Every post just counts towards one overall post, unless you are in Off Topic, which then your post doesn't count at all.
does rank realy matter tho?? i no its there as an insentive to keep people active but realy its the forum its self that should keep people here not just a rank.lol
It may but its just there to show how many post you have made since you joined. And that should be it. You should worry about it nor concern yourself over such a silly matter. If you have a high post count lets say but your still fairly new 1) You spammed 2) you wont be respected 3) Worry about the Community and not the Post.
Quality over quantity. Remember that because post count does not matter. Look at the content of your posts rather than how many you have. If the content of your posts are bad, you need to rework the way you post.
Both QFT. Post count could be removed for all I care. Don't try and post to get your post count up. The high post count only shows you're an active member and you've been on the site for a long time. I, as well as other people I'm sure, don't look at post ranks/post count. As long as you post nicely and you help out, you'll be noticed.