Sandbox Pacific Warfare

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by mboddz751, May 9, 2009.

  1. mboddz751

    mboddz751 Ancient
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    Pacific Warfare

    Story: You are an oprative of one your country's aircraft carriers. However the rest of your fleet has been destroyed in a recent lare scale engagment at sea. With the ships radio equipment knocked out, there is little you can do except start the long journey back towards the nearest naval base. On the second day of voyage back, an unidentified ship begins to appear on the horizon, and its headed straight at you. Thankfully the captain of the your vessel positions it behind a small island, while the mysterious ship does the same. Suddenly alarms start the sound and men start to shout as the worst has been realized. The ship in front of yours is the enemy's......

    Game: The whole objective of the game is for the troops of the attacking carrier to board the defending carrier and take over it's bridge. Both carriers have a wide arsenal of weapons including, a stationary wraith artillery cannon, two banshee fighter planes, many small arms weapons in the crews quaters (starting point), an AA machine gun turret placed on a piece of cover, and a sniper stand next to the cannon.

    Map: [​IMG]

    Carrier front: [​IMG]
    notice the artillery cannon (or staionary wraith), cover on the sides of the ship, sniper stand, and AA turret that is positioned on one of the cover blocks

    Carrier back: [​IMG]
    the back of one of the carriers with two ramps. One leading to the bridge and one leading out of the crew's quarters/armory

    Bridge: [​IMG]
    The bridge of one of the carriers (this is where a takeover point will be), plus the rockets dont spawn in till 2 minutes

    side view of a carrier: [​IMG]
    a side view of one of the carriers that shows ramps leading down to the middle island

    island: [​IMG]
    The island where the ground troops from each island will battle it out to decide if the enemy makes it to the other carrier.

    Tactics and tips:

    -In the beginning, there is going to be alot of crossfire between each ship. So try and take some cover or get into a vehicle before all else

    -Try and take out the enemy's artillery cannon before trying any extreme movements with ground troops, as the cannon will make it about ten times harder.

    -Have your banshees do hit and run stikes by making them orbit around around the fight out of range, but quickly swoop in and stike when they are needed.

    -Try to save sniper ammo and not shoot unimportant targets. By doing this he can help take out enemies trying to cross the island when other lines of defense have failed.

    -Having a spotter for your teams artillery cannon is extremely helpful because they can instruct the operator of it to adjust their sights

    #1 mboddz751, May 9, 2009
    Last edited: May 9, 2009
  2. Canadians360

    Canadians360 Ancient
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    Ok first thing you should not have re posted. You should have gone to edit and hit the advanced options at the bottom which is only missing the ability to embed videos. As for your map I would say its fair, Ok for a first post. The singular two paths are totally open no cover, not much strafing room. The laser at each base is ridiculously cheap. A hint if you have to have a stationary wraith would be to put two tin cups placed in the exact same spot to hold down the wraith. It creates a magnetic pull or something and stops vehicles except ghosts mongooses and warthogs from escaping. I would also remove a banshee at each base. Basically your map kind of is imposable to traverse on foot. no cover banshees lasers turrets and a wraith would be shooting at you. You need more ways to cross on foot badly and with much more cover. I would also add some fusion coils in each laser tower. And some kind of man canon to the island if you wont make another path or safer one.
    #2 Canadians360, May 9, 2009
    Last edited: May 9, 2009
  3. mboddz751

    mboddz751 Ancient
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    uhh thats not a splazer but a launcher
  4. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    I honestly like this map. I would probably get rid of 1 banshee because it looks overpowering. The wraith is kind of cool, I think it's better than having two tin cups underneath it, because it gives a sort of artillery strike, which looks very cool. I would advise that you not have to jump onto the middle platform; it interrupts gameplay. Other than that, not too bad of a map.

    3.5/5, don't repost next time. Just simply edit your last post. You should get a mod to lock your other one, so people don't post on it.
  5. Chedderboy

    Chedderboy Ancient
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    Its alright, but it'd be nice to have more cover when traveling from ship to ship. The island is basically a flat piece of ground, and can easily be built up.
    The ships look nice, and function pretty good too. I would agree with rifte gifle, take out a banshee from each ship.
  6. Canadians360

    Canadians360 Ancient
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    Sry but I disagree since you can sink tin cups under the surface so they aren't vissable and would allow for full rotation like an artilery gun and one must also consider that the box in meathod provides extra cover to the wraith. My method would also apear as though the wraiths were part of the ship and could rotate as though held on an axis and can't detach from the ship. Plus my way is much more cost effective.

    Also sory about the rocket splaser mix up you should add a weapons list to help explain your map a bit better.
  7. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    I agree with Candians360. Two tin cups would cost only $4 per ship and not limit firing at all in the full 360º range. From what I can see in the image, he used $40 worth of scenery to brace the wraith in place and can only fire within less than 180º range plus some obstructions from the bracer pieces.
  8. Grief

    Grief Ancient
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    Simple, nice forging, and it looks like it could be pretty fun - 4/5?
  9. tehuberleetist

    tehuberleetist Ancient
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    Good idea, the wraith is cool.
  10. InherentFlame

    InherentFlame Ancient
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    i like the idea but i dont like the layout. i think it is too open although i can see why it is open so the snipers can have easy shots but maybe build up the centre in v2?
  11. xXDeepStabXx

    xXDeepStabXx Ancient
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    I think it would of been better if you used a man cannon and not a small island. If you could make the island bigger because in scale, thats about the size of a coral reef.
  12. Xtremegamer1996

    Xtremegamer1996 Ancient
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    Pretty cool, but one MAJOR problem with the game, WHY THE HELL IS IT TERRITORIES WITHOUT TERRITORIES?????? Just wondering.
  13. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    I'm guessing that while in Forge mode, he didn't change the game type and set those up.
  14. BlUnT 4ce tRAUMa

    Senior Member

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    I like the battleship idea, but not the long island in the middle of the two. i would suggest spreading out the battleships and making it an air vehicle-savy map. having an island in the middle defeats the purpose of the hornets and banshees
  15. mboddz751

    mboddz751 Ancient
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    ok one banshee for each side has been taken out and there is a big pillar in the middle of the island
  16. mboddz751

    mboddz751 Ancient
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    ok this a necropost I know but I updated the map the other day.

    - more cover on the carriers and island

    - two banshees have been taken out

    - a few more balanced weapons

    - and I made sure the territories are actually there in the gametype
    #16 mboddz751, Apr 25, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2010

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