Darkness falls

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by BWO Kilroy, May 14, 2009.

  1. BWO Kilroy

    BWO Kilroy Ancient
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    The Humans Made it below, but they were doomed. The absence of light has blinded them, but the zombies see clearly.

    Humans have 2X overshields to make them a little bit more visible but they are invulnerable anyway Assassination only.

    Zombies have Active camo and Plasma Pistols.

    Basically use the plasma pistol to psyche out the humans and send them into ravage insanity so they become and easy target. Made for 4-16 players.


    EDIT: It is basicly and empty crypt, no where to run and nowhere to hide your best bet is to group together and hide in the shadows too. The Middle is too open. The darkness is your saftey and sometimes your death.

    Darkness Falls Map

    Darkness Gametype
    #1 BWO Kilroy, May 14, 2009
    Last edited: May 15, 2009
  2. Rho Fs

    Rho Fs 2x2 Forge Judge
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    This gametype looks like it would drive me mad. Lots of fun but i would go nuts. "is he behind me? Now where are they? HOLY SHI...." Is it just and empty vrypt or is there forging? if so will you include pictures of it? Looks like a good group game. I would certainly have fun with it.
  3. Duckyz

    Duckyz Ancient
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    quite **** honestly its a bad concept i wont even dl

    put more thought into your map next time

    0.2/5 for effort
    #3 Duckyz, May 14, 2009
    Last edited: May 14, 2009
  4. BWO Kilroy

    BWO Kilroy Ancient
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    I actually planned this map out and spent about 3 weeks thinking of what makes infection fun, and I realized it is fun because people always freakout wondering where the zombie is, and the thing that brings out fear most commonly is darkness. So actually I beleive it is a quite good concept. I have had all 45 of my Friends on XBL test it and they thought it was great, so dont knock it till you try it.

    and the the first poster, no there is no forging, it is empty to bring the terror level up a bit, and yes it is mostly for groups so the humans can watch each others backs. The Humans have really close range radar so you constantly see red dots fly across the screen.

    QFT: Sometimes the simple easier way, is more fun than the hard difficult way.
    #4 BWO Kilroy, May 14, 2009
    Last edited: May 14, 2009
  5. The Lazy Forger

    The Lazy Forger Ancient
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    This looks hilariously fun. I can imagine the tension and terror the humans must experience when they're being hunted down by the zombies. It looks awesome and I'll give it a download, but you should try just tossing some pieces of scenery down there just to make it more claustrophobic.
  6. A hobo

    A hobo Ancient
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    I wish you would put more description in your post. This seems kind of good, the idea being greart but this is really just a canvas with effects and spawn points. That said, it can be good fun, but if you supplied more details I can see what I'm getting into before I Download.
  7. Rabid33

    Rabid33 Ancient
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    I give up, how the hell did you get it so dark?
  8. BWO Kilroy

    BWO Kilroy Ancient
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    To Rabid33, You place Gloomy, Olde Timey, and juicy all at the same time
  9. Duckyz

    Duckyz Ancient
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    if it took you 3 weeks to make this map

    my gods you suck hard

    give up this is a bad map its just effects with spawns

    ive played it (reluctantly) its too easy and annoying

    the humans are too overpowerd

    when i played they all just ran into the corner
  10. BWO Kilroy

    BWO Kilroy Ancient
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    I did not spend 3 weeks MAKING THE MAP. Read the post a little more next time. I spent 3 weeks Thinking of an infection idea and what makes infection fun. And if it is too easy, then why do you say humans are OP? And if they hide in the corner it is your D-bag friends fault dont blame the map because your friends like to be gay.
  11. Jester

    Jester Ancient
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    Good, concept but poor execution.

    You have stumbled onto a good idea, but the map prohibits it from fully developing.

    Humans are only vulnerable to assassination, so hiding in the corner breaks the gameplay.
  12. BWO Kilroy

    BWO Kilroy Ancient
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    Ok, since corners are a problem I have taken it upon myself to go back in and slap some anti corner objects in there, I will update the link as soon as my mom stops playing Millipede. lol
  13. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    Originality - I'm pretty sure that canvas maps have been done before.

    Aesthetics - What aestetics? Oooh... nice. You made a canvas map dark.

    Game play - Basically you recreated Ghostbusters with it being dark instead of being invisible and you didn't do a damn thing for a map. Can you say everyone back up to a wall and shoot up? What kind of game play is that?

    Improvements - Forge something. This is called ForgeHub not CanvasHub. I'm sure everyone that didn't know how to make it dark will now thank you for the dark canvas.
  14. Duckyz

    Duckyz Ancient
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    coudnt agree with you more

    and to you give up make some thing new and delete this peice of crap
  15. Kitsune Yosh

    Kitsune Yosh Ancient
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    I honestly think it's a good map. You don't have to bash it just because you don't like it. I think the whole concept is fun.

    It's like playing hide-and-go-seek, except when you're found you die. And the only place to hide is in complete darkness.

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