Synthesis Creator: iTz Flair (minor assistance from Rogue Shaddo) Supported Gametypes: All Battletracks game variants Recomended Players: 8-16 Description:After 30 hours of work, my masterpeice has finally been created. I have been anticipating Sandbox for months, and although this is a little bit late and took a while to forge, I think it paid off... "Plunge into the twisting abyss of perfectly interwined banks, dips and jumps, all formed into the ultimate Battletracks environment. After a 36 second lap, take another blast through this flawlessly peiced skytrack hovering above the barren wasteland of Sandbox" Video: YouTube - Amazing Halo 3 Racetrack - "Synthesis" Pictures: Overview 1: Overview 2: Starting Point: First Wooden Banked Turn: Slightly Off Camberd Incline: Smooth Dip: Double Block Banked Turn: Off-Cambered/Steep Banked Turn: Frozen Tunnel: Wall Banked Turn: Mini Wave/Wall-T Banked Turn: Final Spiral Turn: Perfected Jump Back To Begginning: Well, I hope you enjoyed my first Sandbox racetrack, and I'll be sure to forge another, even better next time! Download Here Battle Lasers
Ummmm......... EPIC! This is one of those coasters that makes you think your dreaming. This looks insanely fun to race on with the ever-changing physics of the melting, turning, rolling track. Not only is the track itself incredibly forged, but it appears to be set in avery nice aesthetically-pleasing environment. More on this after I get to actually race it. Can't wait. Great Work. 10/10 P.S. when are we gonna see some really long, incredible, single track roller coaster tracks like Bam's Quantum! Those are teh best.
Umm... EPIC-ER than EPIC Wow this map is incredible you should be proud. Not only does it look and feel smooth it is an incredibly long track. It is also very well cordinated. The two curves going through one another is amazing and reminds me if a rollercoaster called dueling dragons if you've evar heard of it. Seriously good work. PS the intertwining loops also would work great for any battle tracks since you don't have to catch up you'll cross paths sooner or later on your map.
i think that the race maps are getting to extravigant, im starting to lean towards the simple race maps good forging tho
Hey I just tried your map and when I died I spawn on the ground floor. You have the spawn points too close together. You didn't test your map.. Why did you post so quick?? You must have covered the tips of the spawn points up. Other than that, the map is nice. Edit: Oh and put the defenders in the front row so I don't have to climb over a row of mongooses when I am playing the map by myself. You should also take out the BR. We have a game type just for BR's. And you should also consider putting the weapons to place at start no. You should also consider putting the sniper to 180 seconds. I think that 30 seconds is too soon.
I did test it twice, but only briefly and I had to get off right at the moment, and I jsut really wanted to post it. I'm going to go fix that right now so people won't be spawning on the bottom floor, thanks for letting me know Dream!
Yo dude, could you please test your maps before you post them next time. So far, I noticed a bunch of things that didn't work correctly for a proper game of BT. 1) the spawn points 2) the weapons' spawn time 3) the teleporter @ the bottom of the map 4) more stuff
Dream already notified me of these issues, I will fix them tommorow ASAP. You don't need to repeat what he already said, I tried literally everything I could about the spawn issue and its not working, so I'm thinking I'm going to have to re-do the spawn place.
Pretty SEXY ツ Dude seriously, this is DEFINITELY the best sandbox race tracks so far. Im not joking! The turns are perfect, the momentum from each of them gives you the right propulsion towards the next part of the track! The jump is impecable, a great addtion, makes the track so much better. Although this looks like just another track the jump and the amazingly placed banked turns gives the optimum amount of speed and agility towards the track from the rider. This definitely will be featured, its better than backburnner *enough said. Congradulations Flair, this is gunna be tough as hell to beat AnF ツ
Hey flair I didn't know you were making a sandbox racetrack lol... I kind of figured but you never said anything about it lol... This looks pretty sweet though it looks really well made but the only things I can see that I probably won't like and when it is an s bank sort of thing and you will have to use the sheild doors which I very much dispise lol... I'll check it out probably in 2 or 3 days becuase I have stuff to do today and tomorrow and I'll get back with a review of it (I have to go over to neighbors to see it lol because I still don't have xbox) For now 4/5 when I test it i'll tell more =) also I don't know if it is better than back burner that was one of my favorite tracks along with Typhoon and BlackHeart and this will probably be one of my favorites too once I test it =P oh and as for desert fox I know what you mean lol... although Bam is probably going to be one of the only very few people making roller coaster becuase they will not work for tournaments and the only way you can pass people is if they fall off which is very easy to do in a roller coaster... i'm not a fan of them and alot of people aren't but for the ones that are I guess it's fun =P
lol I think he'll take that as an insult I liked tranquilizer alot it was amazingly smooth lol... how are racetracks boring?
Attention To All Viewers: All flaws have been fixed, the spawns work correctly, it is 100% cheatproof and the weapons are put to neccecary spawning time. Again, thanks for notifying me Dream!
Better. I still found several cheats. On the right side of the goal, you can walk right through the portals. You need to move the far portal on the right over to the right more. You will need to save and end it. Also, you can go through the goal and quickly turn left and land on the track below. You can just put up a barrier on the left side to prevent this. Also, the jump is not perfect every time. I think you need to twek the grav lifts. Somtime I almost land short. You should have also made the spawn flush with the wood panels. I dont' know why you have it raised a bit. I bang down when I drive off the spawn. Last you should rasie the lights a little higher so you just see the reflection and not the actual bulb, or just hide the lights better. You should up the spawn time on all the weapons. You should put the sniper on 180 seconds. If you fix all this, the map will be that much better. Other than that, it's really awesome. Great job 4/5
I already fixed the goal problem, you are unable to walk through it now. The jump works perfectly for me, whichever side I hit it on, I always land smoothly. The reason the spawn is a tiny bit of a bump is because the wooden bridges are not perfectly horinzontal like the double wall, so there would be a bump if you drove off on the left or right side. I find the lights fine, they don't seem to bother me or anyone else but thanks for the review Dream!
what abouth the cheat dream told you did you fix that. I also dont like the beginning of some of the turns becuase i think you tried to raise it too fast and when i hit it my mongoose makes that noise (you know what i mean if you dont i will show you on xbox live) and pops up a bit. Also i dont like that blind turn i know there is shield doors but i hate cause you cant see anything when you are turning. This map also lacks originality. Its like racing tritons twist and typhoon and black heart all over again just with different asthetics. But the map looks amazing. 3.5/5
dude i was the first to see this map!!!! i love it and i dled it and cryed on my own shoukder when i made a lap!!!! epic dude!!!!
I'm sorry, but that has got to be the stupidest comment ever. You said the map is amazing, and yet somehow gets a 3.5/5 rating?? The turns are perfectly smooth they aren't too steep exept for the shield door one. How does it lack originality?? It has hills, dips, alternating banked turns and a jump what else can I do to make it even more original other then adding in aesthetics?...
Be more respectful flair. You should read carefully cause he says it looks amazing but didn't say it rides amazing there's a difference. He could be rating the map on the way it rides. I understand where he is coming from because it does remind me a lot of typhoon but it's just so hard to be original on bt maps and sometimes people have to take that in consideration before rating maps. Anyways, I think the map is good, it's smooth except for minor bumps in the map and the jump still needs to be tweaked a little, but is nice for battle lasers and is a well done map. Overall, I think it deserves a 4.2/5.
I raced on this map and I absolutely hated the "mini wave." The rest of the map was top-notch and very well done but the mini wave was horrible. I honestly think it ruined the whole track. I couldn't see over the top of the mini hill and the turn was just awkward. Now I'm not claiming to be the best mongoose driver in the world, but I'm pretty good and I fell off half the time I went on the wave part. Like I said, the rest of the track is very nicely done. But you need to fix the wave.