
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Frag Man, May 6, 2009.

  1. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    True, what I said is uneeded, and rude, and stupid, but I'm a bored, stupid man.

    And yes, they only allow rips because the author's copyright is either gone, or they are dead.

    I said it was easy because it truly was. All I did was figure out the placement. I usually like to make my own effects.

    Yes, I failed at that analogy. Aha! A better one. Let's say I paint a painting of mountains with oil paints. No matter how I paint, it's going to be an oil painting, because I used oils. I just considered using C4D's abundantly your style since I recognize you for your job well-done when you do signatures like it.

    Now, a lot of you guys are here saying it doesn't look anything like her's, but have you even tried looking for reasons why I stated it? Don't jump to conclusions like poor Hell's tried. For one, you could be wrong, and sometimes being wrong can kill you. In this case, it won't, but it puts you on my hit list. And I know how much you guys love my arguments.
  2. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    So now you're saying Ice can't defend for herself? You wanted this to happen between us, but now you want to make fun of me? So basically, you're using her, so you can watch me get "pwned" at your own enjoynment, and not hers.

    What a good friend you are.
  3. HellsRequiemAMX

    HellsRequiemAMX Ancient
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    Are you saying that you don't defend your friends if they are in an argument or a conflict situation? And don't give me some run up bullshit like "Oh yeah if my friend's fighting I don't care, they can just fight it out without help."

    Have you even been in a position where you have to actually fight someone?
    I doubt that, I doubt you could handle it.

    Also, don't even assume that I wanted you to start argueing, this all happened because you decided to say that you can create Ice's style and think that it's the easiest thing in the world and so boring, it's not boring, it's probably more advanced than your work.

    Senior Member

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    I'm gonna come in and say this. Frag is being a ****. Hells is being immature. Ice should ignore it. Mace should stop religiously following Frag. Case closed, lock?
  5. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    Woah there, since when did I give that impression. I am very definatly not
    his minor, and last time I checked, admitting your an immature asshole is not a very smart move.
    Since when am I following him. I simply pointed out that hell was being an asshole. I am very very, christian, so I am not following him religiously following him. I'm not even following him, I just pick the side of my friend in arguments that HAPPEN EVERY ****ING THREAD HERE, because I beleive that he is correct. **** you and hell for thinking I'm a piece of **** who follows frag's every word and whim.
    #25 Mace, May 8, 2009
    Last edited: May 8, 2009
  6. HellsRequiemAMX

    HellsRequiemAMX Ancient
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    Mace, I didn't call you a piece of ****, you just considered your self a piece of ****, don't bring yourself down like that, it might hurt your feelings.

    And I didn't say I was an immature asshole, I said I was immature, and that I CAN be an ass, so watch what you say pal.
  7. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    That, IS ABSOLUTELY FALSE. Arrogant piece of ...
  8. HellsRequiemAMX

    HellsRequiemAMX Ancient
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    Sure buddy.
  9. DC

    DC Ancient
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    Lol, full tutorial time.

    Open a 4x4 transparent canvas. Select a black 1 pixel brush. Make a diagonaly line on it. Save it as scanline.pat and save it in the gimp patterns folder. Now go to your acuall sig. Create a selection. Go to your bucket fill tool. Select pattern for it. It should open up the patterns. Refresh it and find you scan lines and use the bucket fill on the selection. Easy stuff.
  10. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    My lord, you all sound like bickering prepubescent children in here. Seriously, how long does it take to learn that you all should just shut your mouths if you don't have anything nice to say? This is a ****ing community and we all belong to it so get along or don't talk to each other. No reason to be pricks.

    As for the signature, in all honesty it looks nothing like Ice's style. Using effect C4Ds doesn't make it looks like someone's style. As for how it looks, it's decent. Too much black is killing it, anime is boring and flat, the text with scanlines need to disappear. Suggestion is to use actual C4D's for depth, lessen the amount of effect C4D's, but keep the blue color.

    Lastly, I would say to lock this thread, but I feel it isn't fair to Frag since all people do in his CnC threads are argue. Next time Frag, although it's not your fault, you should just put your new sig in the thread and say: CnC please. Just don't reply to any message after that. It's just sad that people just want to argue all day. =/

    P.S. This community is turning into **** fast. That's all I'm going to say.
    #30 Juggernaut, May 8, 2009
    Last edited: May 8, 2009
  11. HellsRequiemAMX

    HellsRequiemAMX Ancient
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    Thank you, Juggernaut.
  12. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    You're included in that too.
  13. HellsRequiemAMX

    HellsRequiemAMX Ancient
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    I'm well aware, but you just concluded this, and also put everyone in their place, just stick around next time something like this happened.
  14. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    If this community gives a **** about this site there won't be a next time.

    /end convo.
  15. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    1. I never said I don't defend my friends. You can go and ask them, and they will agree that I have defended them when I have seen them in an argument. I even defended Firfox twice at one point, who then turns on me and blames me for hating him.
    2. Two, I don't see where fighting for someone has to come into the internet, and why you insist on insulting me, but if you must know, I've been in countless. Now can we drop that too? Because last I checked, insulting didn't solve anything, it only caused more trouble.
    3. Lastly, I have a right to assume, because you even wanted to provoke me into a fight here. Otherwise you wouldn't have bumped the thread smart one. Don't say you DIDN'T want me to fight, because it was quite obvious that I would. If you didn't, you wouldn't have bumped the thread, been smart, and thought "Oh, I don't want my friend Ice to argue with that idiot Frag Man."
    4. I said creating the signature was boring. I didn't say I didn't enjoy the results. I even admitted twice in this thread that I recognized Ice for her job well done using the signatures. Now while her work is "probably" more advanced, I do more artwork and writing than putting pictures that aren't mine in a box, and call it artwork. Much like these people here in the G&A do.
    Ok, first of all, we are trying to reach a point where we can understand what's going on here. Calling everyone one of us a douchebag or **** doesn't solve anything. Now if you would like to do that, I suggest the off-topic. Where you can call anyone names without me having to pound you upside the head with verbal abuse.

    Secondly, defending someone isn't "religiously" following someone. It's called defending a friend. I thought someone like you would have good friends that defended you, but apparently not.
    #35 Frag Man, May 9, 2009
    Last edited: May 9, 2009
  16. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    Thank you guys for a very interesting 4 piece read. Oh, and Frag:
    "Reach a point where we can understand what's going on here?" You're trying to sound educated while continuing to try to prove yourself correct like some immature whining middle schooler? Juggernaut's right, this community has turned to ****, mostly because of people like you who think you're better than others.
  17. arrrghSAM

    arrrghSAM Ancient
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    Well said Nevz and Jugg.
  18. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    And calling the community **** is very helpful to it. Right, you are so smart.

    If you've noticed, I not the one going around yelling at people for making at statement. I trying to tell them what I meant, and why I said that. If you can't understand that much, then you should go **** off, and act like you're smart somewhere else.

    And how do you know I think I'm better than someone else? Is it because you think you're smarter than me, that you know I am? My my, the hypocrisy really kills you here.

    And it's also people like you, that turn the community into more ****. Why? Because you think you can go around, insulting people thinking what you are doing is right, and say it's helping the community. You are acting like you're justice if you act like that. To prove you even more so, you came in here to insult me, and say that I am making it worse, when you yourself have not even abided by the rules of this forum.

    So sure. Shitting on people like you're justice, breaking rules that you seem to support so much, is helping the community SO much.
  19. arrrghSAM

    arrrghSAM Ancient
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    Seriously, that whole post was incredibly ironic and to an extent, hypocritical.
  20. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    And you seem to forget, he said that in his post. So I had no need to worry about that.

    If I was worried about being hypocritical, I wouldn't have made this thread in the first place.

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