On another website, i have a sig shop and when RackemWillie77 signed up on that website he requested a sig, and the render was hard as hell but here's the final product: I thought it turned out okay...
you still need to work with the render(s) and backgrounds and make sure there is a flow, dont just paste a render on there, make it whatever you want but do something to it and find a new background, but i do agree with you, it was a pretty hard stock to work with!
render and stock? k, the one think i found is that the text doesnt really match the backround, the font, and the color, work on that
its the same font they used for SSBM, which is what these characters are from, (not originaly of course but, well you know what i mean) and i find going with a 2 color color scheme is easier on ones eyes but still interesting...