This is a map being forged by Cerberus Beast and AceOfSpades0707. It is on the main level of Sandbox and is going to be a competitive big team battle map. It is going to be asymmetrical and has many unique structures. Cerberus Beast and I have also included a fair amount of geomerging into this map so that the dunes are incorporated into gameplay more than other maps. Prepare yourself. This is Tetradymite. Comments and criticism are greatly appreciated. Cerberus Beast and I are trying to make a very unique and original map.
You haven't shown much, so its hard to comment on. If you could give a somewhat larger overview picture, it would be easier. However at this point it looks like there's too many objects (or should I say buildings) for a BTB map. But like I said, I can't really judge yet.
We didn't really want to provide an overview picture because I didn't want to reveal everything that we've made so far. Also, some parts of the map have not even been started so it would give people false thoughts about the map. And most of the structures are easily navigable by vehicles as not many things are touching the ground.
I think it looks pretty sweet so far, and I can't wait to see the completed version. From what I see so far it would make a fun match of FFA with 8 or so people.
*checks sig* The map is about 75% done right now. We are currently forging the actual architecture of the map. We have the bases done but they are susceptible to some changes/add-ons. We are currently working on the structure in the foreground of the first picture and will need to build something to the left of that afterwards. Then there is spawns and weapons and all that jazz. Contact me if you ever want to test the completed version.
I like the screenshots! Well, I don't; but that's the point. It feels like the angle is just too low on the last, leaving you to wonder what's beyond it? The second; you have no to little idea what the structure's like, and what it connects. The first, well.. You're just showing off some interlockinz, that are by the way hiding the structures in the back, once more leaving the viewer curious. Damn you!
Spirit798, you have just stumbled upon the specific difference between 'teaser' and 'preview'. This is a teaser. Ace and I want you to wonder, to wrack your brains over what the hell could be behind that arch, what could be over that hill. If this were a preview, then we would have overviews and other things of the sort. Thanks for the input!
This map sounds and looks pretty cool, but these pictures don't show almost anything. If the pictures don't show much or won't be able to show much til you're finished, don't show them to be a teaser. It just makes the viewer angry and feel letdown. It looks really cool, what you have thus far, but if you don't or can't show more then don't post more teaser of the map. We have no clue what this map will look like and it just makes us angry at you grrrrr! But good luck anyway, this still does look pretty good, just post better pictures.
Is this a budget-glitched canvas? Also...did you say BTB? On Sandbox? You also said it is assymmetrical. Will it be objective based, or slayer based? I wonder what the theme is going to be too, you showed us too little, and I hate you for it, but I wonder what the aesthetic parts will look like.
This actually looks quite interesting, I like the way you seem to have integrated vertical fighting into a BTB map as that is virtually never the emphasis in them... well the ones I play anyway... I hope you've left room for vehicles, even just a couple warthogs because vehicles are what make BTB so much fun, otherwise it's just exceptionally laggy slayer/flag... Also, the name annoys me, but that's probably just me...
Hehe, blame the 'assymmetric' part on Ace. This is not a budget-glitched canvas, but it is an OLN canvas. Our overall idea for the map was to have vehicles play more of a supporting role than an uber-primary one. I can't tell you how many times I have been vehicle-****ed on Avalanche CTF, simply because everyone only goes for tank, sniper and hornet, and then its only really a battle to see who can get their carrier to flag and back in a hornet. This type of play makes me sadfaic. So, Iv0ry, there will be vehicles for the support-role-win (or at least, that is the plan).
That's what I meant, just a hog or two that you could drive around in and pick up a few kills, nothing too heavily powered...
I have not yet consulted with Cerberus about this but I was planning on having one Warthog per base and a couple of mongeese per base... the normal vehicle set. I also had Beam Rifles in mind instead of Sniper Rifles. And probably a Rocket Launcher but not a Laser. Again, I have not consulted with Cerberus about any sort of weapon placement... this is just what I had in mind.
This isn't a very good preview. Can't really see anything but not a big deal cause he showed me the map. lolololol. I r sneaky beaver. It actually looks really insane. Can't wait to test it.
We didn't show you the geomerges on purpose. This is a 'teaser' not a 'preview'. There are still many geomerges to be done, but I assure you, there are and ever shall be. Edit: And we don't want to show too much, as then you might get a sense of how the map flows, and we certainly don't want that do we? (sarcasm) Edit2: There are merges behind the first camera view, and merges behind and connected to the structures in pictures two and three.
This thread is a teaser. It is supposed to 'tease' you and pull you in and become interested in what everything might be. You'll have to see the post when the map is completed to see more. I will notify everyone that has posted here when the map is posted. This will probably not be for a while though. There's geomerges in picture three?
Not yet, as I haven't gotten around to them. There is going to be a walkway merged into the sand from the base, helping out with some of the flow issues. BTW, I'll try to be on at around 7:30 or so to give you the updated version of the map.
Pardon? Why post a thread of a teaser of your map then..? You provide abstract views that show us virtually nothing of the map but the base of a few structures. It seems kind of on the edge of this post being worthless.. sorry to say that but its true. From what I see however, It looks fairly good