That is the best idea i have ever heard! anyone who made that would become instantly featured and then god. If any admin here denies that map a feature would be disintigrated. I can no longer post ideas because everything else is just not good.
A type of map in which players are constrained to one path and fight back and forth for territories in the ultimate show of brute force. At the end of game, piles of bodies are left lying on the ground. But seriously, i'd like to see someone make a BTB on a small map. And make it work.
An awesome mlg map on the skybox maybe finally one that doesn't suck. or a gigantic Jar Jar Binks that would be awesome.
An MLG version of Assembly. No doubt one will be put in matchmaking eventually. The BR sights and jumping abilities are perfect for it.
an ultimate sky arena made for extreme arial battles, like from the campaign level, the covenant, except more vast, but using the same geometry like from the level, eg; grass, forerunner buildings...
BTB. On Sandbox. Wait for it.... In the skybubble. Or a realistic "Street" Map on sandbox Zelda dungeons/ towns/ scenery? And am I the only one hoping someone will remake WOW battleground instances? (probably) But mostly a remake of "Serenity" from Firefly. A playable one. (I have so many links of different parts of that ship it isn't funny.)
OMG, there needs to be a remake of Serenity. I want a map with an Iraq or Afghanistan feeling, now that would be cool. I think I might just start on it now. Cops & Robbers on it would be epic.
I started remaking it outside of blackout a few months ago, and my project failed horribly horribly horribly. Now that I have Sandbox, Season 1 of Firefly, the movie "Serenity"... yeah, it's going to get *done*. And I am very big on attention to detail.
I will look for the release of that. Looks like it would be pretty kool to play on if you could get it done well. Make a post when you have it done or close to done and you need testers. I would be glad to.