
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Glasgow, May 11, 2009.

  1. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    So...I double clicked on the firefox icon today, and by default, the pages were set to go to ForgeHub, Myspace, and Youtube. Now, Myspace doesn't save passwords (you have to go through options in the tools menu or something) but ForgeHub and Youtube do, and they are usually always logged in for me. BUT...they weren't! I thought this was strange, so I checked the "remember me" check-box thing, and I closed the page, logged out, and opened another page. It still doesn't automatically log in for me! I thought it was a virus or something, because I just remembered a show on MTV that explained how one stupiddent downloaded a program that records what you type down onto his teacher's computer, to change his grades. Now is it a virus? I did a virus scan, twice, but it still doesn't automatically log me into these sites.

    If it helps, photobucket, Rooster Teeth, and Wikia strangely forgot my passwords and require that I always enter it every time I visit the page for the first time.

    Also, I checked tools -> options -> privacy and it still says it saves passwords, but it doesn't.

    Somebody can explain what is going on?
    #1 Glasgow, May 11, 2009
    Last edited: May 11, 2009
  2. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    First off, it's called a keylogger. Second of all, that kid is a stupid sack-of-**** script kiddy. Pay no attention to idiotic media portrayals of computers. It's not even that hard to figure out passwords from people. So many people are dumb, and just let others watch them as they type in passwords. Or they use really obvious ****, like 'nameofmyaccount123'.

    Anyways, just double, triple, and quadruple-check the URL that you're directed to. It would help to hand-type it in. Now obviously, this won't save you from more sophisticated attempts to phish you, like someone DNS poisoning you and redirecting you to fake Myspace login pages. However, I doubt anyone you know would have enought expertise to be able to do that. Just make sure you check the URLs, and you should be fine.

    Also, Myspace is bitchy, and likes to log me out constantly.
  3. Ethrock

    Ethrock Ancient
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    Also if you find you're getting logged out make sure cookies haven't gotten disabled or something on your browser, cause that could cause some difficulty as well.
  4. Raw King07

    Raw King07 Ancient
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    If your keystrokes were being recorded, you'd see something in the bottom-left hand corner that would say "transferring to so and so" which will then be received and it will transfer you to the mirror site. If this is so, you're in pretty deep trouble.

    Otherwise, Firefox does similar things to me, I get logged out of Google for no reason, it doesn't remember my password, etc. It's just normal computer fickle-ness.
  5. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    Lol, what? That wouldn't happen if someone was using a keylogger...
  6. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    Maybe something is wrong with your cache. It could be set to auto delete saved passwords. Deleting your system 32 folder to reset it could solve this.
  7. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    There's a setting with Firefox you may have enabled which deletes your history (including cookies and passwords, which is what saves them) and you can make it so it automatically deletes it without asking you whenever you close firefox.

    check out your tools > options > privacy > cookies / history
  8. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    You can't delete your system 32 folder, that would be bad...
  9. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    If you're running Vista, navigate to:


    Then delete cookies.sqlite.

    Delete cookies.txt if you're running XP.

    The problem you describe can occur if these files become corrupted over time. Once you restart your browser, they'll be created again and you should have a regular functioning cache.

    Alternatively, it may be due to an add-on you recently installed, though that's less likely.

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