CnC, tried a stock that was a tad different, my style still shows as you can see, I experimented with some new layer masks, they aren't very visible but if you can see them than you'll see what I am talking about. Mick Thompson of Slipknot, stay (SiC) if you're a maggot.
NUMBER 7! Maggot for life, bro! I love the effects coming out of the guitar! Keep it up! (Maybe you should do Clown next, btw...)
Thanks man!!! reppin Slipknot . I might do Clown, seeing as his mother just passed away, maybe a tribute to the entire Crahan family.
You and Slipknot, is very much like me and anime. I can see why people are getting pissed at that now. Great job.
I couldn't really tell it was Mick. Maybe because there's no Corey to compare his ridiculous height with... Anyway, nicely edited. I like the focal, they blend very well with your lighting and effects.
Its very nice, and i agree with all comments, but where is his other leg? Thats the only thing i thought looked wierd.. and i thought it was smudging not liquify
Lol his right leg looks like that of a robot's. You are one of the best in my opinion when it comes to lighting. Superb. I like those little things coming out of him that give it such an incredible flow. Wouldn't it be great if you can post a tutorial or even a video tutorial on how to make your sigs?
I don't do tutorials, I don't appreciate a lot of people running around with signatures of my teachings and such. BTW Thanks for all the feed back guys. Whoever asked about the second leg: His second leg is in a brace at the moment he hurt it on tour, and his back hurts, I think it go to his leg now, he has a weird head banging style.