Let me preface this with the fact that I'm a moderate to lame Halo player, depending on my level of inebriation. Last Friday was one of those custom sessions where you didn't want me on your team because I was a HUGE liability. Case in point, I grab a Ghost and head straight over to an empty counterpart, thinking that this was a good idea. After dispatching my "foe", I head off in search of the largest ramp. Found it! Landing not unlike Evel Knievel, I see a worthy opponent heading towards the dunes (yes, it's that Urk) As I begin to fire, Urk throws down a bubble shield in a vain attempt at shelter. No problem, I think. I smell a splatter coming on... WTF?! Not panicking, I turn around, confident that his end is near. Urk senses something akin to "this guy sucks", and charges out from his safety net. You tell me, hit or miss? Not only was it a miss, but somehow it his shields are now fully charged, and I'm upside down in a dune. Undaunted, I attempt another swipe. I can hear Urk laughing through his headset, "Where ya goin', squid?". I've taken so long in my attempt to run over a Bungie employee that help has begun to arrive for the red team and I quickly come under fire. Not only am I being humiliated, but haxed as well. Note the player direction and firing angle (expand the view of the pic or click this). Now I'm in real trouble. I have a choice to make: do I go after the one who is actually doing me damage or do I stick to Leaping Larry and finally silence his laughter? I notice Urk has been reloading, so I go after his help. Was it the right choice? No. If there is a moral to this story, I would say it's the following: Don't drink a 12-pack in one evening. Urk will laugh at you.
Omg h4x Or lag. He probably has no ability to cheat, even if he does work for Bungie. If you hit someone, but they don't die/take damage, it didn't hit. Although it is convenient that this happened just as you were going to splatter a Bungie Employee...
The epically sad part is that I wasn't even aware that I was totally trashed. After I signed off and started cleaning up the gameroom, I counted 12 beer bottles sitting on my coffee table. egads.
Standing Standing is the true test of drunkeness. Sometimes if you are throwing back beers for a while while lounging you don't really notice how drunk you are until you get up. Your embarrassing ghost run should have been a hint though. Great caption story. Let's see more of these. That sure does look like auto-aim coming from the Elite.
Takes more than a Ghost and some drunk driving to take me out (usually just a little bit of AR fire does the trick though). Also, hax.
They brand a massive "L" sign on your chest. Made me laugh, I love when funny things liek this happen, especially when they give you the advantage.