Halo 3 Playlist Ideas

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Kronn, May 15, 2009.

  1. Kronn

    Kronn Ancient
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    1) 1v1

    This would be an awsome playlist! It's like lone wolves, except with one other person. It would be ranked, so you'll always be playing with someone equal to you. They'll also be know rank taken away from quitting, so people won't "de-rank" and own noobs unfairly. Instead, YOU WILL BE BANNED! Lol jk, you'll lose exp. You'd also always get small maps like Guardian, The Pit and Foundry.

    2) Infection

    Why they didn't add this playlist long ago, I don't know. Infection is (correct me if I'm wrong) most players' favorite game variant. It could even have some of the many infection mini-games, like Hobo Heights (Sandhobo, probably) and Mice 'n Tremors. The playlist would probobly be a social kinda thing, so you'll get exp but not skill.

    3) FFA Objective

    I've always thought Rumble Pit should be it's own playlist CATEGORY, with stuff like FFA Slayer, FFA Objective, etc. I think that it's too general. Players should be given a choice on FFA. Maybe even throw in Juggernaut and stuff like that as their own playlists.

    4) Tourney (my best idea)

    Every Saturday (7th day, Bungie's favorite number. But it'll probably be on Sunday, too) there should be a playlist called Tourney (or tournement, I think Tourney sounds cooler. You know, something Bungie would put). This isn't one of those big Recon tournements, though. It starts with 16 people. Every game, whoever comes out on last place is removed from the party. Gametypes/maps keep being randomly selected until one player comes out on top!


    EDIT: I just thought of this! A ForgeHub playlist! Instead of playing Bungie's boring forge maps (like "Cubed", lame map), it would play all the best maps from ForgeHub. Best of all, it would be run by the admins/mods here at ForgeHub!
    #1 Kronn, May 15, 2009
    Last edited: May 15, 2009
  2. chung_wii

    chung_wii Ancient
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    I think that the infection playlist would be AMAZING! It would have a lot of community maps too. I think there should also be a community Slayer playlist... basically all community maps and all made for FFA, or slayer. I think that would be really awesome!
  3. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    Lol, for 1v1, you forgetting Head to Head so soon? I don't think we're going to get another one. Anyway the tourney idea sounds good but it doesn't sound codable. Otherwise I like the ideas.
  4. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
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    A good majority of these playlists sound like something that's been done and failed, or something that's there already.

    As redearth said, Head to Head was 1v1 with custom variants of maps that had less power weapons and those power weapons on a longer respawn timer.

    Tremor 'n' Mouse has honor rules which would not work in matchmaking, and infection is good enough as a Double XP weekend.

    Rumble Pit on its own is fine, because if Bungie kept throwing in playlists for every specific gametype, other playlists would suffer a lack of players and some of the new ones them selves (I don't think many people would be jumping for joy for a Juggernaut playlist). Rumble pit has every FFA gametype, which is 100% fine.

    So this would pretty much be the Valentines day doubles tournement, but with 16 players and every Saturday? That doesn't sound appealing, especially because it sounds like a spawn killing, kill stealling nightmare.

    This is the only good idea from the lot, probably. Although it would be better a DXP weekend with Forge variants, not a community specific playlist. Shutting people's work out because they are not a member of a site is pretty idiotic.
  5. Agamer

    Agamer Ancient
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    1) 1V1 was taken out like redearth said.
    2) There's the double experience play list, Living Dead.
    3) There occasionally is an objective variant when playing Lone Wolves/Rumble Pit.
    And your fourth idea kind of sounds neat, I don't know how such a game would be implemented though.

    I just thought you ought to know that there's tons of websites out there related to Halo, Bungie won't have their play lists dedicated to Forge Hub content. Even though that would be really cool to have Forgehub's content on Halo's match making it just doesn't seem like a reasonable to move to make in Bungie's position. That's why there's always Atlas.
  6. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Also, you sometimes get infection in rumble pit every once in a while. Doesn't really matter to me though, as the only things I ever really play are BTS and double exp weekend. I'd just rather have better quality maps for big team slayer rather than a new playlist, because some of them are honestly just JUNK.

    If I could have a new playlist, it would probably be conquest and infection...
  7. Crymzen

    Crymzen Ancient
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    they need a UGC playlist..a entire playlist dedicated to User Generated Content from gametypes to maps. and if not game types then just maps.there are some realy sick maps out there that will never get the attention they deserve without a playlist like this

    i dunno how easy or hard this would be for bungie to set up but its certianly somthing to think about.they should run it through forge hub since there are literaly hundreds of great maps that get posted on here.

    but i do understand that bungie dont have the time to be downloading and testing out aload of player maps and game types
  8. trainboy

    trainboy Ancient
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    I have an idea that I like, that I would like to see Bungie go for. for like a double xp weekend type deal, do nothing but racing maps. the playlist would be called Mongoose Derby. All maps would be off of forge hub and would have to be double wide and what not. Gametypes would include Racetracks and Battle Tracks. hows that?
  9. Crymzen

    Crymzen Ancient
    Senior Member

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    sounds lke a cool idea i always had fun messing around with friends on racetrakcs
  10. SVV33T SAUC3

    SVV33T SAUC3 Ancient
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    They definetly need a conquest playlist. I love conquest and I've been thinking that Bungie should do this. They would include the best conquest maps in it. I'm not sure if it should be in ranked or social. It can get pretty competitive. I don't know. What do you guys think?
  11. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    I think a good one would be MLG FFA

    Also I think a great idea would be to have a playlist where you host a game and map of your choice, like custom games but players would join like they would in matchmaking. It would search for them and you could choose to host a game or join one
  12. Orange

    Orange Ancient
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    It looks like some of them have been test, Highlited in Yellow

    BY the way 1v1 or head to head used to be a playlist
    Dropped Playlists

    • AWOL
    • Grab Bag
    • Community Carnage - Could Also Be People made maps
    • Custom Carnage
    • Rumble Hardcore
    • Rumble Challenge - Sounds like objective
    • Team Challenge
    • Bungie Tournament
    • Major League Gaming
    • 7th Column
    • Big Team Slayer
    • Team Snipers
    • Infection
    • Territories
    • CTF
    • Team Pro
    • Rumble Pro
    • Tournament Of Champions
    • Weekend Warrior
    • Race
    • Big Team Skirmish
    • Rumble Training
    • Double Team Training
    • Team Training
    • Big Team Training
    • Multi-Team Training
    • Action Sack
    • Elimination
    • Phantoms
    • Swordplay
    • Escort
    • Secret Service
    • Hammer Time
    • Laser Tag
    • Bungie.net All Stars
    • King Of The Hill
    • Oddball
    • Assault
    • VIP
    • Juggernaut
    • 1v1 - used to be a playlist
    • 2v2
    • Rat's Nest
    • Standoff
    • Foundry
    • Hardcore Skirmish
    • Zone Control
    • Team Zone Control
    • DLC Playground
    • Forge Playground
    • Warehouse Playground
    • Warehouse
    • Playground
    • Oldschool
    • Riot
    • Fiesta
    • Marty Party
    • Bungie Community
    • Team Sack
    • Team CTF
    • Team King
    • Team Territories
    • Team Assault
    • Team VIP
    • Team Oddball
    • MLG Presents
    • Forge Galore - Sound like you would play on maps people made
    • Social Control
    • Lunatic Night
    • Bungie Favorites
    • Weekend War
    • Purgatory
    • Ferrex's Fun Sack!
    • Holiday Hopper
    • Bungie Invitational
    • Bungie Challenge
    • LIVE Tournament
    • Avalanche
    • Ghost Town
    • Blackout
    • Cold Storage
    • Assembly
    • Longshore
    • Citadel
    • Heretic
    • Sandbox
    • Orbital
    And if they have tried and denied it i dont think they would add it
  13. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    My two playlists that I would want in would be a forgehub playlist and a battletracks playlist. 1 on 1 is definetely a no no. There are to many HLG players out there, and there are way too many ways to cheat. Therefor making the playlist very frustrating and unpopular.
  14. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    1) Was done before and was removed
    2) No. Be satisfied with the Living Dead double exp playlist... that's the most Infection you will ever see in MM.
    3) Rumble Pit has a pretty even balance between Slayer and Objective gametypes.
    4) The only idea you have that could work. I like the concept. What would the winner of each tournament receive? 5 exp?
  15. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    Conquest should definitely not be its own playlist, but have a major part in a user made playlist. It'd definitely be social though.
  16. Ozarka

    Ozarka Ancient
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    One word..... Agents.
    This is the most intense gametype ever created. It takes tons of skill, strategy and teamwork. There is absolutely no reason bungie shouldnt make this a playlist.

    Oh, and also racetracks would be fun...especially with the edition of sandbox. Some simply amazing racemaps have been crafted out of sandbox
  17. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    A 24/7 brawl playlist - ranked 12 person ffa
    head to head - bring it back even if it is social idc just brink it back!
    MLG FFA - 5/6 people
    Ranked multi-team (with BR starts)
    guardian playlist :-D (half kidding)

    I wouldn't play but would be cool
    social doubles
    social grifball (I'd hate them but ya it would be cool)

    and add gametypes like
    all new:
    BR sniper start
    Snipes (1 hit kill additional point for headshot.)

    social games:
    multiteam snipers
    bigteam swat
    big team snipers
    rumble pit fiesta

    double exp:
    mini games etc
    #17 Blaze, May 17, 2009
    Last edited: May 17, 2009
  18. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    I was thinking of a way to fix this and I came up with something: Head to Head to Head. 1v1v1.
    It could be called "three-way" or "threesomes" or something. No power weapons; no objectives except maybe a FFA territories gametype and Juggernaut; BR starts, AR secondary.

    I like your FFA Objective idea a lot too.

    Also, make Grifball the double exp weekend playlist less often and add it to Social Skirmish and Social Team DLC.
  19. Benji

    Benji Ancient
    Senior Member

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    THere should be a community playlist with like Conquest and Racetracks or something

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