Had some time on my hands with a buddy over and we decided we dont have many FFA maps that are fun but simple enough to get a quick warm up on. Whipped something up on sandbox and problem solved. The end result is Chaos. DOWNLOAD CHAOS Players: 2-8 FFA Contents: 1 OS 4 Tripmines 8 Stickys 4 Firebombs 8 Spikenades 4 BRs 4 Carbines 8 SMGs 4 Spikers 4 Plasma Rifles 4 Maulers 4 Needlers Screenshots: Overhead OS Spawn
Your map would definitely play different, i will have to play a match or two to tell if your diffrent is good or bad. However it looks like a great warm up map with just one hitch. I would build your wall up one higher I know it was built just for warm up but you have plenty of cash and objects left so it would be a good idea to make it inescapable. I would also maybe add a little more cover around the edges that border the map, at least two small wedges preferably 4 or whatever you think would work best. Your map is unique and gameplay I hope is hectic fun.
it looks very open. Add some columns, blocks, stuff like that. The red and blue lights also add some effect. It looks cool and will probably be great if you just add that cover :}
It looks open and very small. You can get out of the map with a simple nade jump. A lot of people might complain about of that. 4/5
Yea this was put together quickly. I didnt want to add too much cover because its not really a map made for taking cover and being tactical. It really is just a shoot everything in site map. As for being able to nade jump... if you nade jump out of maps in customs, you're an a hole anyway lol. i probably will put a teleporter to drop you back into the map in the instance that you do get blown out accidentally
Thats not really the point if someone gets a large lead they could just get out and wait until the round was over.you really should put up walls. If a map can be escape proof it should be especialy since doing this on your map is so straight forward. EDIT: Every single map on forgehub is made for custom games just to point that out and you must think of other people who sometimes gather parties with people they don't know a friend of a friend kind of thing. Your maps sucess and downloads will reflect the effort you put into it. Something like this should be fixed. EDIT: You should also consider a little cover such as a tube ramp on its side on the blocks that stick out from the edges.
that is my point tho lol. If you're a big enough jerk to get a lead and jump out of the map and hide in a CUSTOM game where its really all just for fun then get out of my party and off my friends list lol. i understand i could easily make the map unescapable, but i dont want to play with people that would abuse that either way.
Well, if it's for warm-ups, and meant to be used by you and your friends, then i guess it won't matter if you can escape. :}