So, a few people have asked how to do this, so I'll share. Name: Evocation Map: Assembly Effect: It's a little complicated, mainly because I suck at giving directions. On Assembly, on the Hunter side (orange side as opposed to green), at the bottom of the orange lift, there's a hologram thing right across from the bottom of the lift. It looks a bit like a 360 controller, hopefully you know what I mean. Well, what I did was, I put on the FX's Juicy, Gloomy and Pen & Ink, and stood against the hologram. Then, I threw a Spike Grenade behind me. It's a little hard to get it right, because the Hologram is almost one big blotch with the FX's on, so try many different positions. Hope that helps.
Name: Fallen Map: Ghost Town. Effect: Juicy; I had the spartan camp under the bridge. It was dark enough to get a good shot, in other words. Then, I had a friend shoot my character in the head with a spartan laser. Since I made my character invulnerable, he did not fly off.
If I may ask, which bridge? the big one from the red warehouse to the middle?, the wood bubble one?, the Snipe2 to middle?
Here are 3 new ones I took: Spoiler [/URL] Screenshot Name: Clear it! Map: Orbital No effects; Go anywhere on the map and make a corner out of doors stand against one of the doors near the edge where they meet then throw down a couple bubble sheilds (They give the lighting) then have a guest throw a frag grenade ( or spike grenade) behind you as you are throwing down a bubble sheild. [/URL] Screenshot Name: Cleaver Juicy Fx,Gloomy Fx, and Pen and Ink Fx; Go by the orange lift and stand in front of the controller looking hologram and throw a spike grenade at the hologram then quickly turn around and swing your grav hammer. [/URL] Screenshot Name: Assassin Juicy Fx,Gloomy Fx, and Pen and Ink Fx; Go by the hologram controller thing and throw a plasma nade at it then turn around and swing your hammer. (please note that i was trying to do Leumms effect when i figured this out) Hope these are good...
Name:Regal Trooper Effects:Go to avalanche and turn on the juicy effect and set up a energy blocker in the blue tele room(the one thats next to the turret).... grab an active camo and have another person throw a lot of power drains behind the energy bloker...go to theater and position the camera so the see threw effect of the person happens.The huge flash id from a flare or a blown up power drin not sure....also throwing regeneraters makes the backroung green.
great post as for a picture i'm still looking for one and if theres a pick in my fileshare(link in sig) someone is wondering about tell me and i'll post it here.
Screenshot Name: Spacial Oddity Avalanche, in the lower cave area. Regenerator, Needler, Gloomy, and Juicy.
You abviously werent here like 4 months ago this forum used to be dead as hell. Now with all the new members its growing like crazy, theres plenty of activity here now.