New Idea: Mongoose-drop pod

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Glasgow, May 12, 2009.

  1. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    So, I was at the mall Sunday, trying my best not to be seen by anyone I know from school, and sneaked into gamestop, went up to the cashier, and got 1600 MS points. On the way home, I was thinking what should I do once I finish downloading the Sandbox Mythic Map Pack. When I got home, and waited about 45 minutes to finish downloading it, I went straight to Sandbox. I quickly realized a teleporter leads to the Sky Bubble, and that a death barrier exists beyond the Sky Bubble grid, preventing a working drop-pod that actually has a person inside. I can't play on weekdays because of school, so I didn't have a lot of time to play forge with Sandbox.

    It's Tuesday now (where I live) and I just realized at school, what if someone built a platform under the Sky Bubble grid, but still near it, therefore having no death barriers. On that platform, players spawn, and a mongoose would be placed facing downwards at an angle near the edge, and two overshields/custom powerups would be on either side of it. The idea is that one or two players get the powerups, hop in the mongoose, and drive off the edge, all the way to the ground level. If everything went as planned, you would live, but in some other occasions, you would lose your shields or die if you somehow fell off the mongoose and you somehow beat it to ground level first and it somehow splattered you.


    EDIT: added a picture of what i mean
    #1 Glasgow, May 12, 2009
    Last edited: May 12, 2009
  2. Rigest

    Rigest Ancient
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    Well just driving of seems kind a lame. I rather would see a switch, that would destroy pallets the goose is standing on or so.
  3. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    Yeah, this is just a rough draft, so expect updates along the way. Switches are awesome, I might implement one, but it will either become too complicated or require a second or third party to activate it safely, plus I want to promote the idea of being able to see where you are going to drop and the freedom you have of choosing where to drop. I'll see if I can work on it tomorrow if I'm not too busy.
  4. RichIBuildJumps

    RichIBuildJumps Ancient
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    The sky of sandbox is actually significantly lower than the death barrier of the sky bubble, you can place a teleport through this other barrier quite easily, you can then fall a hell of a lot further, maybe you could build this platform just below the death barrier itself, and create this drop pod you are talking about (Y)
  5. Duckyz

    Duckyz Ancient
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    theres another barrier under the death grid

    more like the spinny thing under narrows but only for players ( and teleporters)
    you can stand on it but u will die after a few seconds
    not shure abput a mongoose
  6. mavrick145

    mavrick145 Ancient
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    i will definatley help you with this. GT: Mavrick145
  7. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    Haha, that's the problem. My mic recently burned out on me (broke) and I have no way of communicationz. I'm not accepting help, but I will credit you guys if you hand me good ideas.

    Also, if you didn't know, the overshields are supposed to help survive the impact. I've did this on a small scale on Avalanche, and suffered maybe around 10-15% damage from the highest point of Avalanche.
    #7 Glasgow, May 12, 2009
    Last edited: May 12, 2009
  8. RaVNzCRoFT

    RaVNzCRoFT Ancient
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    What's wrong with using a custom powerup?

    Or, if you can build a switch that drops the mongoose straight downward or can otherwise control the path of the falling mongoose, you can use grav lifts to slow its descent.
  9. Chedderboy

    Chedderboy Ancient
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    As people have said, there's a second death barrier after the sky bubble grid. If you fall on this, you'll float for a few seconds before dying.
    However, if you go onto the main level, you can pass teleporters through the elastic barrier. Once you've done that, you can forge the drop pod, without worrying about a death barrier.
  10. CheeseJam

    CheeseJam Ancient
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    What is the purpose of this, to look cool? Couldn't you just drive the Mongoose off if you wanted to, instead of an elaborate switch? I still don't get what this is even for...
  11. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    Just an idea or something for show. These people want switches, but I just want to keep it simple.

    I recently found out that there is 2-3 barriers, the two highest ones being death barriers, and the lowest one being a ceiling or something. That prevents me from actually making a high altitude drop,which I wanted, so that frustrated me. I'll try overloading the map or something and find out the results.

    If this idea fails, I fail, and I make myself look like a noob, so that sucks for me. I'll try experimenting with unblocking teleporters/spawns and see how it can be implemented into gameplay.
  12. Duckyz

    Duckyz Ancient
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    just experiment with all the death barriers to see what works and what dosn't

    icba to try myself the disc dosn't let me play
  13. Spirit798

    Spirit798 Ancient
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    I really did just say "ASC said hi" to my mom.
    She was confused and didn't say anything back. I think she'll be taking me to a psychiatrist soon.

    Maybe check out the Skyless Box , I haven't tried it, but maybe you can fall cleanly from here.
  14. thumtac

    thumtac Ancient
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    1. You have no self confidence if you have to sneak into a gamestop. I would be more embarrassed to see my friend sneaking around the mall than to see him nonchalantly walking into gamestop.
    2. Even under the grid the death barrier still exists. The grid only marks the surface which you can place objects on. The death barrier is about 2 feet below the grid. Therefore if you spawn under the grid you instantly die if you jump down or touch a part of the block which is under the death barrier
  15. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    This idea is not bad. In fact, I think it is rather original and interesting. However, there are some key problems.

    I am not 100% sure, but the death barriers extends a great distance from the grid. Also, I think that there is another barrier (confirmation?). You may be able to make it so it works. I don't know.

    The next thing is the fall. I don't know if your OS idea will work, but it might. With normal shields, a mongoose fall from the top of the middle tier turns into a firey explosion of death.

    Good luck with this.
  16. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Some one please do a side on view of the barriers in paint please because i cant test this myself.
  17. Chedderboy

    Chedderboy Ancient
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    I just remembered some way that you could fall from the skybubble to the main level. This canvas map has the original items placed outside the skybubble, out of the way. I was messing around ounce, and drove one of the choppers off the platform. Surprisingly, it fell all the way to the ground floor. The chopper was obliterated on impact. The towers will have to be blocked in this case, and you'll have to save/quit the drop area in place, but it allows for an uninterrupted fall.
  18. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    I wasn't really sneaking, and it's right next to one of the mall's exit, so it was a clear run. I just didn't want to be seen because then I'd have to talk to them and they would invite me to go with them or something, blablabla.

    I'll try other methods. Guys, really read the first post before you post, I mentioned that the mongoose, and the driver make it safely down. I'll see what I can do, and I want to experiment with man cannons and grav lifts facing up now.
  19. mavrick145

    mavrick145 Ancient
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    i made a bunch of stone platforms stacked on top of each other all the way to the first death barrier(i may have had to delete o few of the bottom ones though.) if you do this then you can experiment to see where you can be at your highest and then make the mongooses up there on a walll double. BTW the gooses do die from that hight unless you make indestructable vehicles (as far as i know...) mabie you could make a ton of grav lifts at the bottom in a circle where the player should land, if they don't land there then, BOOM!
  20. SpeedDemon

    SpeedDemon Ancient
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    Sorry to burst your bubble, but unless you had the mongoose land on a shield door platform or something of that sort just before it reached the ground...You'll explode on impact
    I found this out when me and my friend were messing around on the "giant ramp" in sandbox, where the top of it is just above the skybubble...even halfway down i fell off and my mongoose blew up, along w/ me :'[
    Good idea though, like i said I suggest somekind of shield door platform for the mongoose to land on to reduce the initial impact that will blow you into teeny little pieces :]

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