wait so there is a trunk of a tree, with "leaves" in the background, random guitar end on the right, and a text that says robert trujillo? What exactly did you do here? [/Confused]
what? Whose head? I see no living thing in that picture, except for that tree. EDIT: oh wait! I see it now.. -.-
Don't worry. At first, I was like; what focal? Sometimes it's better to include the body of the render because it gives off more flow, but sometimes it's better to have just a head since the body distracts from it. However, this isn't one of those cases.
hes right you know. the render pretty well looks like a tree. bad render choice. the background isnt terrible but does not go well with the render. im not sure if u should sharpen it but you should probably try(the background that is). it would most likely look better. also the font is kind of bad in my opinion. both in the wrong location and in the wrong font. i dont know what you should do with it tho.