Sandbox SunDown v3

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by TFx KiLl3r, May 15, 2009.

  1. TFx KiLl3r

    TFx KiLl3r Ancient
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    There was once a small organisation who worked and were based high in the sky. There was one unusual thing there was a constant sunset. So the organisation named there headquaters Sundown and during the war their rations of food ran low and eventually everyone living staved. However, explorers recovered the seen and have now got it up and running again.
    SunDown is an assymetrical map. It is fairly well armed with a few power weapons and multiple battle rifles and grenades. In the map there is a great variety of long corridors to open spaces to fairly cramped spaces, these provide great gameplay aswell as the use for different types of battles; long battle rifling or close combat shotgunning. This map is set up for the best of capture the flag, team slayer, FFA and oddball.

    This map is now version 3 because of the many suggestions I had on the sersion 2 thread because:

    [​IMG][/URL] I added a stone block at the end of the ramp, after I moved it forward because of comments saying there was little room to walk and you had to jump and so on.

    [​IMG][/URL] Comments said that it was too easy to get out of the map here but this is now impossible, I have placed a huge block in the way!

    [​IMG][/URL] Comments said that in this area you could get stuck between the stone and the wall and I simply stood the stone up against the wall.

    [​IMG][/URL] This corrdor was in dyer need of redoing as it was very bumpy and one comment said "you have two jump once and even twice." So here we are the new and improved corrdor with a ramp at the top onto the other floor.

    [​IMG][/URL] I have replaced the shotgun with a single clip, 60 second respawn rate mauler, to reduce overcrowding in this area for the weapon.

    A Very special thanks to spirit798 for all his help and advise on making version 3!

    Here are some quotes about version 2:

    [quote/]I love this map, aswell as being well forged and well executed i love the gameplay that the map provides. Top marks 5/5![/quote]

    [quote/] This map is awsome, the floor of tin cups just blew me away, so neat! I love it! However one problem with this would be your use of walls as floors although you did tell me that you did not know and it was too late to change, but otherwise insane! 4.5/5. [/quote]

    As one of the quotes states this was one of my first maps on sandbox and so i was not fully aware of the "wall as floor" glitch, otherwise it is very neat and hopefully in those parts it is not too bumpy!

    2x Sniper
    2x SMG
    1x Needler
    4x Battle Rifle
    1x Assault Rifle
    2x Brute Shot
    1x Mauler
    2x Spiker

    1x Bubble shield
    1x Regeneration
    1x Power drain
    5x Frag grenade
    4x Plasma grenade

    Improvments/ Testing
    After playing on the map with every gametype with friends we found that every gametype was fun to play on especially FFA, I would recommend atleast 2v2 to 4v4. It is a bit too big for 1v1. FFA in a big party of 8 is extremely fun, and all of my friends thought so too.

    As the map goes it is completely unbreakable and holds little bumps other than some walls on the floor. From version 2 to 3 i believe that version 3 holds a better sort of gameplay on 1v1 with the change from shotgun to mauler. It is now a completely secure oddball map. As well as taking away a few of the bumps you can no longer get stuck anywhere!


    [​IMG][/URL] One side of the map with a wooden bridge floor and the sniper spawn. (Red room)

    [​IMG][/URL] To the right of the red room. Brute shot and plasma grenade spawn.

    [​IMG][/URL] Tin cup flooring and battle rifle spawn and capture the flag spawn on scaffoding.

    [​IMG][/URL] The long corridor with sniper spawn. There is the tin cup room on the left and on the right another room.

    [​IMG][/URL] This is a spawn room with a tin cup flooring.

    [​IMG][/URL] A picture of what the room used to look like now the shotgun is a mauler and the ramp has been moved forward and a block has been merged into the wall in line with the ramp to give walking space.

    [​IMG][/URL] The blue room

    [​IMG][/URL] Second flag spawn on scaffolding and bubble shield.

    [​IMG][/URL] Brute shot under scaffodling.

    [​IMG][/URL] Route up to red room

    [​IMG][/URL] A overview of the map.

    [​IMG][/URL] A picture of the side alleyway on the tin cup flooring

    [​IMG][/URL] The good ol' camping spot however the half way is no longer there it is an open gap, not there to reduce mauler camping!

    Well there we have it! All contructive critisism, positive or negative is welcome! Please rate, comment and download.

    Once again a massive thank you to spirit798 for inspiring version 3!

    Download Here
    #1 TFx KiLl3r, May 15, 2009
    Last edited: May 24, 2009
  2. Numberone1

    Numberone1 Ancient
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    It looks great I love the improvements good work. I downloaded the second version and disliked that bumpy corridor too. It looks much better now, and I think the mauler swap was a good one!
  3. omgmlg

    omgmlg Ancient
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    5/5. It looks awsome and the pictures are fantastic. I seem to thoroughly enjoy your maps TFx KiLl3r, you are a great forger and I will looking out for any maps you release in the future.
  4. TFx KiLl3r

    TFx KiLl3r Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Are you that stupid, did you even read the post? Its a version 3. The title clearly states that, you obviously did not read a thing about it.

    Thank you for the other comments that have been said.
  5. SlayerPrayer

    SlayerPrayer Ancient
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    I'm loving the pics dude, looks pretty cool and I could imagine the gameplay to be sick especially capture the flag. If it really is unbreakable then thats good. Nice map 5/5.
  6. spreyandprey

    spreyandprey Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I think that this map is really good, I think that the pictures to their just cause and show off the excellence of the map. I downloaded last night and when I played with a party of six it was most enjoyable. The only problem is the walls on the floor, which were quite bumpy in parts but that doesnt really matter 4.4/5
  7. TFx KiLl3r

    TFx KiLl3r Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the amazing replies so far guys! I have said a million times on the version 2 thread about the walls. I would ahve changed them but this was my first map on sandbox and so I had no idea about the glitch and it was to late by he time my friends told me as the map was complete. Yes capture the flag is very fun especailly with 3v3. Thanks once again
  8. will2715

    will2715 Ancient
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    pretty safe map man, looks brilliant. I love the look of this map and it looks well forged and neatly interlocked, cant see any geomerging, doesnt matter lol. Anyways great map 5/5
  9. Spirit798

    Spirit798 Ancient
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    The map is really awesome - the design is slick, the aesthetics are above the current average. I haven't played with more than 3 people yet, but I intend to.
    I'll try some other gametypes than Slayer too - but Slayer practically is win on this map.

    Now, regarding the changes:
    The mauler is still pretty strong, but it's a lot better than the shotty.
    Removing the Half Wall really does help against camping, you have a way smaller spot to camp, and if someone throws a stick there, you only have one way to go: The abyss.
    The other improvements have been done nicely and they really make the gameplay flow a lot better (the ramp, the stairs), although there are some minor (read: really minor. Yes.) things that can be done even better.

    My extra feedback will be in your inbox rather soon.

    Also, thanks for the extensive mention!
    I hadn't expected that, and it's really great to be rewarded for your efforts.
    So, thanks :D

  10. TFx KiLl3r

    TFx KiLl3r Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Always a pleasure thanks spirit, will possibly update the map when i get the time. Thanks for the comment!
  11. TheDom

    TheDom Ancient
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    You've really outdone yourself here on this map. When playing some 1 on 1s with you the atmosphere of the map was great and there were practically no annoying bumps to contend with. The grass aesthetics look really great and add a lot of colour to the map.

    Overall, I would describe this map as an "organised mess" really (I mean this is a good way) as the layout and structure is unlike anything I've seen and feels a bit random, but it still fits in very nicely with the level. The only issue I have is that it is unfortunately still breakable, but only in one or two spots and in actual gameplay it'd be difficult to get out without dying (and I know you've hit the item limit). Despite this, it's still a 5/5 from me!
    #11 TheDom, May 17, 2009
    Last edited: May 17, 2009
  12. Shlbamobinladen

    Shlbamobinladen Ancient
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    This one of the few skybubble maps that i enjoyed playing. One of the reaasons is because of the sweet grass flooring. In any map thats cool. Preety fun gameplay but that little camping room i didnt like it. Great otherwise.
  13. TFx KiLl3r

    TFx KiLl3r Ancient
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    Wow, thank you for the reply, i greatly appreciate all i get, anyway thank you for hte comment the camping spot was just a bit of fun really but thanks still!
  14. MetaLemur

    MetaLemur Ancient
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    nice looks perfect for slayer but the red room looks a little unclean . but maybe u designed it that way.
  15. TheClubhouse

    TheClubhouse Ancient
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    I've been watching this map evolve and its come along way. I like all of the things that you corrected from v2 to v3. I have one suggestion. In the second pic you posted (showing the four ramps), have you tried merging those to create a smoother transition into the double block they lead to? And btw, excellent job with the tin cups.
  16. TFx KiLl3r

    TFx KiLl3r Ancient
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    I have to say that i did not purposely design in that way,i had an idea of the room and what it was going to lok like but then i found it had a certain nice feel to it when it accidently appeared after mucking around for a while forging the room. Thanks for complementing the tin cups foor although fairly easy to do it does look good. I improved the map of the comments posted on v2
  17. bertieftw

    bertieftw Ancient
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    me loves dis map yo, this map is awsome. I dont think it would go well with team slayer might with team flag or oddball but FFA is bloody amazing no jokes here you have to try it! 5/5
  18. TFx KiLl3r

    TFx KiLl3r Ancient
    Senior Member

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    FFA is the recommended gametype and after many tests on this map i found it most enjoyable aswell! Thanks for the comment!
  19. SimpleJack

    SimpleJack Ancient
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    This map is insane, overall well made and the gameplay is brilliant. I personally love your choice and placement of weapons around the map. I love close no-scoping so the snipers were much fun. 5/5
  20. Rise Against

    Rise Against Ancient
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    Your map is incredibly easy to get out of. It was so bad that it got to the point where almost everyone in my game was on top of the map...

    If you fixed this your map would be good, but there are many escape points and I don't know if you have any objects left.

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