Sandbox Division

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by MongooseMan, May 12, 2009.

  1. MongooseMan

    MongooseMan Ancient
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    4-12 Players
    Team Gametypes

    First, I would like to say that I think this is my best map so far.

    Division is a map focused on long range combat, but can also offer short range as well. The map itself has two bases. Red base, being built up instead of down, and Blue base, being built down instead of up. These bases are somewhat divided by a large wall and two others. These walls prove to be important by having players take different routes in the map to reach the other base. These walls are also effective in making sure neither team sniper is overpowering, however there are two slots in the middle for those who want to go for it. The Gametypes I have set for Division Include:

    Team KoTH
    Team Slayer

    The Weapons and Equipment for Division Include:

    Assault Rifle x 2-30 Respawn
    Battle Rifle x 8-45 Respawn
    Frag Grenades x 4-10 Respawn
    Plasma Grenades x 4-20 Respawn
    Spikers x 4-60 Respawn
    Laser x 1-180 Respawn
    Bubble Shield x 2-120 Respawn
    Sniper x 2-120 Respawn
    Needler x 2-60 Respawn
    Mongoose x 2-45 Respawn

    Well, now that you know about the map, time for some pictures!

    This would be the main wall seperating the bases.

    The blue base.

    Inside blue base.


    Better look going under arch.

    Laser Spawn (Middle of Map)

    Red sniper tower.

    Main Red courtyard.

    The red base itself.


    Inside Red base.

    Top Red.

    Another overview.

    Yet another overview.

    I hope that this map is to be enjoyed, and I hope it gets more attention than my other two maps. I have bearly tested this map, so please comment if you get a game going. Or if i'm online, send me a friend request-Thanks

    Please Rate, Comment, and Enjoy!

  2. redpox28

    redpox28 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks pretty good. The interlocking is smooth, and the map is well laid out. One thing however, I would work a little more on the bases, because they are not very original. If you can. It looks like you might be out of items/budget.
  3. k1ngk00ba

    k1ngk00ba Ancient
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    everything looks well put together, i see one issue: the golf cup, for me it takes away from the overall look and feel of the map
  4. MongooseMan

    MongooseMan Ancient
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    well, i would agree that the blue may not seem as important as red. This is because i ran out of objects to use to build it. I am intending to make a V.2 with possible geo-merging and more vertical interlocking.
  5. T3H Sniper King

    T3H Sniper King Ancient
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    The map looks very well built, and by far one of the best I've seen. The only thing I would recommend is more visual aspects. Such as... Columns merged into the walls to let you know what side your on.

  6. sebby625

    sebby625 Ancient
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    This looks like a great map! The only thing that worries me is the Golf Cup being a problem in gun fights. 9/10. BTW I like the way you interlocked the structures on the Golf Cup
  7. Prodigious 7k

    Prodigious 7k Ancient
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    when i was reading the top before i had seen the pics you mentioned a large wall and i was like f**k hes copied my map, but when i looked down i saw i was mistaken. the maps looks very clean and good to play on, dont change anything 9.5/10
  8. MongooseMan

    MongooseMan Ancient
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    The tin cups interlocked with the stone structure shouldn't be a problem at all. I simply added them as a visual appeal. The mongooses, atleast every time I played, used the Tin Cups to drive off of as well.
  9. Onionboy

    Onionboy Ancient
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    You should put an "s" in the middle... for sweet
  10. V

    V Ancient
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    Just report his post and move on with life I guess. Oh and I'd probably delete your post before someone (not me by the way) reports YOU for spam *wink* *wink*.

    Anyways onto the map. One thing I'd say already is move the lights near both snipers either, farther away from the snipers or into the blocks that the snipers rest on. Those lights can create some nasty glare otherwise.
  11. MongooseMan

    MongooseMan Ancient
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    I guess so. I somewhat wanted them to be close to the snipers so they wouldn't be overpowering. I will probably move them in a V2
    Thank you. I haven't tested the map much myself, except for a 2 on 2, which was still pretty fun.
  12. Runic Aries

    Runic Aries Ancient
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    The map looks good but I have one thing that bothers me to no end and i just must ask, whats the point of the upside down mancannons underneath the mongooses?
  13. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I like the looks of this. I see some nice, original structures and all the angles are really cool. I like those things made out of the tin cups and platforms. It really looks like you took some time to make a quality map instead of rushing to get a crappy map out. The weapon set looks fine and the forging looks very neat. I'll DL this and check it out.
  14. MongooseMan

    MongooseMan Ancient
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    The mancannons had been removed under the mongooses, due to grenades that could fly off them. I took the Pictures then made some last minute edits before i posted. The idea had come from the little pad the mongooses sit on, like in standoff (i think) But yes they had been removed.

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