Well today i am working on one of my new maps that takes place in the crypt and it requires lots of veichles like two scorpions since the name of the map is traffic jam. But ive run into a problem i cant get the veichles in the crypt because i used an unlimited budget glitch map and all the items are in the sky bubble. Ive used the veichles i can but now i cant get the remaining hornets warthogs and scorpion down in the cryp can anyone help?
Have you tried placing teleporters from the sky bubble to the crypt? If you hold it then tele, you should be able to get it in.
Yah i wish i had done that but i have already made almost half of the map and i dont want to have to start over i am just adding the veichles now because i didn't know that would be a problem And for some reason i cant go through teleporters while holding the viechle