A Warning on the Premise of Ripping. itz HLG nOob. Stop Ripping, or there will be consqecuences. For instance, how about the infraction your going to get for this? Please stop, or you will regret it. Evidence: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/graphics-arts/71201-turok-sig.html http://www.forgehub.com/forum/graphics-arts/70268-warrior-post865729.html#post865729 http://www.forgehub.com/forum/graphics-arts/63776-time-shift-sig-first-sig.html http://www.forgehub.com/forum/graphics-arts/64301-new-crysis-sig.html ( second image on this OP) Some of his actual work: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/graphics-arts/64301-new-crysis-sig.html (first image here) http://www.forgehub.com/forum/graphics-arts/64668-funny-sig-halo-3-a.html http://www.forgehub.com/forum/graphics-arts/66305-choose-side.html http://www.forgehub.com/forum/graphics-arts/66671-what-path-right.html Proven. Feel free to discuss. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ oh, and CNC.
If I may refer you to a previous thread in which I caught him changing the text on a comic and calling it his... http://www.forgehub.com/forum/graphics-arts/66502-funny-halo-3-a.html
Yes, we all know what your doing, and even if your "cousin" made them, they are his no matter what the amount of horrible text you add to them.
Just busted him 2 seconds ago... http://www.forgehub.com/forum/graphics-arts/71201-turok-sig-2.html#post874060 Spoiler
Hahaha, nice one Natu. I ****ing hate rippers. He obviously ripped, you can tell by the horribly out of place text.
I seriously hate the fact that he has forgehub ****ing so caught up with his ripping. He has the same text on everysingle one of "his" new sigs ,and he won't stop denying it. Just forget about that kid. WHERE"S SARGE WHEN YOU NEED HIM!
Wow, dude you really dont like me do you, well if u wish to continue this little act u may, but if u actual wana be a man come talk to me, u couldnt just handle the problem yourself instead of making a thread, ok so i admid it i ripped one of my friends baikolio sig., oh and Natu, hate to break it to you.. but im older than you ..this is way beyond what i would of expected, well if u dont mine i am about to post a thread in graphics and art, why dont you check it out....
Even if he is your friend, its still a rip, you called it yours which it isn't you get what I'm saying here right? What does being older have to do with this? Aren't you like 12 or 13? He busted you thats all that matters.
1. Your a ripper, you can't say anything. 2. What does you being older have to do with anything. You haven't dropped your balls yet, he did. He is mature enough to know why it is wrong to take credit of someone else's work. 3. You need to realize what you are doing and take a look at yourself in the mirror. 4. Having been banned couple of times, people putting you do for what you do, getting your privileges taken away, why don't you realize that its not the others that are wrong. There has to be something you are doing wrong. So just take a look in the mirror and notice what you have created of yourself. 5. Please stop acting tough because you are 14, you are not the oldest in the community, I can guarantee you that. You may be older then natu, but that does not make you superior. 6. GTFO if you have any objection to what I have said. I have said it in the nicest way possible, as a friend.
Did you know what happened to skittlez when he ripped signatures? He got permabanned. What the ****? Even if you told us your age was 17, we wouldn't believe you. Why? Because it's the internet. There's no proof. Don't brag about your age when you have no proof. Ok... Look, it's not too late to stop. You can apologize for what you've done, and maybe you can continue a peaceful life here on ForgeHub.
HOW Immature could you possibly be? All I'm here for is to prove that you ripped a sig end of story. I'm done wasting my time with him.