Destructible Wall

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by wwm0nkey, May 9, 2009.

  1. wwm0nkey

    wwm0nkey Ancient
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    Ok well I dont know how much of you know about this but I found a way to make a wall that can be destroyed via cars or beats downs (though beat downs take a LONG time). I am mainly posting this so you guys can use this to make some cool maps :D

    Screen Shots:



    Explosives have no effect

  2. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    So you found out that stacking movable objects on top of each other lets the wall be displaced? Well...okay. Sure. Of course, you could just do that on Foundry with crates as well.

    In any case, how is it that explosions can't move it, but a Warthog and melee-ing does?
  3. Canadians360

    Canadians360 Ancient
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    Its just the basic traits of the objects he didnt do anything special to them. They're like dumpsters in foundry cant be moved by explosions or humans just vehicle ramming. This should have been an idea thread or something not a map post now its just bumping real maps down the list.
    #3 Canadians360, May 9, 2009
    Last edited: May 9, 2009
  4. wwm0nkey

    wwm0nkey Ancient
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    Well this one is ALOT easier to destory than crates are. Also I dont know why explosives dont work

    Well cant move it now. If a mod moves it im fine with that though
    #4 wwm0nkey, May 9, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: May 10, 2009
  5. ezekeil20five17

    ezekeil20five17 Ancient
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    this really shouldn't be posted as a map because its not its just a wall

    Its also not a new idea I am in the process of creating a map with destructable walls that affect gameplay and I have seen numerous others,however not to this standard

    the engineering of this wall is better than most of the others I have seen but I can tell you that this will not collapse effectively or consistantly the blocks will fall against each other locking them tight and then not leaving space for the removed blocks to respawn I went through about 7 different types of wall before I found a design I was happy with

    While I think its great forging and shows a positive attitude I suggest that you think before you post in future and build this into a proper map I'm sure you could come up with something very interesting

    There are also more ways to smash down walls than driving in to them trying to beat them down is pretty much pointless
    #5 ezekeil20five17, May 9, 2009
    Last edited: May 9, 2009
  6. wwm0nkey

    wwm0nkey Ancient
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    I suck at building maps XD me and my friends where just messing around and found out that these moves. I was trying to make a assult game type with it but it never turned into anything
  7. ezekeil20five17

    ezekeil20five17 Ancient
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    If you can build this you can build a map around it forging with a partner makes it even easier

    Start with something basic try 2 symmetrical bases with this wall in the middle and go from there.
  8. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Nothing new, but still, at least you made it. I can imagine machinima makers might want to use this for a future movie or short. The 2nd pic for example, if you took a shot from that angle, it might look pretty epic in a chase scene.
  9. Zeta Arcadee

    Zeta Arcadee Ancient
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    I want to know how a one-tonne vehicle can drive through twenty five-tonne rocks. :D It could be used in an Infection game somehow, or as a secret route in a CTF game if you scale it down.
  10. noklu

    noklu Ancient
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    A) It's a game.

    B) Momenutum

    There you go.

    And don't double post wwmonkey.
  11. wwm0nkey

    wwm0nkey Ancient
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    I didnt doubble post. 2 people said something I replied to both which im sure is allowed
  12. nealsaviking

    nealsaviking Ancient
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    Stop posting on this. You are just bumping it ahead of real maps. Can a mod please move this to Forge Discussion or lock it?
  13. noklu

    noklu Ancient
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    @wwmonkey You might be replying to two different people but that doesn't mean you have to post two different posts. You could just go @username and @another username. (Where username=the person you were talking to).

    @nealsaviking Technically you could consider this a map, and it is still a real map whether or not it is just a wall. So yeah...
  14. CrazyPants

    CrazyPants Ancient
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    I just have to say...that is a good question.
  15. Riechers

    Riechers Ancient
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    This has already been done in a game called ''kill the king,'' where the attackers must break true 4 walls of these with choppers, made like a month ago, so it isn't very original.
  16. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    The topic's name is "Sandbox Destructible Wall". You see what you get. Also the fact that it is bumping "real maps" is something those "real maps" will have to deal with. And his double-post was RIGHT after the other one, he wasn't trying to bump the thread to the top, he just didn't know any better.

    Honestly I would love a symmetrical map that has a collapsible wall on both sides. Slamming through the back wall of the base with a warthog and having a guy run through the rubble and get the flag, hell, this would even be good for say, a wall that connects two high structures, that you could break to block-off access to areas of the map, or making a watchtower that a vehicle could just plow through.

    When I saw movable objects that actually blended with the sandy scenery of Sandbox, I thought we'd see more innovation. With Foundry all we had were dark green crates, black wire spools and brown dumpsters, and with Foundry being such a small level, there wasn't much reason to add a Warthog at all. Sandbox gives us a unique chance to hit stuff. Movable stuff. In Warthogs.
  17. Funface

    Funface Ancient
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    I like this wall, I will use this in a map sometime. I tried stacking a wall up like this, but I couldn't put the actuall wall on the sides without knocking the bricks down. But those are tiny blocks right? You can throw a gravity lift and they fly up. Pretty cool.
  18. wwm0nkey

    wwm0nkey Ancient
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    Yeah they are tiny blocks. Also right now I think I will make a fat kid map based around this or a one sided VIP game where people inside have to defend the VIP or soemthing like that. Though feel free to use the map too
  19. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    They're heavier than crates.

    Anyway, this is okay, but the only map I've actually seen somthing like this be used in is the Castle Crashers map.
  20. wwm0nkey

    wwm0nkey Ancient
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    just played that actually lol never played it untill yesterday

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