For Brozin I was pressed for ideas and wanted to play quickly on live so I kinda put letters together in he coolest combination I could think of, my only rule was no numbers. The name has started to grow on me though and i got a bunch of hard achievements on it so I'm sticking with it. Speaking of which I need to renew Brozin so I can get in on the TGIFD's
21st of March or 13th of February? I got my tag from Phantasy Star Online. 'Twas a big yellow, slow moving... thing. Just tried putting names of the more powerful creatures and Grass Assassin, Choas Sorcerer and Choas Bringer were taken and Hideblue just didn't have impact.
A while back I needed to make a email account for a couple of things, but i hadn't thought up any kind username in advance, so I used the help function on yahoo. I didn't like any of the entries and thought, 'I'm practically bilingual, I can do better than this' cause I was in Spanish that year (4 years of Spanish and I still can barely speak it). Well that day I had learned a new vocab list which included gordo (fat). Well I liked the way that word sounded and frogs are my favorite animals
Origin of my gamertag. Quite a while ago in CS:CZ, If i got killed, i'd always yell 'Oh Noez!' And my mates on skype/speakerphone would get pissed. I also LOVED THE LIVING FECAL MATTER out of Super Mario 64. Last year, i simply thought... WIN. OhNoez64 was born. If you've played with me (You should. Add me) You'll notice i still yell Oh Noez, when i respawn, or around 3 seconds later ill say in a low sexy voice... "sixty... four..." I WAS going to be ShreddinPie, since i'm an avidly fast guitarist, (METALFTW) and pie could be the best pastry held food ever thought of. I sorta would've liked being ShreddinPie... *sniffsniff*
My original XBL Gamertag was trendkill009 because it's what I had on PSN, I then changed it to Mr Skittles009 for reasons I don't know, then I joined a clan and changed it to FSC Acephalos, after I found out the clan leader was boosting I left and changed my name to Mythic Fear, after that I finally landed with HC DeathRoll43 My current Gamertag is based of of [Hate Crew Deathroll] by Children of Bodom. I loved the song so much I made my gamertag it. I didn't need to add the 43 it's just a personal number to my girlfriend and I. She also has xbox live (even though she almost never plays) and her gamertag has a 43 at the end as well.
XxHG Br K1ngxX Well let's start off, shall we. Xx, well quite obvious those are two x's to help makethe gamertag available, HG is my cities Initials, Br stands for Battle Rifle, of Burger, which ever one, and K1ng stands for king, then the last xX just makes it look cool. I got by Br K1ng or Burger King to many. It's quite funny. No I do not like Burger King...
SK Aleks, well SK means "Sniper King" I really not necessarily one I mean get my moments sometimes I really only put "SK" because I like sniping. As for the Aleks part I spelled it like that because Alex just looks boring so I decided to put "ks" instead of "X" because looks cooler and it's the short version of Aleksandr which is the Russian form of Alexander which is somewhat my middle name. Because my middle name is Alejandro. I would have made zZ Alex Zz but someone took it >_>
Xo NUTST3R oX I used to be J4M NUTST3R, but eventually decided against that name, and chose to join my friend in the Xo [name] oX scheme. I chose NUTST3R because it's related to my last name (it contains nuts XD).
I was playing some desert shooter with my mate online, and i accidentally grenaded a camel. I then was forced to proceed and use it's remains for cover whilst i was under gunfire. Hence, Camel Carcass.
My Gamertag's "Scottash", which unfortunately is the cause of much ridicule in pre-game lobbies, but it's worth it once I whoop their nooby asses. Being Scottish, going to an English boarding school can be hard lol (hopefully most of you are aware of the English-Scottish "rivalry"). So some of my friends started to call me "ScottASH" rather than "Scottish" as they put on one of the worst Scottish accents I've ever heard in my life. So I suppose it summed me up and it stuck. Some would go as far as saying "Scootash", but that's just absurd XD
lol mine is at the mom F2P Gametypes. F2P = Forge Team. Gametypes is just our team account lol but i think not very original right?
Me and my friends decided to make our gamertags really long and stupid(sPaG3Tt1 5AwC3-current GT) rifte gifle on the other had is a different story with some history to it. Well as some of you know I go to a french immersion school, and my friend made a joke about rhyming the words rifle(rifle) and gifle(to hit). Get it? It rhymes. So, I decided to use it as my GT because I got a 360 about week later. Why it is now rifte gifle, instead of rifle gifle, is simply a spelling error.