Rifle x6 Carbine x4 Maulerx1 Rocket Launcher x1 Supported Gametypes (so far ) : Slayer Team Slayer CTF Note: I strongly reccomend mlg gametypes, mostly because of the weapon and spawn layout Pictures Red Base, Overview 1 Red base, Overview 2 Blue Base, Overview 1 Blue Base Overview 2 Rocket Hallway Top Floor (the thing you see in the middle is the mauler spawn, on each piece of cover is a BR and grenades) Map Overview Download - Lemonlight Download - Limelight Thanks, Give it a DL, Have fun, Feedback Pleaseeeeeeee Thanks To: Laxer for kinda helping me on what I should change.
I think it's a pretty cool map. But It would be nice to see more "parts" by that I mean try adding a third or fourth tower it would make great for an MLG match. That way a team can set up. It seems kind of boring just with two bases. Well The dimensions are great but It looks as if it's too cluttered in the back bases. Try giving more space. Other than that it's well and a little more fixing would do wonders. -PCE
Seems like a good enough map, I'll think about downloading it. It's not the best I've seen. The middle seems kinda like Narrows to me, what with the rocket spawn bridge. I would give it a 3/5.
Yeeeah Boy. I did help. Well anyway, A great map for 1v1 and 2v2. The power weapons spawn at perfect times and there is enough cover on and around the bases. Top mid is a little camp friendly, although it doesn't look like it. Whoever controls top mid really controls the game. Hopefully you fixed the problem of spawning on the same side. Also MLG is recommended. Great map 9/10
thanks, and yeah, i got it so people could get out of the spawn camp, got neutral spawns on rocket hal and all four corners of the top.
ooo, donii, this looks like a pretty cool map. We needa test soon. EDIT: Thanks for posting the dl on Limelight =D
I reaaly like this map and I also agree that u should put in at least 1 other structure. I also got the feeling that u based this map on narrows a little although the way u changed the layout from narrows makes it look alot better in my opinion
This map looks great. I think it really looks good for Team Doubles in Matchmaking. THey should replace this with that dumb cubed map .
I see where you were going but i think you did a good job so ya. Jk but really i think you captured the eccanse or whatever with the rocket bridge. Good post also have a longer description . Great otherwise.
Right guys that is enough the majority of this map post has just been a bumping conversation, take your conversations to the shout box or a relevant thread this board is for talking about maps only. Keep up the bumping and a perma infraction and lock will be dealt.