if you put an effect while in forge, and you save it that way, will it still be in that effect when you're playing customs?
It mostly just change aesthetics, but I suppose a darker map's gameplay would change the gameplay and etc. Although, imo, effects make your map look bad. It is extremely hard to get them to work.
^Yeah I guess. Thanks for the info though, and can you see the effects bubbles in custom games or do they dissappear just like respawn points?
Something that is good for using effects tho, is to change gameplay for a smaller feel is putting gloomy on because it puts vision into half unless u have sniper but if you get to higher ground you can see much farther(just a little tip)
annoying to most, but I personally do like them. I like seeing different kinds of looks on a map but it hinders competitiveness.
All down-loadable maps after the heroic maps have them and they all work the same way. With sandbox you can combine the blue and red lights with them to create a pretty cool effects. Bungie intended the FX for machinima and screenshot purposes, they usually aren't useful for maps because they limit visibility, but they can be good for some novelty infection games or something. Be creative, but whatever you do, remove the FX for pictures of your map's forging, you can't see crap, so remove it for them.
I believe he meant custom maps that have them. I have actually not seen and maps that use visual effects effectively.
Same. I mean there are maps that manage to use them in a way that they aren't in the way or take away from the map, but I don't think there are maps that use them in a way that they enhance the map.
seaboro i dont mean artificial effects i mean the litteral FX that you can put in for photos. you guys havent seen any maps that incorporate them?
30 Dark Nights on Cold Storage was a great use of FX to make it appear that it's becoming night. I think that was one of the most popular maps to utilize FX and most maps nowadays steal it's use of FX to simulate nightfall.