The Breach The Breach is a team based symmetrical map designed for team slayer or CTF. 6-10 players recommended. Weapons * 4 battle rifles * 2 sniper rifles * 4 maulers * 2 shotguns * 1 brute shot * 1 needler * 1 rocket launcher Equipment * 2 bubble shields * 2 power drains * 4 plasma grenades * 2 firebomb grenades * 4 frag grenades Screenshots Overview Red Base Tower Center Building Top View Thanks for reading this, have fun! download map here: The Breach
Wow. This map is amazing. The bridge is very well done, and the overall layout is very good. My only complaint is that the bases are a small bit too open, but that may be needed for the vehicles.
Well it seams no one is taking the time to review your map, I however will be more than happy to. Just a basic sugestion that I put out for all posts is that it would be a good idea to include a weapons list. Your map has quite a nice asthetic appeal to it and lines of sight look great. I have one problem though which is that it looks like the only way onto the upper base would be from the middle of the map. If there is a way to acess the top of the base from the base feel free to correct me. I am aware of the side ramps but that still is a bit long of a walk to get on your own base. (grav lift maybe?) One other thing is that you have what I am asuming is a sniper tower out of tubes. It only has one entrance and lots of cover which is a bit of an issue. Normaly I would say to make more than one way up but for your tower that would be a bit difficult. So I would recomend placing two fusion coils by the bottom to be shoved up the lift or if there is room maybe place them up in the tower. And remember weapon list it realy helps people decide wether to down load your map or not. These are all minor tweaks so don't be discouraged you do have a great start here. I hope this is the feedback you were hoping for and feel free to ask me any further questions. Keep forgeing! EDIT: I also agree with what redpox said about the cover. If you look at your birds eye view pic you can see the natural lines of the floor heading towards each corner. I would use some tube ramps on their sides and place them directly in between the two paralel lines with the ramp parallel with the lines as well.
The overall map has a good feel to it, but the bases themselves feel a bit bare. A base should usually be a bit more bulky and offer a little more cover. I think if you developed this area more, the map would improve greatly. It might be good to start by bumping each base out towards the center of the map by just a bit. From there, I'd add a ramp to the top of the base. Be sure those upper areas are accessible enough to each team, otherwise a game can become unbalanced and un-fun. Overall you have a good start!
Awesome map, but don't post comments like this: It makes you look desperate. The map is very asthetically pleaseing. The center structure really caught my eye. My only problem, is the bases. I suggest you merge the walls together to make a more smoothe walkway, and maybe add some more to the bases, because they look pretty empty, maybe some cover, or a few more weapons. Also i see no real need for a mongoose on this map. Other than that the map loks great.
I agree with Manoukian the map is great but would look better with an upgrade to the bases, maybe some cover or sniper boxes.
Your map looks very nice.I think the bridge in the middle was very thought out and well done.The bases look nice as well.I don't think the mongooses really belong in the map and in my opinion should be replaced by ghosts to give the middle bridge in the map a little mayhem-like fun!Also your layout looks solid so I'll give you a 4/5.Include more screenshots and maybe action shots as well in your next post.Great job!
Thanks for the feedback everyone, about the bases being sparse, I hit the part limit. About accessing them, there is a ramp on either side of each base to the walkway and if your feeling more skilled you can jump on one of the shields in front of the base to access the top. The main reason for this is to create a dramatic struggle to return the enemies flag to your base second floor. I wanted the mongeese to be a fast way to raid their first floor and steal the flag. That's the easy part. The hard part will be getting back to your base 2nd floor. Regarding the sniper towers, they may seem like an overpowered hiding spots but there are slits in the base allowing for well placed grenades to flush them out or kill them without them being able to see you.
You have no idea how much this looks like one of my Timesplitters 3 maps! Well, a lot better, actually, since TS3 offered a less flexible map making system (but you could make a lot bigger maps, though, and could choose your own texture and stuff... I <3 that mapmaking system) but the core design is pretty much the same. Only difference, though, is that you can jump in Halo :3 Making this experience all the more epic! I'm definately giving this a download!
seeing as this map was posted at 1:30, yes, there arent going to be many comments, wait for more people to get home. When it comes to the map, its pretty good, the forging looks decent and i like the layout of that middle structure. I would give this a 3.5/5
Wow, of all the maps crowding the forums lately, this has got to be one of the worst. Especially the mongooses. Joke aside, glad to see you finally posted it. Maybe I can help you redesign the bases? I love the ascetics, no one has done anything like this yet. 4/5, I'm not sure about gameplay.
In order to solve that item limit problem for future maps, take an OLN canvas and delete all objects except grenades, brs, and spawn points/objective points. That should prevent you from hitting the item limit.