Sandbox RISK Boardgame 3.0

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Loby the Medic, May 13, 2009.

  1. Loby the Medic

    Loby the Medic Ancient
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    RISK Boardgame 3.3 (UPDATED JULY 4)

    RISK Boardgame 3.3

    Ever think the board game was too slow because it was turn-based? Now you can conquer the classic board without waiting!

    The Game:

    • Your team wins by capturing all 6 continents
    • Can support up to 6 teams with a maximum of 5 players per team
    • RISK is all about having to walk into someone else’s territory, so there are no ranged weapons. Players start with shotguns and swords. Hammers can be found on islands such as Japan and New Zealand. Asia hosts a flamethrower, because it is the most powerful continent in the boardgame.
    • To keep the classic feel of RISK, this game should ideally be played with 3 teams of 5 or 4 teams of 4
    • Yes, the territories take 3 seconds to capture . . . but there is a twist. In the real RISK boardgame, you always run the risk of being eliminated. Each player starts with a 15 second respawn time. This time grows by 15 seconds every time they die (think of the respawn time as the time in which other players make their moves in the boardgame). This time can be decreased with kills.
    • However, with each continent a teammate captures, you and all of your allies are instantaneously respawned (think ‘troop reinforcements’ for taking over a continent). So in order to get the time you need to take over the world, you must temporarily kill ALL opposing forces.
    The Map:

    • Islands connect a lot of continents, so be tactful with your jumping!
    • Each territory hosts a unique item for the capturing team’s benefit.
    • Teleports connect Alaska to Asia
    • I added a jumping pad between Africa and South America to connect them. This is the only plot of land that is intentionally inaccurate.
    • I tried adding some variance, making Europe gold and South America wooden. There was only so much variance I could do, though.
    • Because Greenland is almost a continent in size by itself, it hosts an active-camo powerup.
    • Each territory hosts an explosive barrel, making gaurding or assaulting a territory just that more interesting.

    • I realize the idea of a growing spawn time seems overwhelming, but players do not need to deal with it all of the time. Like I said, teammates can respawn you at any point beforehand, and kills bring this time down.
    • Keep in mind a team must conquer the whole world within the time that all opposing forces are dead. In this sense, this amount of time seems short. ;)
    • Teams spawn together, and on a territory they already own.
    • Each team starts with a continent
    • If an entire team is dead and they own no territories, they will eventually spawn on a random territory.
    • Players spawn above the map and fall to their places, allowing them to get a quick overhead view of the map before setting out.
    • The 30 second respawns have been replaced with respawns that grow by 15 seconds with every death, starting at 15 seconds. Every kill brings down this time. This is less annoying, and allows the game to eventually end.
    • Players spawn above the map and fall to their places, allowing them to get a quick overhead view of the map before setting out.
    • Players now start out with a sword as well as a shotgun.
    • Each continent hosts one gravity hammer on an island next to it (ex. Japan, New Zealand, etc.)
    • Since Asia is the most powerful continent in the boardgame, it has been given a flamethrower instead of an item.
    • Each continent hosts an UNIQUE item.
    • Some parts of the map have been cleaned up to look more aesthetic.
    • This game can now support only 5 players per team, but up to 6 teams.
    • There is now an invisibility powerup in Greenland.
    • Each territory is now a host to an explosive barrel, making gaurding or assaulting a territory that much more interesting.

    The Globe


    The West


    The East


    Teleporters between Alaska & Asia

    Each territory hosts a unique item and an explosive canister

    Hammers are on islands

    An active-camo powerup on Greenland
    #1 Loby the Medic, May 13, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2010
  2. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    errr r you physically and mentally retarded?
    the map looks good and the gametype seems well thought out. i realize all that you could do you basically did and i like how you tried to make variations of land( wood for a continent) although that all seems good and dandy you need an entire party to play this and the 30 sec spawn does seem kindof long, while im talking about spawns, How do they work?
    oh well it's an innovative idea and thats what i think counts in a mini-game so props to you XD
    edit* you may also want to make the pictures bigger and some things do look alittle sloppy but the world is'nt perfect so why shoud it's recreation be?
    #2 pinohkio, May 13, 2009
    Last edited: May 13, 2009
  3. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
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    Dude, your such a tard, you don't know what the heck your talking about, your just trying to rack up posts. You have to actually have played the board game to understand this. I personally love the board game and never thought it was slow. It's great that you made a gametype to with the map, and to make something like this is great, I'm not sure how it will actually play, considering there's only so many things you can do with teritories. Also, the lack of cover might be an issue. I'll give it a DL later and I might get back to you. If you want to actually talk to me, My gt is :MultiLockOn. I'd love to talk to you maybe this weekend about this.
  4. Benji

    Benji Ancient
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    thats like the second bad review youve given in a row
    way to boost your post count
    this is a great concept and a pretty good execution with a pretty well thought out gametype
    but the continents look blocky and i know your using blocks but you could interlock to make it less blocky
    also there isn't much cover (i know there isn't any cover on the board game) but i still think you could add a little changes in elevation
    like mountains or something
    but great map
  5. T3H Sniper King

    T3H Sniper King Ancient
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    The map reminds me of marble blast ultra.
    The map also looks okay, in the ways how it doesn't look bumpy, but I seen no point in the whole design. Try to add cover and bigger pics.
  6. XxXJBONE22XxX

    XxXJBONE22XxX Ancient
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    although i never played the real risk, this looks kinda fun, ill dl and give it a try with my buddies, keep forging bro
  7. Loby the Medic

    Loby the Medic Ancient
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    I would appreciate anyone who wants to make a better version of this, and you can keep the credit. I didn't care about getting credit for this, just making a map to have fun on. So if you feel you can take on the task of geomerging the entire world, go for it :)
  8. CommanderA17

    CommanderA17 Ancient
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    Seems like an interesting concept, but I don't see this projecting any interesting gameplay and quite frankly I feel uninterested in trying the map and gametype. The description expresses little joy in playing this game (30 seconds for respond is no fun). Though I am not interested in it, I'm sure there are plenty that will definitely will want to give it a shot and could provide some enjoyment to those who like remakes of board games or things of that nature. Good job and I'd like to see some more remakes of board games from you (lol maybe CLUE?)
  9. Loby the Medic

    Loby the Medic Ancient
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    I did indeed consider the possibility of cover. However, cover allows for hiding, something that is not part of the boardgame. Risk is about seeing an apponent's moves and counteracting it, it is not a fog-of-war game. Also, cover is of little use with all shotguns.

    If you have a reason that outweighs this for adding cover, I would be glad to hear it.

    Concerning the 30 second respawn, OFTEN players do not have to deal with it because they have teammates taking over territories, which automatically respawns them.
    #9 Loby the Medic, May 13, 2009
    Last edited: May 13, 2009
  10. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    No problem. I hope you don't mind, but I removed the white colour you replaced the black with, as that text would be invisible on the other theme for the site, which has a white background. As for the thumbnails, I suspect you simply copied the wrong code from imageshack. You want the direct links instead.

    Moving back on topic (apologies for the detour, but the response from that particular member was shocking), I love the board game and the way you've gone about recreating it seems original and fun. It remains to be seen how things fare in-game, but I shall download and try my best to get a large party of players who understand the concept beforehand.

    You've clearly ensured that the game will play with the same restrictions on range and so on as the original, and that's to be commended, but I'm unsure how players will react to a huge playing area, shotguns and massive respawns. Respawning allies on capture is a smart move - if you've found that this is subsequently overpowering, however, you might want to also consider enabling the respawn on kills setting. It describes itself as enabling respawns when allies are out of lives, but it's wrong - it actually causes players to instantly spawn. With 30 seconds to wait otherwise, that might be a setting to consider.
  11. Loby the Medic

    Loby the Medic Ancient
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    A Badger Ferret proposed that I use an increasing spawn time the more someone dies, instead of the 30 second "problem," and I love it! I will update it soon. :)
    #11 Loby the Medic, May 13, 2009
    Last edited: May 13, 2009
  12. Krazy Kumquat

    Krazy Kumquat Ancient
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    I've only played Risk a few times, but this seems particularly spot on. I know where you coming from with the no cover thing, but such a large area can be kind of intimidating (not really the right word, but I can't think any others) to some players. the additions of some partial walls that you can see over and crouch behind (short barrier height) would help break up the map greatly. Not only would it add a optical counter to agoraphobia, but it could also be used to mark off the separate territories and where their boundaries end. I think these barriers would provide more focus and direction to the players, nudging them to do certain things based on what they see. Just like how most players take the man cannon on the elbow on Guardian, just because the spawn point is facing it.
  13. Loby the Medic

    Loby the Medic Ancient
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    I see where your are coming from, that does make sense. I will need to rethink some things, though, as I reached my object limit, which is lame.

    I would like to keep objects like the blocks under the wood and stuff, though, because looking straight on into a plane composed of only walls looks weird from a 1st person perspective, the blocks give the map depth. Long story short, it will be hard deciding what objects to delete first if I were to add "cover."
    #13 Loby the Medic, May 13, 2009
    Last edited: May 13, 2009
  14. ehand88

    ehand88 Ancient
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    I like the concept of making a risk game on Halo. I never really liked to play risk because it could be so long and slowwww. But this could actually be fun. I like how you made all the different continents and used different objects to make them look different. I will give it a try.
  15. Loby the Medic

    Loby the Medic Ancient
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    Spawns work as follows:

    1) teams spawn together
    2) Each team starts with a continent
    3) After 30 seconds are up, a whole team will respawn on a continent that is not theirs if they own none. Therefore, it is imperative for a team to strategically take over the entire world in the small 30 second time frame they have before their enemies reappear. In this sense, 30 seconds seems short ;)
  16. SquatingxDog7

    SquatingxDog7 Ancient
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    i give 5/5 just beacause its risk. i fell in love with this game when i was younger and now that it was remade i love it even more, so u got my DL and ill post later to let you know what i truly think about it
  17. apesap0

    apesap0 Ancient
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    I love Risk! And therefore I love your map. The continents seem (I only looked at the pics) to be very accurate (although a bit blocky,but that adds to the feel of a board game) and I love your idea of making some continents an other color.

    About the cover thing; since you are using shotguns, you don't really need them, but you could make some borders, like said above, to add cover and a great feel. I would use upside down arches for them (I have seen them in a paintball map recently), or even better; upside down scaffolding (although you would get a double border).
    To gain the objects to make the borders, you could delete all the blocks under the wooden continent, except for the outer ones, if it isn't hollow already.

    Your map looks great and the other people on this forum seem to agree, so +DL

    NUKEZILLA Ancient

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    nice job guy you beat me to it. i was working on this in foundry but then i couldn't do all the things i wanted. so then i started on sandbox i like the way you made this. however i do not agree with the shotguns. see my version didn't worik because i think adding certain speacils for every country would be cool such as a huge cannon bomb thing to shoot fusion coil for the use only usable when a controls a territory dont' know how but its a working progress now this map i think could be awsone with that since your layout looks pretty darn close and good the map undoubtable is a 5/5 but you should add more. and the gametype should be tweak nice job guy
  19. Loby the Medic

    Loby the Medic Ancient
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    Haha well this is the third one in the making. I too had to do it on Foundry because Sandbox hadn't even been announced yet. Needless to say, I know what you mean about Foundry being incompotent. How do you propose the gametype being tweaked? Ande yeah, I f I want to add more to my map, I will need to delete stuff, but let me know what you think I should add.
  20. Ian 130

    Ian 130 Ancient
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    All right dude. Im glad the new ones out. I loved the one on foundry. Now theres just one problem: getting a big enough party together, people tend to hate this. no one likes mini games.....sadface

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