Halo 3 Beta. I was driving the warthog, Flag carrier in the side, warthog was nearly blown up, I'd narrowly avoided missiles, splaser, sticks etc. and my guest throws a tripmine into the man cannon. I go over the river jump. Me and the mine collide. Team-mate died. Got booted. Andy's an idiot.
My buddy was on blackout and threw a sticky, stuck someone on the other side of the map, he went crazy, he goes back to theatre and watches the guy look up and walk into it, when he told me i rofled
Living Dead, ran away from three zombies, lead them to my team, got my whole team infected, last man standing, cue Hell's Janitor.
The most recent one I can think of is when I shot the fusion coils on the pit in Swat. My friend was standing right next to them and it said he committed suicide. xD
When I discovered that Hornet splatters count as cone kills (this was before the TDH clan did it btw) *Requested move to Halo Discussion*
Argh, I'm no good with where I post discussions. But anyways I didn't know that about hornet splatters haha.
Campaign-Gemerging scarbhttp://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-discussion/69306-one-messed-up-camapaign.html Multiplayer-Spawning right infront of someone on my own team, while they had a missle pod, at the moment where they fired. SPAWN FAIL. He got a betrayal and suicide.
Was driving my hog on Standoff, had a gunner and flag in it. Went towards the edge of the cliff and our teammate shoots a rocket i track it all the way across map but misjudge at the last min and it blows the hog over the cliff, he gets a triple betrayal and we loose the flag. I thought it was hilarious my team mates didn't thing so.
me and a couple of friends messing around on sandtrap, making bases and killing each other. Bases are finished, we change teams and start fighting for real. Another Friend joins, and makes a plie of fuison coils. So, I'm getting bored, and decied to put cones around the pile, and see if anyone got hit. I blew it up, and, not surprisingly, killed myself in the process. Simualtanesly, another friend is killed by a chunk of fiuson coil. I find my friend, tea bagging my dead body. I snipe him, look down at my body, and find a traffic cone placed on top of my head.
My most memorable moment would have to be when I betrayed this guy to steal his flag cap.He gets mad later in the game and tries to score some indirect betrayals and fails.One time he was in a bubble shield and he stuck himself, I proceeded to t-bag him laughing my a** off.:lol:
Lol...that happened to me. Some *** was shooting at me, then finished me off with a beat down. He then took the point, and I wanted to get him back so I lowered his shields whenever I had the chance. I think he died once because of me, but that didn't satisfy me. I entered a bubble shield, and saw him running towards me, so I stepped out a bit, threw a plasma grenade, but I went back in too fast and I stuck myself. I hate bitches like that.
I was playing teacher on class room with some of my friends, I being the teacher, and my friend being a student, He asked to go somewhere and I said okay, as he was walking the Dumster that was interlocked into the wall as a black board flew out of the wall and splattered him, We were laughing for the next couple of games.
While playing Cat 'n' Mouse during a TGIF, DeathToll77 and I were on a Mongoose together and we pull up to the raised area of Standoff, near the Cat spawn by the side of the cliff that you can fall to your death, and we flipped as I drove up the ramp and was immediately betrayed by another Mouse who drove into me. One second I was on the 'goose, next I was dead. Then DeathToll77 took the 'goose driving off lol-ing at my failure.
I've had a crapload of funny moments. I accidentally splattered my invisible teammate and nearly cried of laughter while apologizing to him, I have sniped my own teammate in the head a couple times because he ran right in front of me at the exact moment I fired, and I recently stuck my invisible teammate in the back while trying to throw it at the other team. My friends and I have also had some hilarious games. One time my friend killed someone with rockets right at the beginning of a match on the Pit, and instead of continuing to kill people, he just ran over to the guy and started bagging him while shouting "raperaperaperape." He died immediately. My friend and I spent an entire match singing boy band songs because this guy on our team was calling him "gaylol." Every time angry guy yelled at my friend, I just interrupted him with a new song. We also got our entire team to sing Journey once. I spent an entire match singing Safety Dance while being chased around by a guy on my own team. He would shoot at me and then I'd say "dance party!" so he would stop and dance. At the end of that match, he jumped on my head so I said "okay okay, you take top I'll take bottom, I can do that." Then the game ended and I blew us both up with rockets. I heard about five people on his mic laughing histerically, as were the people with me. And many more...
On the Pit, I see a guy on the turret, so I stick him with a plasma grenade. Somehow it gives me a double kill. I go into theater and see that there was a camouflaged guy RIGHT behind the turret guy. My grenade exploded an instant before he would have gotten an assassination, and I killed both of them.
Big team Battle + G-Mints (GhostsofOnyx) = HLG fail We were playing Standoff and hiding from the start of the match in the tunnel you can open with the switch and there were only five minutes left and someone on the other team opened the tunnel. The Ghosts quickly made their escape out the back entrance and found two guys on mongooses outside. We pretty much hi-jacked their mongooses and took them to hide in the other base. I would've paid to see the look on the mongoose drivers faces when they saw eight guys running at them. Lol, good times, good times.
TGIF Cat and mouse. Me and I forget who were cats, and last guy alive was on a goose and right before he drives up the hill, the other guy shoots him but the guy in the goose goes further and really high. So I just shot a random shot towards him and it lands on him in mid air from like 100 ft away. Another time was when me and my friends were in a close game on Snowbound, I decided to grab both spikers and rush the enemies in the shotty spawn screaming **** and going rambo. First guy was next to the coils, shot them, dead. The next 2 guys were next to each other, a nade goes off, so shields down, gunned them both down. Last guy was charging the laser from the slope hole thing ***** and just as he was about to shoot, I put a few spikes in him and melee for the extermination and won the game.