Survival: No Mercy Rooftop

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Chedderboy, May 15, 2009.

  1. Chedderboy

    Chedderboy Ancient
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    No Mercy Rooftop
    Part of the Left 4 Dead Survival remake project​

    Map Description
    This is a remake of the rooftop of No Mercy hospital, from Left 4 Dead. Set in Sandbox's skybubble, it is a budget-glitched map which runs just short of the hard item limit. The humans must survive for 3 minutes as hordes of zombies constantly assault their position.
    4 sniper rifles, 4 shotguns, 4 assault rifles, and 4 magnums are placed in the middle of the map to help the humans survive. There are fusion coils, trip mines, and grenades as well.
    As the zombies attack the humans' fortifications, they may burst through the doors, as well as beak down walls. Whenever you come across a wall that looks like this
    it can be broken down by running into or meleeing it.

    Gametype Description
    Spawn with magnum
    Weapon pickup enabled
    100% movespeed
    100% gravity
    150% damage resistance
    2x overshield
    No shield recharge
    90% damage modifier
    Standard radar, 25m​
    Spawn with plasma pistol
    Infinite ammo
    Weapon pickup disabled
    110% movespeed
    75% gravity
    90% damage resistance
    No shields
    50% damage modifier
    No radar​

    Zombie Spawn system
    The zombies are divided into 5 classes, like in Left 4 Dead. Weapon pickup is enabled for the first 5 seconds of a respawn, allowing zombies to collect their powerups.
    The normal infected receive no benefit, and can simply teleport to the rooftop from their spawnpoint.
    The special infected are:
    The Hunter
    The hunter gets an energy sword, a grav lift, and an active camo. As weak as a normal infected, the hunter is best for surprise attacks and assassinations.

    The Smoker
    The smoker gets a sentinel beam and a radar jammer. The sniper of the infected, the smoker can also deploy his radar jammer to allow his teammates to sneak up on the humans.

    The Boomer
    The boomer gets two plasma grenades and a flare. While not very good at dealing direct damage, the boomer can throw his flare in tandem with the smoker's radar jammer to completely blind the humans.

    The Tank
    The tank gets a gravity hammer, as well as an overshield and a custom powerup which gives him heightened damage resistance. IMPORTANT: Allow the overshield to charge fully before picking up the custom powerup.

    In 10 lives, you can expect to play as normal infected about 4 times, and the special infected (excluding the tank) 2 times each.

    Where the humans spawn (Radio room)

    Inside the human spawn. The overshields are used as medipacks. (The hornet has been removed, so don't worry about that.)

    The grenade house

    Inside the grenade house

    A remade "Jesus room." However, campers be warned, the back wall is not as strong as it once was...

    The map
    Must be played with...
    The gametype
    #1 Chedderboy, May 15, 2009
    Last edited: May 15, 2009
  2. Darkastic

    Darkastic Ancient
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    Wow I was very impressed with the whole map system, you even had time to put in a jesus room. I'll have to try this!!! I especially like the medpack idea. Question, is there some connection with you and CheeseJam? You're both making L4D remakes and your names are similar. Just wondering.
  3. chung_wii

    chung_wii Ancient
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    Cheesejam just posted a left for dead map. And his gametype was called survival too. Why did you copy? It's an okay map, It needs more interlocking because some areas are really messy. Ex: the top of the heli roof. I think you shouldn't have copied the name and basically entire game from him... It just seems wrong. Unless you had permission to do the same thing. That's just my opinion.
  4. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    Him, Cheese, and Eternal all posted a Left 4 Dead map recently with the gametype Survival. And Eternal posted first, so if anything Cheesejam would have copied off Eternal. They all called it that, however, because it's the name of the new gamemode in Left 4 Dead to show that it is related to the game. IMO, that post was just a bad review: Case closed.

    Now, onto the map.

    I like how well you recreated the scheme of the rooftop from No Mercy. I'd be really impressed if you made the human entrance into the level the same as in the actual game, with them coming out from inside the building and making their way to the weapons and supplies. Then, the infected come by after a certain amount of prep time. It's an easy concept to capture too... I'll need to look into the game more before I say anything else, but from a first look, this looks like it'll play well.
  5. Eternal Reconnaissance

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    First off, congrats CheddarBoy. I was looking forward to this map, and it seems to have worked really well. I think I'll change my gametype a little bit so that the custom powerup can be used for the tank. This looks like a really accurate remake, so I'll download and play it a bit. This looks smooth, like you took your time and the spawn system works very similar to mine.

    Now to all forgehubbers looking at this, mine, and CheeseJam's maps, we all have permission from each other to do this. I have a thread for this (check out my signature) and we have discussed these maps for a while. There is no stealing, plus since I made the first one, I gave them permission anyway and this is fine for them to do. We just want to create survival themed maps, although we are still trying to find a definite gametype for every map. So please don't comment about stealing, these type of maps are perfectly fine for people to create.
  6. Willrus

    Willrus Ancient
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    This looks pretty good. It seems well thought out, not layout wise becaues the layout is from L4D, but the objects that you used and gametype and such. The destrotable walls are a nice touch, it seems like they would help with the whole issue of wreckless camping. It would have been radical, as Master Debator said, if you had made the entrance similar the the real L4D, and also if you had added ladders and climbeable walls and such for the zombies. But that would be really difficult to pull off with the hard item limit. DL from me.
  7. CheeseJam

    CheeseJam Ancient
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    No one copied eachother, we just all kind of had the same idea and collaborated in a thread.

    I like the map a lot. Looks pretty accurate to the original and cool. I especially like the destroyable doors! Still not a fan of the plasma pistols though.

    I can't give a review yet because I haven't played it, but I think it looks pretty fun and balanced.

    I think all of our maps play really different and have their strengths and weaknesses. This seems like more of a finale then survivor mode though, which is cool!
    #7 CheeseJam, May 15, 2009
    Last edited: May 15, 2009
  8. Riptide Sage

    Riptide Sage Ancient
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    overall, great map, the gameplay is innovative and copies the fear of sudden death from zombies that's in left for dead, however i have noticed one problem, if a zombie runs out of their room fast enough and gets to the right teleporter they can pick up human weapons, i propose that the teleporters in the spawn rooms connect to one inside crypt, about 3 sec run time, to solve this. also i beilve the humans should be given SOME time to set up their defense (30 mabye), in order to enforce this after the zombies leave their spawn room, the teleporter connecting connecting to the spawns spawns in the air, after 30 sec some terrain spawns under it and connects it to the teleporter leading up to the roof. all in all thougth a very good map well worth downloading, please consider making a v2.
  9. DarkestofAngels

    DarkestofAngels Ancient
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    Haha, nice to see another L4D map coming on to Halo! I might make a Church or something along those lines.

    On to the map, I really like it, alot. I have yet to play on it, but it seems as if it would capture the L4D feel to it. I also liked the way you set up the zombies, Would you mind if I used it? (I would love to be a part of the L4D Maps and such :p)
  10. Chedderboy

    Chedderboy Ancient
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    Go ahead and use the system, as long as you give credit (To the remake project, or more directly to myself)

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