Mythic DLC Alien Survival

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Killtacullar, May 10, 2009.

  1. Killtacullar

    Killtacullar Ancient
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    Alien Survival

    Hey guys, it's me again, and I bring you the last forged map from the mythic maps. Anyway lets get started, this map is for infection only and has a creepy theme with the filters and the messed up scenery as in alien.

    This map does contain filters and a screenshot will show the location, so that YOU can remove them if you don't like the theme.


    AR X2
    BR X4
    Smg X4
    Magnum X2
    Shotgun X2
    Turret X1

    Click here if you want to be an alien. : Halo 3 File Details

    Here are some creepy screenshots.

    A room with filters on.
    A hallway with filters on.
    Filter location.
    Turret area.
    Missile Pod spawn. (Used to be)
    A room with a broken door to sqeeze through.(shotgun behind the door)
    Sniper spawn. (Used to be)
    A hallway that leads to used to be sniper, and shotgun spawn that leads to turret area.
    Rocket Spawn. (Used to be)
    Another hallway, leading to shotgun.
    A room left of the turrent area.
    Hallway right of the Turrent area.
    #1 Killtacullar, May 10, 2009
    Last edited: May 11, 2009
  2. Jackman142

    Jackman142 Ancient
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    i dont think that there should ever be that many power weapons on an infection map. everyone i play with loves zombie games when there is little ammo and the zombies have no shields. so i would suggest taking the weapons off and using the Brainsssss gametype. 2.5/5
  3. spazmonkey92

    spazmonkey92 Ancient
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    ok 1. its spelled "turret" not turrent,
    2. what do you mean, (**** spawn, used to be )

    3. ok map, looks kinda dull and hard enough to forge on, you really cant do alot to this map.

  4. Canadians360

    Canadians360 Ancient
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    To me it doesn't seem like that much over kill I have seen far worse but he does have a point. i would take out the missle pod and make sure the rocket only has a max of one spare clip. The screen effects aren't blurry so that's a plus. Its kind of hard to get a feel for your map without playing it ill get a game on it and get a little more feedback to you later.
  5. BlUnT 4ce tRAUMa

    Senior Member

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    i can tell that the orbital, survival maps are definately going strong. this is one of the better maps like this, especially with the overall layout of the map. but there are flaws here and there. 6.5/10
    #5 BlUnT 4ce tRAUMa, May 13, 2009
    Last edited: May 13, 2009

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