Hey lots of pics and a helpfull weapon layout one too. Nice job on the post and the map. It suits it's small slayer role perfectly and I really can't muster up much to improve on. I also think I've seen gameplay of this map on YouTube but you can correct me if I'm wrong. I also must ask why you made your map for team oddball if FFA is recomended and team slayer is not recomended. Your map also seams a bit small for 2 rockets but I'll play on it later see how it goes.
This map looks really good, especially the rocket spawn. The building also looks really good, but seems kinda generic. Also, the map seems a little too open. I would add some cover in places, like a little on the needler bridge, and on the corner near the camo.
correct me if i'm wrong, but I think there's only one rocket... looks nice, although since the rockets are on the side rather than the center, the other side may become unused. looks good for FFA though!
Consider yourself corrected sort of... The weapons list said rocket 2x but on the mapped weapons I only see one. Hmm... ROC bioflame would you care to clear this up. I am assuming he has a run time maximum of two rockets in order to keep the spawn time accurate. This is sometimes used in mlg maps and is the only explination that I can think of besides that ROC bioflame had a typo somewhere or messed up the diagram. EDIT: well glad that was cleared up. And I wouldn't worry about the cover thing your maps got plenty of shifts in height and elevation that provide the proper amount of breaks in line of sight.
Theres only one rocket on the map, that was just a typo. There is only 1 Rocket. And about the cover, I was worried about the cover too but I didn't want the map too crowed with cover which could overwhelm some people.
It looks a bit chunky, and that it could be a good map or a bad one. I guess I'll have to play to find out.
I like this map. It's so simple in design and reminds me of Halo CE maps. The changes in elevation are all so smooth looking, so natural, it would be easy to get this map down and start dominating. one thing I think you should mention, or recommend, is the number of players that the map would support best. I know the map is small, so there can't be an overwhelmingly large number of players, am I right? I'd give this a 5/5 for know, can't make that my final thought though because I would need to play test first, I can never get a party to do play tests though, bummer.
What does chunky mean I'm sorry, and what makes you think it might be bad? I wan't some criticism on my map and what I can change. Thank you, and there is a recommended player limit, it's at the very top and there is also one under description
Hahaha, your map? I gave someone else permission to use the design, by ASKING me for consent. Thats all I really have to say, just delete this please.
Well you did a pretty good job at the aesthetics.I think the game plays are pretty even as well as the flags.The weapons are balanced enough for me.The whole capture the flag thing i"m really hoping on playing.Thats just about it from me.:0)
What the **** dude?! My friend Suhport who actually has permission to forge this is forging it, ****ing prick.
Yeah, this map was posted in sketchup form on the MLG forums, and the person who posted this map had no permission to, and technically stole the design. I dont really want to get in to the middle of this, but you guys should really punish this guy. He had no permision, and this is just as bad as stealing a map. While he did give credit to Limey, he still did do it without his consent. I dont think that the author meant to actually do anything wrong, but what he did is theft of the design.
Dude your messed up my friend limey came up with this design and he gave no one permission but Suhport to make this map. You have wasted a bunch of time making this map for you will have no respect over it. you didnt even forge it cleanly dude c'mon your bad at life thats why you have to steal.
Sorry, I sincerely am, I thought it was just another one of those topics where people throw in stuff they don't need and just leave it there. I didn't read the very top post so I wasn't informed, but I just went back and read it and I saw to get consent for it or what ever. Sorry, I accept whatever punishent I get for this from nothing to permabanand. I guess I just misunderstood. :/ I'm guessing a mod can delete this?
I honestly dont think that you should just scrap the map entirely. You could keep the map, change the name, and ask Limey if he would be OK with you keeping this as the non-MLG version, considering Suhport will be working on an MLG version of the map. Since I now this was a misunderstanding, I dont think you really should be punished. My first post was a little too harsh as I was kind of in the heat of the moment and I truly thought that you stole it, but after looking back at the OP I realized you hadn't. I know you did not mean to steal anything, and this map actually didnt look bad the way you did it. Try to talk to Limey about how it was all a misunderstanding, and he may let you keep the map, he may not, but it is at least worth a try. Now onto the MLG post.... why? Why make all of MLG look like complete douche bags. Sure, this guy did technically steal the design, but flat out insulting him, and just pretty much showing absolutely no respect is ridiculous. You just pretty much insulted all of MLG by making these posts and you gave us an awful name for ourselves, congrats. ROC Bioflame, please dont stop forging maps from the adoption thread though. This whole thing was just people no understanding eachother, and I have a feeling it will keep you away from ever trying to make one of those maps again. Dont let this stop you, just next time, please post in the thread and noone will mind you forging it. Anyway, I really do hope that FH doesnt punish you too badly, you truly dont deserve it. It was just a misunderstanding and many people were taking it too seriously (including me on my first post).
Since the download link has been removed, this thread will simply be locked. Thank you to PulseKiller for that excellent final post.