Sandbox Curse

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by regulargonzales, May 4, 2009.

  1. regulargonzales

    regulargonzales Ancient
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    After the dust settles in these decaying passageways, only the screams of the cursed remain.

    \\ Download Link //

    Created by Symbo
    Based on the Unreal Tournament map "Curse"


    When Sandbox arrived I knew I had to try something. I was never a fan of forging on Foundry, there were too many problems with it. Fortunately Sandbox solved most of them and opened up a whole new world of forging. I imagine in the months to come we'll see some amazing maps being made.

    So anyway I wanted to build a map based on one of my favourite FPS series', Unreal Tournament. I was playing UT2004 on my PC one day and I was on the hunt for a really enjoyable, versatile map which could transfer to Halo and forge. Curse was my choice. So I floated around on the UT map several times and made some drawings for myself so I could plan how I was going to build it on Sandbox and then I just got underway. I chose the Crypt level of Sandbox as it the best place which felt like Curse, which has many enclosed passageways. It always felt very subterranean and crypt-like so it was an easy decision to make.




    Curse is a relatively small map with several rooms and passageways. There are two main levels and two, somewhat, distinct base areas - red and blue. There's also a tunnel which runs through the centre of the map on level 2, which tends to see a lot of the action.

    The biggest problem I encountered when building this map was the budget limit. I didn't get to the total object allowance limit, which was good, but for many hours towards the end of my time forging this map I spent just amending certain areas just to squeeze the tiniest amounts of budget out. As this became so evident about half way through I was not able to add the third level to the the tiers of the map. This was a shame because it would have added another dimension to its play.

    But in the end it hasn't actually affected it much. It plays really well, which I am so proud about because it's taken many hours to complete this.

    Many areas are very faithful to the original, others have been amended to work with the objects and the limits. I have also added a few areas which did not exist on the Unreal map just to make it work better on Halo (and because of the lack of a third level).

    Recommended Gametypes

    FFA, Team Slayer, King of the Hill, One Flag, One Bomb.

    Note: the map is set up for every gametype but some things just don't work as well.

    Weapons and Equipment

    4 x Battle Rifle
    2 x Carbine
    2 x Needler
    2 x SMG
    2 x Plasma Rifle
    1 x Plasma Pistol
    1 x Sniper Rifle
    1 x Rocket Launcher
    2 x Frag Grenade
    4 x Plasma Grenade
    1 x Regenerator
    1 x Bubble Shield

    Floor Plan

    Click here for a floor plan of Curse in Bungie style:
    Floor plan 1
    Floor plan 2

    On here I have noted the weapon and equipment spawn points, and also the different camera angles from where I took the below photos.

    Please note the two colours. Green represents outside areas; purple represents enclosed or tunnel areas.

    Thanks to my buddy Supermoves for his photoshop work.


    Picture 1

    Picture 2

    Picture 3

    Picture 4

    Picture 5

    Picture 6

    Picture 7

    Picture 8

    Picture 9

    Picture 10

    Picture 11

    Top-Down 1

    Top-Down 2

    I hope you thoroughly enjoy playing this map. I've played it a number of times with my friends and we've all had a really enjoyable time. It can be fun and it can be really competitive so it has a good balance. Please recommend it to your friends if you like it.



    \\ Download Link //
    #1 regulargonzales, May 4, 2009
    Last edited: May 6, 2009
  2. siberian w0lf

    siberian w0lf Ancient
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    The map looks like it plays quite well from what I see. This actually looks like one of the better crypt map (which I tend not to enjoy very much) so I'll give it a DL.
  3. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
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    I was thinking about remaking Curse also but it sees you have done a pretty good job of it. Deffinitely downloading and will reply after I walk through it. It looks like a pretty fun map through halo's perspective.
  4. Soups

    Soups Ancient
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    Hopefully this gets the plays this map deserves, as it could do with a wider audience. For a first real concerted forging attempt, it's of a neat quality - you've tried and succeeded quite well in combating all the potential flaws with regards getting out of the map and such like. Overall it's a pretty good remake, though areas for various reasons have had to be changed to suit Halo more which is only a good thing in my opinion.

    All the games I participated in were fun to play, even through the various evolutions of the map itself. Hell, you even had a certain notoriously difficult to please with regards maps playing enjoying it!

    Gotta love the true-to-form holes [those walls with slots] in the floor of the high walkway, sticks, rockets, snipes all fun through those on unsuspecting passers by. :D
  5. last_chaos_7

    last_chaos_7 Ancient
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    nice crypt map like someone else said it is one of the better crypt maps out there. The interlocking looks pretty good I would probably have interlocked the wood bridge things with the ogjects below them but I don't think it will really matter much... Good map there and I can't say much more until I play it =)
  6. regulargonzales

    regulargonzales Ancient
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    Wow thanks guys! I really appreciate the kind words. It's a great feeling to work so hard on something and then actually get praise for it. Thank you

    I hope you all have fun with your friends on it :)

    I'll make sure I check out your forged maps as a token of good faith.
  7. TeapotKing

    TeapotKing Ancient
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    awesome looking, and a pretty accurate replica. This just reminded me of my half-finished replicas of flux 2, molten, osiris, asbestos and antalus (yes i was trying to recreate them all :) and i will when i have the time, it won't be a for a few months yet but i'll make an Unreal championship/tournament map pack with all the maps replicated some time.

    Edit: PS i downloaded :D
  8. Fearsome Engine

    Fearsome Engine Ancient
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    Quick Review

    Hey regulargonzales, your map caught my eye earlier today so I thought that I would give it a download and have a forge-through. If you are interested here are my thoughts:

    First Impressions

    Right from the first spawn your map is easy on the eye and simple to traverse. The weapons are easy to find and the rooms flow nicely into one another. However this is to be expected since your map is a remake of an unreal map. Never-the-less you seem to executed the remake well.

    Escaping the Map

    Since your map is an enclosed map it is almost inevitable that it suffer from escape routes. This is one of the key marks against any enclosed map so I'll cover it first. With my limited jumping abilities I was only able to find one route out of the map. If you stand next to the sniper rifle you can grenade jump onto the left-hand "arch" and from there you can jump on to the adjacent wall and out of the map. It is quite a simple route out from a rather secluded place so a player could do this during a lull in play. It should be quite easy to fix.


    The layout of the map is logical and well though-out. I particularly like the central canyon that runs through the map. Your use of tunnel sections gives the ground floor of this canyon a distinctive look.

    You have done well to implement different heights to all your floors above the ground floor. This is particularly evident in the room with the needler next to the sniper (picture 8) and in the central high BR room. This is a great plus for your map and gives an extra dimension to it, great job.

    Another favorite feature are the murder holes on the upper walk-ways. as well as the ramps leading up to the these. The ramp on the blue side being one of my favorite points on the map - the double back from the ground floor to the upper floor is a simple but great feature.

    I would agree with last_chaos_7 that the wooden bridge above the blue base could do with smoothing out particularly towards the middle of the map, it is difficult to crouch-walk over this part of the map.

    Also in the blue room: the two gravlifts could be interlocked with the "y-sections" so prevent them from being destroyed by explosives.

    A final note on construction: you have some z-fighting on the floor in the blue needler corridor.


    You have a decent and well balance set of weapons on the map. Most are very easy to spot and respawn as expected. I like the placement of the rockets and the sniper-rifle inparticular. However I think the 60 second spawn on the rockets is a bit short. It does have a small clip but perhaps a larger clip with a longer spawn would encourage the rockets to spread around the map a bit. The same could be said in a lesser extent for the sniper-rifle.

    I do like the set of weapons that you have chosen, however I think that this map would benifit from some of the great dual weapons that Halo 3 has to offer.


    Your spawns are well placed and consistent through-out the map. Most face in logical directions and arn't too close to each other. If anything you perhaps have too many spawns - lots of spanws in close proximity act as single "spawn zones" so may actually be redundant. In the central canyon you have some sets of spawns back to back. I would suggest turning these to face the direction of play, eg. towards the other team's spawn.

    Although your normal spawns are good, your starting spawns and spawn zones don't seem to have been placed correctly. Some of your starting spawns overlap with normal spawns. You also don't have many spawn point around you starting spawns which may cause players to spawn away from each other at the start of the game. Finally you have not set up any spawn zones; this may be ok in slayer but in your objective games this will cause the teams to spawn at random points over the map. I would suggest having a look at some of the spawning guides on these forums.

    Concluding Remarks

    Your map is neatly made and well laid out. It has some simple but very effective rooms. You spawns are decent but may require some more thought, particularly for objective games. This is a very solid map; with some extra work it could be a really great map.
  9. regulargonzales

    regulargonzales Ancient
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    Once again thank you for your comments. Fearsome Engine in particular, thank you for yours, as the constructive points have been very useful for me to not only improve this one, but for future maps I might build. I'll look into your suggestions and hopefully might have an amended version out shortly and I will add it to this thread.

    Thank you
  10. regulargonzales

    regulargonzales Ancient
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    Curse Map Variant: Important Notice

    I have just amended the map and have uploaded the new version to my fileshare. The links above are directed to the new version of Curse.


    - 2 x SMG included
    - 2 x Plasma Rifle included
    - 1 x Plasma Pistol included
    - 2 x Battle Rifle removed
    - spawn times of both Sniper Rifle and Rockets have increased by 30 seconds each
    - starting and objective spawns have been amended
    - several respawn points removed due to overabundance
    - spawn zones have been removed
    - two 'jump-out' gaps filled (theoretically there should not be any more)
    - two sections re-designed slightly to close grenade gaps
    - wall section added to red base to make the map more Oddball-playable
    - wooden foot bridge merged with scenery
    - minor change to central canyon region
    - zombie starting spawn added

    So yeah, please download my latest version:

    \\ Download here //

    I look forward to hearing further comments. :)

    #10 regulargonzales, May 6, 2009
    Last edited: May 6, 2009
  11. l ABlindGuy l

    l ABlindGuy l Ancient
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    Looks like one of those amazing slayer maps in the crypt, and it is. I agree with most of everything Fearsome said, and I like the CQC, because this map seems like one of those CQC maps.
  12. regulargonzales

    regulargonzales Ancient
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    Thanks, BlindGuy, I appreciate your positive comments on the map. Fearsome made some excellent points and, on the whole, I was able to incorporate his suggestions for improvements, so it should be even better now! Thanks
  13. Fearsome Engine

    Fearsome Engine Ancient
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    Quick Review Pt 2

    Hi regulargonzales, I managed to have a look at your updated map in forge and played a few games on it over the weekend. We played a couple of small slayer matches and two team doubles games. I've put my thoughts down here:


    I had a walk around to spot your changes from the previous version. Most of these changes are in the spawning and you seem to have implemented this well. However the spawn zones that you placed don't seem to cover all of the spawn points around them. You might want to expand the size of these zones.


    We played a couple of FFA Slayer matches and a couple of Doubles matches on this map over the weekend. All the games were slayer so we just got a chance to check out the spawns and the weapon balance. Here is a short review:
    All the games we played were a lot of fun.
    Every player said that they enjoyed the map; the map layout and weapon choice being the recipients of the most praise.
    It is a very easy map to learn, we came up with call outs and secure points very quickly.
    The upper central BR room is a brilliant feature of this map, all five approaches to this room provide interesting and varied combat.
    The timing of the sniper and Rocket spawns are just right for a map this size with the sniper rifle being the weapon of choice for everyone and neither weapon becoming too overpowering.
    Stickies and the Dual weapons also featured strongly in our games, these weapons are excellent counters to BRs in the central room.
    Although the map has natural choke points the abundance of routes around the map makes it a difficult map to lock down.
    At the same time the limited number of weapons means that it is easy to keep track of who has what and what you might be attacked by.
    The balance of routes, choke-points and weapons makes this a fantastic maps for small slayer matches.


    The grav-lifts in the blue room gave several people trouble during play, they don't seem to boost you up high enough and we occasionally had a player get stuck in them. Unfortunately this is a major detractor from a great map. To get smooth movement from low blue to high blue you need to give these lifts more height. I would suggest either floating the gravlifts a foot or two off the ground or moving the y-box up and putting in a bigger ramp.
    A once or twice during seperate games we had a bad spawn. One that stands out because it occured twice was a spawn on top blue: Players would be engaged in BR fighting across the length of the top walkway and then a dead team mate would respawn behind his team mate near the sniper side of top blue, usually right in sight and shot of his enemies. I think you will solve this if you sort your spawn zones out - you just need to expand the spawn zone on top blue to cover the whole walkway.
    Overall we had allot of fun playing this map. It is balanced and well exicuted. It still needs a little work to elevate it to the top level but my best recommendation would be that more people play this map. I think this map is well made such that it doesn't really need lots of testing but I think it would benifit from being downloaded and played. So get to it fellow forgers...
  14. regulargonzales

    regulargonzales Ancient
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    Excellent comments, Fearsome - once again! Thank you. I'll go back and try and make these amendments. You're right about the grav lifts and to be honest I've struggled trying to sort this aspect out. Hopefully I'll try and hang them in the air a bit higher which might work, as you suggested.

    Aside from that I'll work on amending the blue room spawns you mentioned.

    I'm glad you and your friends enjoyed it. Obviously I've spent a lot of time creating and tweaking it so to hear positive and very constructive comments is great!

    I'd just like more people to get interested in this map. :)
  15. TFx KiLl3r

    TFx KiLl3r Ancient
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    I really like the look of this map and i will download now. The gameplay could be intese and exciting and that is what i look for in maps. The map is well recreated and it looks neat aswell! 5/5
  16. Soups

    Soups Ancient
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    Yeah, having played a fair number of games on this map those grav lifts have been a bit of an issue on occasion. It seemed if I didn't get right into it to get the full force I wouldn't get the boost, and it's pretty difficult to get out of.

    The latest changes and weapon set tweaks are fine, quite liked the couple of 2 v 2 games we had on it as well - not quite as chaotic as 4's can be [depending on who's playing/how they're playing].
  17. D R A N C Y

    D R A N C Y Ancient
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    Wow this looks great i played it with some of my friends and we had a blast!
    Got any tips for me? Forge-wise?
  18. regulargonzales

    regulargonzales Ancient
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    Thanks for the comments, guys! Again, greatly appreciated.

    It's really nice not only hear you like the map but you're all really enjoying it with your friends too. It really does play well!

    Not really buddy, aside from getting adept at interlocking. Forging is not easy; Bungie have made it pretty hard, but the more you do it the easier it gets. It'll never be easy, but you get to judge distances better and everything gets quicker.

    Apart from that take note from the better forged maps. There's a lot of amazing stuff out there. Remember to make maps which balance well in every aspect - space, weapons, spawns. Testing is important too. Don't forget to get your mates involved to try it on different gametypes.
  19. Soups

    Soups Ancient
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    A little bit more feedback regarding your map:

    Tried playing this map again the other day, with King of the Hill [team] as the gametype. It worked reasonably well, at first it was a little hectic but improved quite quickly as both teams started developing and then copying each others on-the-fly setups for protecting hill. Might try Oddball at some point.
  20. regulargonzales

    regulargonzales Ancient
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    Yeah I've played it a few times with friends lately and it's working really well 2v2 or 3v3 with most gametypes. I have to admit it's not great with oddball just because you can drop the ball down at least one of the outer edges of the map (just because of how the crypt's walls are). But aside from that it seems to work a treat, especially slayer but KOTH is really good, as you say. And also flag and bomb still work well, preferably one and not multi as it's not symmetrical.

    I'm glad people are continuing to enjoy Curse. It does promote fast, fun gameplay.

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