Sandbox Scorpio

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by RunTime83, May 14, 2009.

  1. RunTime83

    RunTime83 Ancient
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    (Gemini Remake)

    This sanctuary now rings with the sound of combat - the end of the ancient duality of the Covenant is truly at hand.

    This is my remake of Gemini. I named it Scorpio because it is one of the other signs of the zodiac. It is also a constellation, as well as Gemini. For some reason when I think about a desert, the first thing I think about is a scorpion, so it seemed to fit really well. ​

    It is true to the original. This includes weapons, spawns, bomb and flag locations, territories, and hill locations. It is nearly to scale, I'd say about 3/4 the size. It is setup for all the original gametypes plus I added in the new ones for Halo 3 gametypes. ​

    There are, however, a few things missing due to budget constraints. The small pillars in the two side ramp rooms are missing. Sadly, the once mighty prophet's statue has lost it's head and the ring has long since fallen. Some of the roof has also collapsed, leaving only the walls remaining. The dry, arid environment of the desert has also chipped away all the paint and color from the once mighty sanctuary leaving only the bare rock remaining. All of the limbs of the once mighty tree have rotted away and turned to dust. There is hope still, as the grass has begun to grow back, feasting on the nutrients of the dead tree's roots.​









    I hope you all really enjoy this map. I have spent many, many, many hours on it. It has been, by far, the most difficult, tedious map I have ever made. Oh, and the two walls above where the prophet's hands should be are to keep people from jumping out of the map. Please let me know if there are any problems. Feedback is always welcome and appreciated.​

    Action Shots

    Poor guy. lol
    Dutch, on your nine!!
    No more sniping for you.
    Wishful thinking.
    Shhh. Be wery wery quiet, I'm hunting wabbit.
    Death from abo---Uh oh
    The attack....and then the flank.
    Halo Safety Tip: #1. Never travel alone.​
    #1 RunTime83, May 14, 2009
    Last edited: May 19, 2009
  2. Zero_S1gnol

    Zero_S1gnol Ancient
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    Im downloading it....looks very cool!
  3. WREX

    WREX Ancient
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    WOW! First of all, I gotta say that this looks like you put a "stone-texture skin" onto Gemini. Secondly it is beautiful. Nice forging. Gemini wasn't my fav map in H2, but that's okay, you still did and amazing job!

  4. RunTime83

    RunTime83 Ancient
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    Thank you very much! It wasn't my favorite either, but I did always like it. I also wanted to pick a map that would be challenging. This map definitely fits that description(I started about a month ago) and was almost too much. I've never wanted to just be done with a map more than this one, lol.
  5. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    The map has been budget glitched, which means makes in ineligible in the contest (I could tell because when I deleted objects the money didn't come back). Sorry if you didn't know about that man, if you try deleting unnecessary objects you might be able to un-budget glitch it, but mostly everything looks like it is necessary for the map. If you want to enter the contest you better fix it... soon!

    The map itself I thoroughly liked, and I only had 2 issues:

    1. The map is breakable in the area where you put 2 single walls to try to stop people jumping out of the map. One plasma grenade and you can get on top of those walls, out of the map.


    2. There is some pretty bad Z-fighting in 3 areas (I don't really care that much, just thought i'd point out you can fix it by re-placing the objects slightly misaligned).

    If I want to "un"-budget glitch your map, start with deleting unnecessary stuff. If you simplified that statue of the prophet, the map wouldn't be breakable and you'd save on wall costs. Deleting the arms would solve two problems at once. The safety walls to stop you falling off the map are helpful, but aren't necessary in the strictest sense, and you only need to use obelisks if there are shotguns on them, the rest look pretty, but have no real purpose.

    The best part of the map is probably the doors to the shotgun area, they are the same shape as the original map if I recall. Good luck.
  6. Doomsday

    Doomsday Ancient
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    After playing this on a 1v1, it proves that the map promotes movement, besides the shotgun area, but the rest is great. 5/5
  7. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
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    Ah, I remember when I first bought my copy of Halo 2, and loaded up all the maps. This was by far the coolest one I saw withing the time span of about ten minutes :p

    But, this honestly looks amazing. I love the looks of it, and if it's true to the original, it should be awesome for some FFA slayer, right? Great job, I absolutely love the look of this.

    However, just an idea, why did you put walls above the prophets arms? Why not two kill balls, or something? Not saying it looks bad now, just a little...bland. Something shiny (possibly made by Apple?) would look cool.
  8. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    Sweet, now i can replace the old broken version with this one! You did a great job using all possible items. The other gemini remakes seemed poorly done in that area...

    But where are the purple lights?? You can't have gemini without them!
  9. RunTime83

    RunTime83 Ancient
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    First of all, I didn't do anything to the map, nor did anyone else. Skybubble Prep.

    People are so worried about grenade jumping. There is an easy remedy for that(besides slightly adjusting the walls): don't play with douches. I know about the Z fighting. I tried many times to make it to where it wouldn't happen but with all the interlocking it was inevitable.

    Thanks, everyone for checking out my map. Glad you are enjoying it.
  10. Next Wednesday

    Next Wednesday Ancient
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    what is Z fighting? By the way, sweet remake, I especially like what you've done with the tree. On the other gemini remake i saw, they like, tried to use pillars and stuff to recreate something that looked like a tree, stupid, your use of the two arches is simple and elegant, and retains the "jump through" premise of the original's sword spawn. I also like the idea of deleting the arms. It almost never works when people try to make sculptures with the scenery, they always come out blocky and crappy. Maybe ditch those arms, but it's your choice.
    I hated gemini in H2, so I won't be d/ling this, but my rating from the pictures (i know, lame) is a 8.9/10. Nice work, looks like you spent a lot of time and hard work on this map, keep it up!
    #10 Next Wednesday, May 14, 2009
    Last edited: May 14, 2009
  11. RunTime83

    RunTime83 Ancient
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    It's when the objects are overlapping just right and it produces a flicker effect when you move.
  12. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    I'm not saying you did anything to the map, some canvas maps have objects with higher run-time maximum's, when that happens even if you run out of budget it will still let you place stuff. If you delete objects that cost money and you still have $0, it's a dead giveaway.

    (Still an awesome map though)
    #12 Transhuman Plus, May 14, 2009
    Last edited: May 14, 2009
  13. DFS Faust

    DFS Faust Ancient
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    I Remember you Showing me this when it was halfway done. you did
    an amazing job best gemini remake i have seen yet.
    I Cant see any thing you can improve on yet ill have to dl and see for now
    4.9 out of 5
  14. Royal Bloodbath

    Royal Bloodbath Ancient
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    #14 Royal Bloodbath, May 14, 2009
    Last edited: May 14, 2009
  15. RunTime83

    RunTime83 Ancient
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    Um, No. You are wrong in all fronts. I started this map from scratch. I have shown this map in various stages of completion to many people, and they can back me on this. As for this not being original, you are right. IT IS A REMAKE OF THE HALO 2 MAP GEMINI. And if you are going to accuse someone of something, at least learn to spell. It is spelled "Capricorn" and "original" and "side". You sir, are an idiot.
  16. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    Map Theft?!

    You've proven that your observation skills are nowhere near your jumping to conclusion skills. I saw this map in various levels of creation from very early on in the build. It is far superior to the Gemini remake you linked and is completely different in design and scale.

    I am very impressed with this map. It does feel like the distant future of Gemini with the ceiling eroded and the paint washed away. Cool description. While there are a couple of nice remakes made for the contest, this one is the most accurate and the most daunting, as far as the work involved in recreating it.

    The games we played on it last night were a blast from the past and a lot of fun. You should post some action pics from those games. I want to see 20 pictures on the first page. That's your limit/post and I don't see any reason not to show this map off a little more when you put so much work into it.

    Great remake!
    #16 makisupa007, May 15, 2009
    Last edited: May 15, 2009
  17. RunTime83

    RunTime83 Ancient
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    Thanks, Maki. Both for your support in rediculous accusations and for your comments. I completely forgot to save those games from yesterday.....I played a bunch of Grifball last night and after seeing your comments earlier today I checked and it was too late. Well, I guess that just means we'll have to play some more games first! I'll definitely fill up the page with some pics though.

    Also, about the statue. It does more than provide aesthetic qualities to the map. It provides a break in the line of sight from the top section and the bottom section. If it were taken away or even just had the arms removed it would provide a sniper with a much more significant advantage. He would be able to camp by the bottom teleporter and just pick people off on the upper section, then if he got into trouble he could just go through the teleporter and camp the other side until it was clear. In my opinion, altering the statue would hurt gameplay more than help it.

    #17 RunTime83, May 15, 2009
    Last edited: May 16, 2009
  18. Marauder 01

    Marauder 01 Ancient
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    Wow, the map looks great from the pics. Im downloading now we will have to get a party together and play on it this week sometime.
  19. RunTime83

    RunTime83 Ancient
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    Thanks, dude! Oh yeah, definitely. I was real busy this weekend and wasn't able to play much Halo, so I need some game vids so I can get some good action shots.
  20. TFx KiLl3r

    TFx KiLl3r Ancient
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    Haha, sorry posted on the wrong version, your other version was awsome and this is even better. I absoloutley adore the middle bit and overall the map is a splender just to view from the pictures! 5/5 you have my dl

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