Terminal 12

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by SVV33T SAUC3, May 14, 2009.

  1. SVV33T SAUC3

    SVV33T SAUC3 Ancient
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    (It's a link^)
    Supported Gametypes: Conquest / Conquest V3
    Reccomended Players: 3v3

    Hello members of Forgehub. I'm here to show you my most recent map. It is a mostly symmetrical conquest map. It is unlike any other conquest map you've ever played on Orbital. That's because it is outside the map. There is no floor at all. Bruteshot fire goes right through the floor. Same with grenades. So, you have to stick the person and you have to shoot the enemy or the wall near them for the bruteshot to become effective. This map is escapable. It took me about an hour to make (there's not much to this map) and about an hour of testing has gone into this map. The story of this map is a loading dock on a spaceship is invaded by aliens and the astronauts have to stop them and an epic war starts in space. The map might feel a little wierd at first because of the lack of a visible floor. You're basically walking on air. Kind of wierd. Anyway, here's a weapon list for this map.
    x2 Beam Rifles
    x2 Carbines
    x4 Plasma Rifles
    x2 Spike Grenades
    x2 Bruteshots
    I know many of you will say "Hey, uh, the Bruteshot should be in the first territory so if your team gets pushed back, you can make a comeback." My response to this is that I tried to switch that with the carbine and it made the map fail. It was many times worse than it's current state. And, a comeback is easily accomplished. We had the other team pinned up against the wall. They did the exact same thing to us within 30 seconds. This map is very balanced. I am hoping for a video soon, but nothing is set in stone. Here's what you've been waiting for.
    The screenshots!
    The Starting Area (Same As Red)

    Red Base

    Blue Base (Beam Rifle and Carbine out of view)

    Center Hall


    Grenades Don't Work In Space?


    Triple Teamed!?

    Too Close!

    Consumed In The Smoke

    Like My Hat?

    Chaotic, Ain't It?

    Let The Bodiies Hit The Floor

    Thanks Testers! Some people weren't included in this game. Some of the major testers were Meltyourtv and Bartoge. Bartoge, thanks for the advice on the parts of the map I needed to add. Also, sorry for posting this before you got another game on it. If you still want to play a match on it, message me. Thanks for reading everybody.

  2. chung_wii

    chung_wii Ancient
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    hmm, Interesting idea. I can see myself starting up a game with a few friends and having them all say, "whoa! How did I get out here???" I think it is a simple idea, but you executed it rather well. I don't like how the grenades don't bounce... But it's because it's built in a place were it wasnt' supposed to be... Outside of the map! lol Good job. 3.5/5 due to the fact that it's so small and basic,
  3. Benji

    Benji Ancient
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    wow this is pretty awesome
    but it looks pretty small
    is there any way to make it bigger?
  4. SVV33T SAUC3

    SVV33T SAUC3 Ancient
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    There is no way to make this bigger. This is pretty much it. Sorry. It's still a lot of fun though. You'd be suprised.
  5. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    Aw man! I had a conquest map started out in space too! Oh well, you beat me to it... Looks like you pulled it off well so i can't complain. i'll go check it out! You seem to know enough about conquest. Did you work with Bartoge? His name is in the tags... If so, the map should be in order. But if ya feel a need for improvement, here are a few guides to help you out:

    Gunnergrunt's Conquest Guide
    The Book of Conquest
    Complete Gametype description: Conquest
    #5 Gunnergrunt, May 14, 2009
    Last edited: May 14, 2009
  6. iTz Longshot

    iTz Longshot Ancient
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    oh wow, i dont think iv seen a map that you can walk on pretty much nothing. thats really interesting. doesnt seem like you can do alot though with a small item amount in orbital(i think so lol) so i can see why its a small map, but i think it makes up for having an interesing flooring. but nice map, and also, nice Sig, i was going to have one with that same picture, but did something else.
  7. Drummerguy360

    Drummerguy360 Ancient
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    That would be sick to walk on. The aesthetic details are great in this map. I could barely recognize it as orbital. It's like another map and that's great. Nice Capture the Flag gameplay as well. This is probably your best map yet. Maybe you should only have one brute shot in the center of the map for whoever can get there first, because two seems like too many to me. Other than that, you've got my download because of the place you put the map honestly.
  8. Willrus

    Willrus Ancient
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    Awesome concept, love the way this is done. It's a shame that you couldn't make it bigger, because that would be insanely fun. I can immagine the surreal feel to this map while playing conquest. dled.
  9. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    Very unique that you managed to make an acutall map outside Orbital, I could never pull it off. Gotta love that invisible floor, and great job on created good defence along with the a great combitnations of weapons.
  10. PIZZA S4UC3

    PIZZA S4UC3 Ancient
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    Hey Billy,
    I loved playing on the map! one of the things that stood out was the fact that you cant stick the floor and see them die. On the other hand Jenkins, Bill, and your own cousins all agreed on two things we would change but you wouldn't let me speech to you.
    1. The map is way to bright! I added another affect in my own game after you left and it helped a lot.
    2. The map is very small. Because of that we believe that you need to think about only playing with 2v2. We tried it and it helped game play, a lot.
    Other then that like I said I love the map!
  11. SVV33T SAUC3

    SVV33T SAUC3 Ancient
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    Thanks for reading, retard. He said it was for CTF! I hate people who just skim over the pics and reply. Then he would know why there are two bruteshots and not one. Wow.
  12. Apple s4uc3

    Apple s4uc3 Ancient
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    Yeah u posted it. I love this map. Its even and pretty small but thats what I like about the map. Its a really nice idea that u made it out of orbital. The gametype is awesome. The weopons are good and everything is good. I had a lot of fun testing this. Nice job.
  13. penguin asassin

    penguin asassin Ancient
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    OH NO! to much originality!!! BAM! (head explodes.)

    Seriously though, this has to be one of the most original conquest maps ever (obviously) I never thought that someone would make up a competitive map out there. Ecspessially conquest. Have you tried maulers on this map? I think it would work pretty well
  14. Eternal Reconnaissance

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    Yah, I just played on this map and I agree. It is fun and creative but WAY to small. If anything it is good for 1 vs 1, not much else. Really cool and good idea, but make it bigger. Please.
  15. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
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    Beats map evar? Sweet, as I said many times before, amazing idea. The map plays very well, and the looks are awesome. My favorite things are the floating/mounted weapons and the boxes. This is basically flawless, and the only flaws I saw and told you about you fixed SO THAT MEAN IT R PERFECT CUZ I SED SEW. ALSO. You might wanna tell them about the mancannon ramp and the respawn-rates of the weapons/equipment.
  16. ShortKidPena

    ShortKidPena Ancient
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    This map has given me lots of ideas for maps outside of orbital, since no one actually likes the actual map...lol. The idea is pretty cool, but it seems really basic for conquest or maps in general. Other than that, the map idea is amazing. 3.5/5 for the map, but 5/5 for the idea
  17. coyoteboy1023

    coyoteboy1023 Ancient
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    Wow, how did I miss this map. This is amazing, I love the idea, I am downloading it right now and will get back to you about how it plays. How did this thread die, this is amazing!
  18. Rho Fs

    Rho Fs 2x2 Forge Judge
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    me to dammit. looks like u pulled it off tho. good job
  19. notanoobforger

    notanoobforger Ancient
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    Well, I was never one for conquest but I like how this one takes place outside of Orbital. I'll dl mainly to check it out but if it plays well too then thats an awesome bonus. 5/5 from the thread
  20. OhNoez64

    OhNoez64 Ancient
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    I never accually knew there was a fancy pants skybubble in orbital. You have just opened my eyes.

    5/5 for the map AND gameplay btw. It was the first Conquest i've ever played, and know i'm obsessed.

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