Sandbox Parallel

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by BlUnT 4ce tRAUMa, May 10, 2009.

  1. BlUnT 4ce tRAUMa

    Senior Member

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    PARALLEL: A CTF/ Team Slayer Map

    Hello everyone! I'm back with my first competitive map and my second map on ForgeHub. This is Parallel, a medium sized map in the Crypt, 3v3 or 4v4. In case you didn't see the big red letters, this map is good for both CTF and Team Slayer, and will soon support Assault, Territories, and KOTH.


    Battle Rifle x4
    Needler x2
    Brute Shot x2
    Sniper Rifle x1
    Rocket Launcher x1
    Shotgun x2
    Covenant Carbine x2
    Machine gun Turret x2


    Bubble Shield x1
    Power Drain x1
    Overshields x2


    Mongoose x2


    Overview of Map
    Red Base
    Red BR Cliff
    Red Garage
    Red Missle Pod Shrine
    Rocket Bridge (Shotgun in rock pile, Power drain behind rocks)
    Center Structure
    Sniper Walkway (Brute Shot in corners, Bubble Shield in tunnel behind walkway)
    Blue Base
    Blue BR Cliff
    Blue Garage
    Blue Missle Pod Shrine

    There you have it! Download and enjoy!

    <<Please Comment and Rate>>

    DOWNLOAD: : Halo 3 File Details (see update note for download)

    <<NOTE>> Map has been updated to support Assault, KOTH, and Territories
    Weapon changes have been made:

    Kill Ball removed
    Overshields in place of missile pods
    Lasers replaced with shotguns (no shared clips)
    Rockets have no shared clips, 60sec respawn
    Sniper 60sec respawn

    #1 BlUnT 4ce tRAUMa, May 10, 2009
    Last edited: May 11, 2009
  2. Falconx03

    Falconx03 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map looks like fun to play on but I only have one problem with it. You have 2 Brute Shots, Sniper Rifle, Rocket, Shotgub, 2 Spartan Laser, 2 Missile Pods, and 2 Turrets. That seem like way too many power weapons, especially if one team gains control over all or almost all of them.
  3. InherentFlame

    InherentFlame Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks very nice i will dl and try officially when i clear up space but atm im rating 4.5/5
  4. BlUnT 4ce tRAUMa

    Senior Member

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    i'll just replace the splasers and missle pods with some smaller weapons
  5. Shenanigans.nom

    Shenanigans.nom Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Look like a very good layout, but there are way too many power weapons. (like everyone else said). I would take out the lazer, missile pod and move the shotgun away from the rockets.(if someone gets both, which is very easily done then then would dominate) Maybe put a shotgun in each base with no extra ammo, that always works out.
  6. Canadians360

    Canadians360 Ancient
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    That is definitely a step in the right direction. From the looks it looked like you only have two mongooses so a rocket launcher would be plenty to deal with them. you may want to consider a plasma pistol or energy drain in their place to combat vehicles. I would also possibly add some fusion coils behind the turrets to put some danger in staying on the tripod to have unlimited amo. Overall the physical forging of your map is great very smooth not too open. I would consider editing your weapons list once you've figured out what weapons to place in the map and I would also consider moving your first pic down a bit since it looks like the killball is smack dab in the middle on the ground not an aesthetic piece which almost made me back out of your page right away. Good work.

    EDIT: I would put the shotgun where the splazers are currently.
    #6 Canadians360, May 10, 2009
    Last edited: May 10, 2009
  7. BlUnT 4ce tRAUMa

    Senior Member

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    i like the idea. il replace the slpazers in the garages with shotgun and remove th one under the rocket

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