ENcrYptED <---download link This an Arena Style map. 100% symmetrical. 4-10 players. Supports all gametypes. Great for Team Slayer. Hectic for Multi-Flag. Dumb for VIP. This map started out as me just figuring out how to use things in a way you wouldn't expect, or was just neat looking. lol I started at the middle and worked my way around, then I decided that I should make this a symmetrical arena map...oh and I could make an MLG version of it too! Weapons: Battle Rifle x6 Assault Rifle x2 Mauler x1 (90sec) Plasma Pistol x1 (45sec) SMG x2 Plasma Rifle x2 Brute Shot x2 Carbine x2 Needler x1 Sniper Rifle x1 (120sec 1 spare clip) Rockets x1 (180sec 1 spare clip) Shotgun x2 (120sec 1 spare clip) Equipment: Frag Grenade x4 Plasma Grenade x8 Spike Grenade x4 Regenerator x1 (120sec) Bubble Shield x1 (120sec) Power Drainer x1 (120sec) Overshield x1 (120sec) EDIT:CTF was broken on this map, but I fixed it and the latest version is linked. Screenshots: Top View Middle View Overshield Tower Overshield/Grav-lift Rocket Spawn My buddy who actually is armless, going for the Shotty Sniper Tri-Pods Column Corner
Dude this is awesome! It has great interlocking and map idea. For some reason it just looks like it should be a map played in matchmaking, well in my opinion anyway. Anyway Great job and keep forging ! : ) FIRsT POST !!!!! Woot!!!!!!
Really? That is spam. Did you even download it? Probably not. Anyways I do have to agree this looks clean and well laid out. That rocket spawn looks aesthetically awesome. Hopefully this plays good. I'm gonna download but might not get a game on it today, but maybe some time beginning this week. For now 5/5
Thank you on the comment about the rockets spawn. I did take some of the other aesthetic objects from some other maps I have seen, but the rockets spawn, the 3 stone platforms(that are by the overshield tower), the "tri-pods" and the 2 fins above each base were my original designs. If you do get a game going invite me... Gamertag:WREX 801
Well, the match I played on this was kinda short, but it was sweet. I really like what you've done with the Rockets spawn area, and overall this map has some very unique structures. It would have helped me if I knew where the weapons and equipment were though. I also think you could have gone with a better name, but it's not that bad. Keep up your forging!
The match was short cuz all the good people were on our team. Plus I was the only one who previously played on it, so I knew where the "goods" were. Thank you, thank you, and thank you. And knowing where the weapons/equipment are would be helpful for any map. The name was originally just a way to tell it apart from my Crypt Canvas, but i stuck with it. And I will keep forging, thanks.
I really liked playing on this. A few things: Why were there the tube corner "hills" under the sniper? Those seem silly in every map I see them all. Care to defend them? And the name seems weird too. Why not just stick with normal characters? But it was very nice overall, good flow and gameplay.
First of all; thanks. Now about those "tube corner hills"... I would love to defend them, and also further explain them. I liked using it as a "hill" rather than an actual tube, because it makes the "line-of-sight" different for the map. Another reason is that the way that I have arranged them allows for a little "hole or tunnel" for players to use for cover. An the final reason I used them(which is also my favorite)is that from the ground floor, if you crouch-jump toward it, you can use it as a ramp to get to the sniper quicker. Just a little tactical jump that I liked to add to the map. I love the questions. Any other questions are also welcomed. CTF was broken on this map, but I fixed it and the latest version is linked at the top of the OP.
looks really good, gameplay looks like itd be nice and aesthetics are awsome. I love what you did with the arches where you put them in a circle to form a concave type of weapon holder. Overall i give the map a 4/5
CTF is hectic like I said. Thanks Gameplay is nice...VERY NICE! Thanks that arch thing is the first thing I made in the map. out of all that nice stuff you saif you only give it a 4/5? alrighty. Thanks for the comments tho.