... Well, I just moved to China in january... So pretty much all I did was go to church and met someone before I started going to school... I saw them at lunch one day and I've been with them ever since... It's a hilarious group. So my suggestion is just wait and let it happen. Don't be over social like you want to be with a group, but don't be anti-social like you don't want to talk to anybody. The best way is to meet someone from within the group, and they'll invite you in.. don't just walk up to all of them one day and sit down or whatever.. that would be kind of weird imo. Just do your thing, really. Good luck dude.
wtf....your not helping..... Ya guys, thanks for the help...im kinda getting it... im graduating today and at the end of summer starts high school...so ya. i kinda get it... Stay...Average, not to cool, not to lame.... i think...idk yet.... im still scared... Thank you! your really helping... really good advice, i'll keep that in mind...
The Inbetweeners Watch this and let it be your example. (It's a 15-rated program. It's not porn, but don't cry to me if you watch it and someone looks over your shoulder and mistakes it for something else)
Hahahaha. I forget how quaint America is sometimes (I had to google search "freshman", in Australia that term doesn't exist). I went to private school. In Australia. No lockers, no cafeteria, a standardized uniform, you had to be well groomed, wear your hat at all times, hair above your collar, no creases in your uniform, belt, polished black shoes... My tip's: Having friends isn't necessary, but stick with what you're good with. You funny? Go with the funny kids. You shy? Hang around the shy kids. You like video games? Hang around the kids who talk about video games. You have some sort of mutant power? Hang around the kids with mutant powers. It's not that complicated. Sport is for tools. **** the first day. The school pretty much takes care of the socializing for you. You'll find some guy's and just hit it off. You'll be going to lunch and realize the people you just sat in class with are your friends now. There is solace in numbers. If the girl doesn't come to you, it isn't worth the drama. Learn...
i like the last tip. Learn.... learn what? what do i learn? why???? thats the stupidest thing i've ever hear... lying will get you f---ed over....
Play football, or soccer. I already was friends with some seniors before school started and became friends with theirs, and so on. Oh and don't be a narc.
I'm finishing the final days of my freshman year right now and it had been the best year of school I've ever had. High school's a helluva pain in the ass if you don't pay attention or study but it's not that hard of you're a moderately good student. Of course, I go to the #42 ranked high school in the nation so the work is harder than the average high school... but high school is high school. Don't be an ass and don't be a dweeb and you'll be fine. And enjoy high school while it lasts. This first year has flown by and college is probably 100x harder.
Freshman year - Holy **** high school is awesome Sophmore - Why do I bother? Junior - ZOMG PROM, AND I NEED TO GET GOOD GRADES FOR COLLEGE Senior - **** this ****, I'm going to college.
Well, suit your self kid, because I remember I wasn't too happy coming home that day, with red, blue, and purple marker and spray paint all over my shirt. Usually class pride day is during homecoming week. And read the rules of FH, because obviously you didn't you quadruple posted on the previous page.
I'm starting at a giant high school next year from going to a small private school. I've been lifting weights and plan to join the football team (I've played for 6 or 7 years). Good idea?
There's nothing really to know. Don't worry about it. Once you get there you will soon learn how things work and how you should act. But make sure that you don't act like you are a badass just because you are a freshman. Seriously, there isn't anything to worry about.
You should start getting involved with as much alcohol as soon as possible. Drugs and alcohol make School wayyy cooler.
Don't get to much into drugs and alcohol because then some will see you as pothead loser. It's fine if you do it at parties, and when your hanging with a lot of people, but don't get tot he point that you're doing it with yourself. I'd say get into sports, if you're trying to get jacked go for wrestling.... most intense workout ever. Have your own style that others will notice. Dye your hair, make me proud.
Adding on to that, don't be like "I'm smoking everyday afterschool." Make it a social thing. Oh and most other drugs will **** you up so just stay with pot or beer for parties. But you do not have to do these to make yourself to look cool, just playing a sport helps.