My games usualy last about 2+ hours sometimes 3 I can usauly defend against rushes and build up a respectable deffensive army while i tech them up. I use the PoR as my main leader and he does well offensively and defensively .
... Oh you, you say the silliest things. Sure, if a newb gets walked over by a good player, the newb will not enjoy the match. It's like that for every game. Deal. With. It. The fact is, rushing games require more action on the part of the player as every second is being played. Most games will end in a climatic battle or in a very tense moment where you wonder if the vital unit makes it out alive.
All games rushing or no rushing have climactic battles. BUT, if you play a game without rushing both sides will have more defense creating a more epic battle of awesomeness and whoever looses will at least know they played a good game and watch the enemy destroy there last hope of living in satisfaction and respect for the other player In other words homie.....No body respects rushers! with the exception of fellow rushers Rushers are just n00bs in disguise
So what, now we're playing "let's let each other build up giant mega armies and watch **** explode"? Honestly, how can you say rushing is a "n00by" when real armies rush their enemies? Hell, the Japanese kinda structured the kamikaze around rushing if you wanna get right down to it. Rushing does not make a person "n00by". It's a ****in RTS lets get real here. Rushing is a plausible tactic and the inability to adapt in the game and quash this tactic (you obviously have this inability) makes you "n00by". I mean seriously, besides maybe one rush, its possible to counter virtually everything your opponent tries to throw at you if you know how to. God forbid you try to realize that instead of letting yourself think, "He beat me. Easily. HE'S A NOOB!!" Right now, given the arguments in this thread, I respect Telrad's playstyle a lot more that yours, buddy. I lol'd
Ill admit i have a rushed in a few games here and there but it was always to capitalize on their lack of an early army, an example is going for an economy boost. So i say this if i hadn't rushed him but built my army as though i was and just focused on getting new units and upgrading and he attacked wouldn't I lose because he went for a high tech units for mid game while i have a very powerful low tech army. I truly believe rushes are a legitimate attack that can easily be stopped if you build normally and don't go for a economy first tactics... which i would never advise unless it 3v3. Like a Vulture rush for example could work on exile if you are in the back base and get both reactors. this is assuming your two other teammates have an army and pressuring your opponent.
I like this guy.^ 3v3 games are a good time to sit back and build rather then rush first and build later. BTW i do enjoy a good rush from time to time
Uh... no. It's hard to respect someone as a player when all they did, most likely, is 'select all' move to enemy base. I'll repect someone when they fend off my army with Regret or they outmanuevered my Tank to get right into my base and take out my VD. I'll repect someone who takes out all the soldiers around the Mega-Turret in the first two minutes of the game and uses it to destroy my Reactor. I will not respect someone who made a pretty light show with 40 units against 40 units. 'Aight, I'm getting what you saying. Your saying that nobody repects more competitive players who are better then the other less skilled majority of a player base. Is that what you're saying? Becuase that is so true. I bet MLG pros are so lonely with only each other... Wait a minute... Your face is a n00b in disguise. XD
I use the prophet to harrass my enemy and once i weaken them enough i'll bring in heavy or more units. Honor guard eliets are very good for early attacks against infantry and warthogs and if used correctly 5 honor guard elites can keep one oppenent at his base and unable to attack while his teamates try to save him. I don't rush i harrass alot :]
....and you're a non respected double poster with an obvious inability to use god given intellect. But I digress... I just lol'd even harder. Vice actually condoned rushing and you agree with him and now you're saying you rush as well? Yay for hypocrisy!!! Honestly, buddy, at this point you have succeeded in doing nothing but sounding stupid (bear in mind I'm not saying you are dumb, rather, the arguments you present in this thread are). Let's review shall we? You make a thread talking about a rush that you formulated in your free time that works for one player. Telrad comes along and blows that out of the water. You then proceed to fight a losing battle of tactics with Telrad about how this rush is the best rush ever. But wait!! There's more!! Somehow, while fighting this losing battle of tactics, you proceed to say that rushing is "nooby" and that it deserves no respect. So essentially you say you deserve no respect. You then fight to defend your newfound position on Halo Wars tactics, belittling rushing and thoroughly destroying the purpose of your own thread. Then along came Vice. Vice comes along and says rushing is a plausible tactic, amidst other things, and you misjudge his post and then you say you enjoy a good rush. You say the silliest things. So I must ask, what side are you really on?
I love the people on Forgehub!!! First, everybody is a n00b at some point. whether its Halo 3, Gears of War, or Halo Wars everybody goes after that power weapon or "oooooober rush" every ounce in a while. Rushing for the sake of rushing is stupid (rushing for the sake of rushing is basically where ure coming from) but Rushing every ounce in a while for fun is understandable. Now you are saying im dumb because i present a rush strategy that fits my "fun from time to time" description and then move in to a discussion with Velard on how rushing all the time and for the sake of rushing is stupid and n00bish... whose the dummy here? And before you reply to this both of you havent been "picking up what ive been laying down" ,if you catch my drift, so try and reply intelligantly next time. well you see here, this is a perfect example of "not picking up what im laying down" as i have stated up there^ Lets create a scenario here: Ive got my army set and he has his army set. If what u are saying is true i selected my army and sent them to the enemy base with the enemy's army off at disneyland riding the doesnt describe it. thanks for defending my point let me quote this one: "Pick up what im laying down"... if u dont understand what that means ill tell u at the bottom Again it takes no skill to set one's rally point at there base and make units....It does how ever take skill to micromanage a full army to kill another army... get it yet??? Another failed attempt at a! ~ "Picking up what im laying down" - To comprehend what im telling you. To understand the text you are reading BTW about the double post, if you havent noticed im only a UNSC Graduate im still learnign the ropes of Forgehub
We love you too. That's not what you said at all about rushing. You said rushers don't deserve any respect and are "noobs". Yet you say you rush for fun. This makes you a rusher, albeit to some extent, but a rusher nonetheless! So I can say I rush all the time for fun and not be a "noob". Hell, dude, I play video games for fun competition. Everything I do in a video game is for the sake of having fun. I'm not going to play something that isn't fun. I didn't say you are dumb; now you're putting words in my mouth. I merely said you arguments for said reasons stated in my previous post are dumb. And to the whole "picking up what I'm laying down" crap....C'MON, DUDE ACTUALLY READ WHAT I TYPE and I quoteth thine own words.... You really don't know what strategic rushing is do you? Try another failed attempt at making a valid argument. I understand that; you obviously don't. Seeing as how you couldn't comprehend my last post. *Facepalm* Oh my god! You're only a UNSC Graduate? That changes everything!!! Please feel free to spam, flame, double post, etc. to your hearts content!!! Seriously, dude? Let's get real now; that's probably the stupidest thing you've said yet. There are simle rules that are in effect on most of the forums you'll find on the internet. Every forum I've been to has a no double posting/spamming rule (with the exception of a board that allows that, for example FH's off topic, 4chan's /b/).
Ugh this is hopeless! Let me restate my opinions of this madder and forget anything else i say First, my thoughts about rushing: Rushing requires a skill in the sense that you need to know how to effectively train different kinds of units extremely quickly. And they need to be able to destroy the enemy teams defenses(if any) and there base. Second, My thoughts about a normal game: A non-rusher has skill in the sense that he micromanages an army of 40-50 units, he has a strong enough defense to fend off enemy rushes, he can keep up a good economy (opposite of america' while still producing and researching his army. Third, My comparison of the 2: All though a rusher has some skill a non-rusher could beat a rusher any day of the week. Because, While defending his base the non-rusher still maintains an economy and has steady unit output. If a rusher is unexpectedly attacked they will first, continue to build there origionally planned units about 90% of the time, Second they will have next to no defense because all the rusher is doing is spending all of his money on the units he is rushing with. Fourth, What i mean when i say i rush: I agreed with Vice when he said: . An enemy that seems like they are doing nothing for defense deserves a rush and that is when i rush. Fifth, Why I say rushers are n00bish: allthough i may not be 100% right on this i still defend this because a rusher does not have the skill a nonrusher does. You guyz say rushers have the most skill Well if Halo Wars were MLG im sure they would definitly start with a rush but if that rush failed they would not be caught without a defense back at there base and thats for sure! Let me know if i forgot anything Think for a minute PLEASE!!! Now that we have thought for a minute i meant that i had no idea how to quote without pressing the little quote button at the bottum of the post.
Ok now, that you've explained yourself a little better, I can agree with most of what you say. One, I don't believe rushing is the hands down beat all end all to halo wars, I just believe it is a very good tactic when used properly. Great offensive and defensive strategies demand equal amounts of skill in my opinion. The only reason I was defending the rush so vigilantly was because I believed you were saying defensive battles took more skill that quick precise strikes that make good rushes. I do believe your position on defense demanding skill is true as well, but I believe they demand about equal amounts to win. Two, you've been here for a few months now and you've obviously had time to learn to use the quote button. I will not budge on this matter.
Thank you for finally understanding Sorry if im considered a "slow learner" but i figure out how to quote by changing the spoiler thingy to quote and it worked
No problem. All I need is sound reasoning. Meh....fair enough. I'll admit it took me about a month to figure out how to disect a person's reply into numerous quotes. Now you know; that's all that matters. Although at this point, i think this should stop simply cuz we're starting to get off topic. I'm pretty sure neither of us need another infraction/warning.
Okay then, I won't respond to anything before this post. First of all, in lower tiers of competition this may be what a 'rush' is. In higher tiers, the player knows that they won't be able to take out the base in a situation where the enemy has the advantage and the enemy always has the advantage at their base. So, instead of all that, a rush is no longer a rush but harrasment. The player aims to take out anything useful. A rusher never aims to plow through defenses, unless it's an all-in rush. Okay but you're saying this as if the rusher can't do these things. Again, you're saying this as if the rusher can't do these things. A good rusher will be making his economy when he's attacking you. Now, I'm seriously confused. In these arguments, were you putting a good non-rusher against a random rusher on the internet?
A good rusher creates a defense while on offense. When I rush in the beginning of the game, Its with a combo of hunters, banshees, leader, and wraiths with the occasional locust(doesn't happen often). what happens when they all die? a player I played against was curious. he attacked my base. He found 4 large turrets and about 3/4 of my army. Thats what a rusher is supposed to do. Too bad I suck nuts at the game so I don't really pose much of a threat on any of that but still it would work if I was better at managing everything.