Sandbox Ashes

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by WREX, May 3, 2009.

  1. WREX

    WREX Ancient
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    Ashes <----Download Link

    Ashes is a remake of the Gears of War 2 map Ruins. Now IN NO WAY is this intended to play like Gears of War 2. I just thought that this map would be fun in Halo 3, and whadaya know? It is FUN. ;)

    This is a Symmetrical map. I have tested it many times, I actually had this map done a few weeks ago right after a test that people said that some walls need to be I made them taller and now it is nice and dandy.

    The bridge is quite the hot spot in this map, but gameplay is not just focused there, but all around it. There isn't much I can do to describe this map with words other than, It plays REALLY WELL with Team Slayer and CTF. King of the hill is good too, and so is oddball, but Slayer and Flag are where it really shines.

    You won't be dissapointed this is a map made for gameplay and not looks, although it looks good anyways.

    Team Slayer, Multi-Flag CTF. Supports all gametypes.

    Battle Rifle x6 10sec
    Carbine x2 10sec
    Shotgun x2 120sec
    Needler x2 90sec
    Spartan Lasor x2 90sec(replaced the snipers in the test version)
    Rocket Launcher x1 120sec

    Flame Grenade x4 30sec
    Plasma Grenade x4 10sec
    Regenerator x2 120sec
    Trip Mine x2 90sec


    True Carnage




    Under the Bridge


    Trip Mine 2 Trip Mine


    Splazor 2 Splazor


    Top Mid Action


    Trip mine and Flame Grenades

    #1 WREX, May 3, 2009
    Last edited: May 4, 2009
  2. Chemical Wasp

    Chemical Wasp Ancient
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    I have to say this map actually looks aloot like ruins from gears bravo I would have to say one off the top maps i seen that were influenced from another game 4/5
  3. boomerdude

    boomerdude Ancient
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    lol instead of bravo in gears you would say delta but good map lololololol
  4. Pel

    Pel Ancient
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    Why did it take you so long to post? We tested this, like, 3 weeks ago...

    -This map is a very swell rendition of Ruins from GoW2, and it plays beautifully. CTF and Neutral Asssault are great, and Team BRs is really competetive. The only thing I think you should change is that you should merge the Red/Blue Lights into the Stone Platforms they are sitting on.

  5. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    Wow, there are a lot of concerns regarding your choice of weapons and equipment. Let's start.

    Dude what were you thinking? I strongly recommend you to remove both shotguns and one mauler. Also you can probably remove both lasers as well Seeing the size of the map, it obviously does not need that. Add one or two snipers to replace them.

    As for the equipment, it would be best if you would either leave one pair of firebombs, or remove all of them. Add four frag grenades. Take out one regenerator. Replace the two trip mines with one bubble shield. Do not put trip mines if there aren't any vehicles on the map.

    The layout is very nice especially the middle part. I see you got kind of lazy in some parts of the map and you just decided not to interlock the floors. Well, even though interlocking is less visible on Sandbox, it is still a suggested thing to do so that the game play would go on smoothly.

    That's quite about it. I do hope you learned from this and will apply it to your upcoming maps.
  6. WREX

    WREX Ancient
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    It took me so long because I was busy that weekend, and then when I did fix it so that people can't get on top of the walls around the map, I got busy forging my next map ENcrTptED.

    Sorry I forgot that I took the Maulers off and put Shotguns on the sides.

    The Shotguns are balanced.

    The Splazors are in resemblance of the Torque Bow on Gears2. It is useful when firing from one end of the bridge to the other.

    The Spartan Lasers are balanced. And useful.

    The Trip Mines are actually very useful in this map, because there are many corners you can place them around. They are not just for vehicles.

    Putting a bubble shield on this map, with 2 Shotguns is camptacular.

    The Regenerators are balanced, and having one on each end of the map works well.

    Overall what I have learned from your post is that I have play tested this map and you haven't.
    #6 WREX, May 4, 2009
    Last edited: May 4, 2009
  7. Yeti

    Yeti Ancient
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    Haha, owned. :)

    Anyway, I remember playing this one too. No one really camped anywhere, and you would think everyone would just keep going up towards the bridge, but fights took place everywhere around the map.

    I think you could do without Trip Mines, but that's just my personal opinion. I don't think they help out with the map all that much, but the Fire Bombs are really cool, and I don't think there are too many of them.

    Everything is else is spread apart well, and it balances out even though the weapons list seems kind of overpowered. 2 Splasers and a Rocket Launcher don't tend to mix well, but on this map it does since it's so action-packed all the time, you can't just stay in one place and camp.

    Overall, I give this map a 4.9/5. .1 deducted because of the Trip Mines. :p
  8. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This is pretty cool, I hated this map in GOW2 but it might be pretty cool here. It looks pretty accurate, but I would have to agree that 2 shottys and 2 lasers are pretty heavy. I would at least have the shottys down to 0 spare clips if you have 2 of them. I also think its cool to have the Laser like a Torque Bow, thats an awesome idea, but 2 is just too much cuz its not like you can tune down the Ammo. I would just have 1 nuetral Lazer, and have the players fight for it. Other than that, I think this is pretty cool. Thanks for putting the respawn rates in the weapons list, but you should add the spare clip amounts also. That way we know how powerful those shottys can be, as well as other weapons.

    Edit: I also believe that 90 seconds is an epiclly fast respawn time for a Lazer, especially if there is 2 of them, should at the very least be 150. Thats just my opinion though. Take it or leave it.
    #8 Zombievillan, May 8, 2009
    Last edited: May 8, 2009
  9. WREX

    WREX Ancient
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    Thank you for your comment. Sorry about not putting the spare clips amount. I thought that I had put them here, but I actually just put them in the other 2 maps that I was posting at the time. Sooo...anyways...

    2 Shotguns. Each has only 1 spare clip. Sorry.
    2 Lasers...Yes sounds ridiculous...especially at a 90sec really isn't overpowering; mostly because there are ZERO vehicles on this map, another thing is that the Laser is not very effective at close range, and most places in the map are medium-close range. It works, trust me on this one.
    I did try 2 snipers in the spartan lasers place, with 1 spare clip and 120sec respawn...NOW THAT was OVER-POWERING! Lol. The Lasers at 90sec respawn are much more balanced. :)
  10. DesolateDingo

    DesolateDingo Ancient
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    I was thinking the same thing that, that guy was. HOLY OVERPOWERING WEAPONS! Then after what you explained above I got some games in on it, and WOW this map has amazing flow! I love Team Brs on this map too! ahhh...

    Matchmaking PLZZZ!
  11. Captain Night

    Captain Night Ancient
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    I thought it was funny you told one guy that you put lasers to resemble the torque bows while you put rockets in the middle instead of a flamethrower. I understand that it may hinder gameplay some if you have that flame thrower so i would replace rockets with shotty and replace those shotties in the bases. I know I havent play tested it yet and you will tell me you have but rockets and splazers on the map just seems like rockets could become two powerful and is an easy cap if one team gets rockets. Also I'm hesitant to say i dont like those regens but after isolation im scared of those things for gameplay.
    #11 Captain Night, May 10, 2009
    Last edited: May 10, 2009
  12. Karbine Kid

    Karbine Kid Ancient
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    Absolutely amazing! i Was considering on remaking this map myself, but there's no need for that now! Definite download for me
  13. WREX

    WREX Ancient
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    Thanks. Much appreciated. :)

    Well in some cases it doesn't make sense to make the weapon layout exactly the same.

    -Since the Flamethrowers in each game vastly differ, it would ruin gameplay.

    -Rockets make it fun, and are a weapon that EVERYONE wants no-matter what.

    -Plus having the Flamethrower up on that bridge would make you ridculously vulnerable if you picked it up.

    -And would pretty much make it useless.

    -Plus with the shotguns there are enough close-quarters weapons in this map.

    And thanks for the questions and comments. :)
  14. Yeti

    Yeti Ancient
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    Guys, I suggest actually playing this map before you pass judgments on it. Sure it seems insane to have 2 Splasers and a Rocket Launcher on the map, but I know Saint knows what to do when making a map and how to balance it, so just take our word for it and try the map anyway.
  15. D R A N C Y

    D R A N C Y Ancient
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    Great job with this map i loved the gameplay,me and my friends had a good time on this map :p 4/5 beautiful stars!
  16. WREX

    WREX Ancient
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    Thank you! Im glad to hear that people are testing/playing this know, giving it a chance. It plays very well and I'm glad that you agree! :)
  17. CsC norml

    CsC norml Ancient
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    Thats what I was thinking. But this isnt a bad thing cuz Ruins from gears is one of my favorite maps. lol
  18. ManRayX

    ManRayX Ancient
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    Looks Amazing

    Beautiful map. Never really got into Gears so I cant compare it, but it has great sightlines. Cool pics too. Will try it out with my regular thugs and will get back to you.


  19. WREX

    WREX Ancient
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    Awesome I'm glad that you like it as much as I do.

    See this is exactly what I was hoping! I wanted people who have never played Gears 2, to get a chance to play it in Halo 3. Although they play completely different, the way it plays in Halo 3 is much more fun!
  20. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    The map looks good and gameplay on it seems awsome, but there are way to many power weapons so i would probably fix that.

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