Sandbox Tribal War

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by luckeas, May 11, 2009.

  1. luckeas

    luckeas Ancient
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    Map Title: Tribal War 2.6**edited** 9/19/09

    Map Description: Welcome to where time stands still, no one leaves and no one will. 6-12 players



    (photos may not represent actual weapon/equipment spawns, reason being that small tweaks are made constantly)

    About Your Map
    1. Write a brief, one paragraph "elevator pitch" for the map. Include primary features of the map, weapon load-out, whatever you think will "sell" the map.

    Built for Assault, CTF, and Slayer, "Tribal War" does them all brilliantly. This map has something that most maps don't have, depth, and is 100% symmetrical!

    Weapon Spawn Time:

    BR-12x-10 seconds
    Brute Shot-2x-60 seconds
    Smg-2x-10 seconds
    Mauler-2x-90 seconds
    Shotgun-2x 120 seconds
    Needler-2x-120 seconds


    Plasma Grenade-8x-10 seconds
    Power Drain-2x-120 seconds
    Bubble Shield-2x-120 seconds
    Grav lift-2x-60 seconds


    Warthog-2x-180 seconds
    Mongoose-2x-60 seconds

    2. Is your map symmetrical or asymmetrical? Symmetrical

    3. How many players best suit your map? Can it support players below or above your ideal player count? 6-12

    4. Does your map have vehicles? What purpose do the vehicles serve? Can it sustain vehicles?

    Yes, the vehicles are balanced with the geometry/weapons/equipment. There are 2 Warthogs and 2 Mongooses. Vehicles are not vital to the play of this map but serve a purpose.

    5. Does your map have teleporters? What purpose do the teleporters serve? No

    6. What standard gametypes (Slayer, CTF, Oddball, King, Assault, VIP, Juggernaut, Territories, Infection) are supported by your map? Which work best? Which gametypes are not supported, or do not work best?

    CTF, Assault, and Team Slayer are the primary game-types meant for Tribal War. The Ideal Playlist for this map would be Team Slayer/Objective, Social Slayer/Skirmish and Squad Battle.

    King, VIP, Juggernaut, and Territories is not set up for this map.

    7. What non-standard gametypes (Swords, SWAT, Rocket Race, gametypes you have made specifically for your map) might you recommend for your map variant? Provide links if possible/applicable.


    Provide links to three films (NOT film clips) in which games are played through to completion on your map. Use the following guidelines when testing your map:

    Neutral Bomb 4v4
    Multi-Flag 4v4
    Team Slayer 4v4
    Multi-Flag 4v4

    Side Note

    Here is a Walk through of Tribal War 2.5. This is a rendered-to-video Bungie Pro video (only those who pay for Bungie Pro can view it apparently.) This is for those who don't have time to download and walk-around it themselves.

    **Edit** new 5v5 and 6v6 game-types coming soon.

    **NOTE** This was originally SoulCrushers Map and Layout, the Majority of the Forging was done by him, and Credit will be given to him for that. This map has been submitted here before but was a "Broken Map." I have had permission from SoulCrusher to post a completely re-worked map and take credit for the map since it is now 100% working, and is being re-posted because it plays 100% different.

    Link to Map in Your File Share:
    Map Title: Tribal War 2.6**edited** 9/19/09
    #1 luckeas, May 11, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2009
  2. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow welcome to Forgehub!! You've made a nice first impression! Too bad Bungie didn't put 4-flag in halo 3 cause this would be a great map for that! But i think this map has nice architecture and a sturdy layout. I'm a little iffy about the weapon placement though.. A gravity hammer in the middle of such a large map? I think the bases need mancannons, because there is a lot of open areas i'm sure no one would enjoy walking. And i think you should include some pictures of the vehicles on the map. And closer shots of the top of the main bases. This is a well forged map, good sir. It has an interesting layout, which i'm sure will provide some fun CTF games!

    Did you use the Atlas format to post this map?

    EDIT: Oh this is someone else's map? Well then. Those comments are not for you anymore!
    #2 Gunnergrunt, May 11, 2009
    Last edited: May 11, 2009
  3. luckeas

    luckeas Ancient
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    Yes, this is submitted in Atlas so it was an easy transition to ForgeHub. To note about the Gravity Hammer, this was there in earlier iterations of Tribal War but did not make the cut for the map. The pictures represent older and newer versions of this map.

    You are correct sir, there are no pictures of Vehicles and where they spawn. I will get on that. I will also update the pictures so they aren't showing a false presentation of the map.
    #3 luckeas, May 11, 2009
    Last edited: May 11, 2009
  4. Canadians360

    Canadians360 Ancient
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    Wow... This is a very very amazing first post. Not only your map is terrific but so is your first post. You obviously spent some time looking around to see what people look for in a map. Your effort that went into this post is obviously shared with the effort you put in your map. The lines of sight are great, buildings and walkways smooth and have obviously used plenty of interlocking. The only thing I would add to your post would be a weapons list including weapons vehicles, equipment, etc. and their quantaties in your map. I think this is the best first post I have ever seen no exageration what so ever. You definately have my DL and if this map has a good weapon layout and plays well which I think it will, I will most likely put this up for a feature. Best first post ever CONGRADULATIONS and amazing job.
  5. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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  6. luckeas

    luckeas Ancient
    Senior Member

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    **NOTE** This was originally SoulCrushers Map and Layout, the Majority of the Forging was done by him, and Credit will be given to him for that. This map has been submitted here before but was a "Broken Map." I have had permission from SoulCrusher to post this and take credit for the map since it is now 100% working, and is being re-posted because it plays 100% different.
  7. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    Great job. It all looks very nice and neat, although the weapon layout looks a bit bad. Like somebody else said, a gravity hammer in the center of a map like this? I think its too open for that.
  8. Canadians360

    Canadians360 Ancient
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    now looking at it your map has the same window platform ramp strucure as SoulCrusher's Prometheus so I do believe you about the source of your material. Either way please mention that above or this problem will probably be brought up again later by someone who only reads the main post. To warn you I am going to verify your story with Soul Crusher to be safe. As long as your above statement is true I give you props for getting that weapon list up so fast you obviously have your eyes and ears open and are taking feedback well.

    Guys there is NO HAMMER please read the weapon list. (see why they're so handy) Although I do ask what's up in the center and if there are any camos or OS's in your map. It's a bit late for me so I won't be able to play your map for a while so I thought i'd ask these quick few questions.
    #8 Canadians360, May 11, 2009
    Last edited: May 11, 2009
  9. luckeas

    luckeas Ancient
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    Hey thanks, I have posted this in the maps original post because I don't want this to be about that. SoulCrusher created a great map but it didn't work at all, he then went on to create Prometheus. Now this map works and it is seriously one of my Favorite if not favorite user created Maps. I spent a lot of time getting this map up to speed.

    Also, thanks for checking with SoulCrusher, I have heard issues of people stealing maps, and I do want SoulCrusher to get credit for the Layout, because it is quite ingenious.

    A lot of thought has been put into putting an Overshield in the Top Middle of the map, but as of now it plays great without it. I am very open to making this map play to its full potential.
  10. bonelessboyy

    bonelessboyy Ancient
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    Absolutely outstanding I must say. This is truly one of the greatest looking maps I've seen to date. It seems to - judging from the pictures - flow very well.

    however, I'm not much of a grenade person, and I think that 10 second respawn on the grenades is far to fast for me.

    I'd really hate to see this great map turned into plasma fodder, it has a far greater potential.

    But that's just me, and is just based on preference
  11. luckeas

    luckeas Ancient
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    If you take a look at where the grenades spawn, for example only plasma grenade spawns at the base, and only one spawns on the left hand side of the base, so they are all really spread out. This is why they spawn every ten seconds. I've done about 10 full length play-test on this map and I assure you this has never been an issue.

    What I will do that is play-test them at 20 and 30 seconds because now I'm interested in seeing how that plays too.
  12. RunTime83

    RunTime83 Ancient
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    The changes you made to this map are great. I loved the first version and like it even more now. Was a good decision to take out the hammer. The grenade respawns are fine imo. It does not turn into a plasmafest either.
  13. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
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    You have done a great job reworking my original map. It works fine now and feels like a Large scale MLG style map. I gave up on it very early and went onto making another map but I'm glad you saw potential in it (the structure layout) and have spent some time on perfecting it. I just take credit for forging the structures, you have pretty much changed everything else.
  14. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    This is such a fun map I have played this in a few TGIF's and it plays very good for large parties. I love the base layout and how theres no real area for one team to hold and anilate the other which is good. I also liked how the warthogs were not very overpowering even though you can drive them through and over the middle platform. I had good games with this map and i hope to play it in future TGIF's :]
  15. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    This is one of the few maps that has really impressed me the past few weeks. The layout of the map works great. The base structures feel just right and provide enough cover to keep things interesting. The different changes in elevation is what really makes this map work.

    I'll be keeping this map on my hard drive unless a newer version comes out. I'll be back another time with a little constructive criticism. Great job overall though.
  16. luckeas

    luckeas Ancient
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    Newest version of Tribal War 2.4

    New Pictures of Update 2.4


    With 2.4 update:

    Missile Pod replaced by Brute Shot.
    Brute Shot replaced by Shotgun (Shotgun re-spawn 120 seconds)
    Shotgun in back of base removed.
    Power Drain moved to Central part of Base.
    One BR added to each base.

    Description of map changed to: "Welcome to where time stands still, no one leaves and no one will. 6-12 players"
    #16 luckeas, May 12, 2009
    Last edited: May 12, 2009
  17. last_chaos_7

    last_chaos_7 Ancient
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    wow this looks awesome both the layout and the forging... good interlocking and unique layout... if this is your first post amazing job... oh and I see you used the template for ATLAS but don't expect to get in bungie hates good forgers =P
  18. Nosirrom Mij

    Nosirrom Mij Ancient
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    You know what's weird? This was definitely one of my favorites, I was just thinking about this map trying to remember who made it. Now that i see that it was one of Black Prinze's map, I'm not surpised. The layout is remarkable and just like the rest of his maps, it plays phenomenally well.
  19. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
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    I really wish it was made clear who designed this map.

    Tribal War v1
  20. luckeas

    luckeas Ancient
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    For those who haven't read the Map Post and Haven't realized that SoulCrusher NP designed the layout and forged the structures in this map, this is for you.

    Imagine this, say SoulCrusher designed and pieced together Snowbound, okay. Now I'm the person who went in and made it Boundless, two maps that look nearly the same, but play completely different. I'm not sure if I can make this any clearer.

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