Sandbox Desecration

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Blood of the Fallen, May 14, 2009.

  1. Blood of the Fallen

    Senior Member

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    Desecration is a medium sized team slayer and capture the flag (red and blue colors only) built in the crypt of sandbox. It took me around 10 hours to build as you'll see from all the interlocking, then another 2 hours to test. It has 2 bases that are divided by a large 2 story wall that runs between them. There are 4 tunnels through it with a large tunnel/gate in the center. The map plays well and looks good with detail and interlocking and such. The 2 bases are identical in both look and weapon layout. I know that a lot of people hate it when theres power weapons, so i've done my best to reduce it and make gameplay smooth, like giving the rockets only 2 shots and the sword in a dangerous area. Some people will also complain about teh sniper having such a long respawn time and only 4 shots but this was done so someone cant just camp up on the top and snipe evryone, even on the other side, so now whoever has the sniper has to pick there shots carefully.

    Anyway here's a weapon list.

    [NOTE!] in the picture of the main tunnel it shows an energy sword, it has been swapped out for a spartan laser.

    Each side has:
    1x Rocket (0 clips 45 sec respond)
    1x Sniper Rifle (0 clips 60 second respond)
    1x Shotgun (0 clips 30 second respond)
    2x BR's (2 clips 20 second respond)
    2x Carbines (2 clips 20 second respond)
    2x Mauler's (2 clips 30 second respond)
    2x Needler's (30 second respond)
    1x Brute Shot (0 clips 45 second respond)
    2x SMG's (2 clips 10 second respond)
    2x Plasma Rifles (10 second respond)
    2x Plasma Nade's (10 second respond)
    2x Spike Nade's (10 second respond)
    1x Regenerator (45 second respond)

    Other weapons:
    1x Spartan Laser (30 second respond, in center tunnel)
    2x Over shield's (60 second respond, one in each upper tunnel)
    2x Bubble shield's (60 second respond, one in each lower tunnel)

    Now for some pictures:

    Red Base


    Blue Base overview

    Main Tunnel/Gate I know this shows a sword but its actually a Spartan Laser in there.

    1 of 2 Side Tunnel's

    Rocket Spawn

    Blue walkway (identical to red)

    Back of red base and shotgun spawn

    Anyway that's my map Desecration, check it out, i hope you enjoy it and please comment, although fi your going to be negative please put in some constructive critisium and what you dont like, not just "it sucks" or something like that.

    Download Link

    My other maps:
    Ruins of Egypt

    Special thanks to Endless Jaguar for helping me test and with a few great idea's : ]
    #1 Blood of the Fallen, May 14, 2009
    Last edited: May 14, 2009
  2. PRS

    PRS Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks alright, it looks like you know what you're doing and how to post maps you have a couple already but i do see some problems. The biggest one it thre sword spawn. reallY?!?! if you havent noticed, it would be SOOOO easy 2 camp in that place and kill anyone who got 2 close to you. Test your maps before you post so things like that can be avoided. Looks like a good amount of weapons though. Probably fun 2 play. might download and test later cuz my xbox if full (of dumpies!) so yea. nice job 4/5. keep forgin!

  3. Benji

    Benji Ancient
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    this looks pretty good but there are a few issues
    the sword spawn-take out the shield doors
    also make the respawn times for the weapons a little longer
    and make some of the side paths just a little wider
  4. Zero_S1gnol

    Zero_S1gnol Ancient
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    I guess Ill say it looks okay...but Im not impressed...gameplay on the other hand is what counts more, so Ill see if I dl and try.

    I agree on the sword spawn being troublesome, but Im also kinda worried about that ramp in the 4th screenshot. That wall is higher than the end of the ramp..thus taking out flow. You should consider putting the large wedge on a flat wall and put a small wedge in front of it. Otherwise, put a 'block, tall' in front of the wedge and put a small wedge on top of that.

    Sorry for b*tching about such small
  5. Blood of the Fallen

    Senior Member

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    Energy sword has been replaced with a spartan laser, problem solved.
    #5 Blood of the Fallen, May 14, 2009
    Last edited: May 14, 2009
  6. Blood of the Fallen

    Senior Member

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    Dude, i want the details, this is just a version 1 so i want feedback here, and if you want that fixed and think it should be then i'll do what i'll try to make it perfectly smooth in a couple of hours, busy right now. I've also got the problem where im at max item room, but as i said, i'll do what i can. It still works well though dont worry.
    #6 Blood of the Fallen, May 14, 2009
    Last edited: May 14, 2009
  7. PRS

    PRS Ancient
    Senior Member

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    the spartan lazer doesnt solve the problem. you have shtguns, rockets, and all sorts of power weapons on the map. the problem wasnt the sword, the problem was the shield doors
  8. Blood of the Fallen

    Senior Member

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    Look i've tested it out and the map is perfectly balanced. The shield doors in no way effect things and its impossible and boring to camp in the tunnel with a shotgun, mostly because people can just go around or grab a mauler or nades or just double team the guy, and thats if someone gets the shotgun and decides to try it. And the rockets only have 2 shots, so thats maybe 1 kill if your lucky. So i appreciate the imput, but please until you actually play the map please dont just tell me that theres too many power weapons or the shield doors are stupid, try it first.

    and anyway, theres only 4 power weapons on the map, thats it, and 2 of them arent even that effective because they only have 2 shots and the laser is hard to use if the other team uses there sniper carefully and the shotgun is hard to use since its not completly close quarters.
    #8 Blood of the Fallen, May 14, 2009
    Last edited: May 14, 2009
  9. T3H Sniper King

    T3H Sniper King Ancient
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    Map looks very well put. The only problem I see is the shield doors, that bugs me. Put them back in a little bit, so they don't show on the outside of the arches. The interlocking looks great too, and some the ideas you pulled off are amazing. I think this could get featured with a v2.
  10. Blood of the Fallen

    Senior Member

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    Okay well i can see the shield doors bug everyone, so i'm going to take them out later, or at least move them back. But also thanks, it did take a lot of work so i appreciate it.

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