Sandbox The Arena ~ Infection

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by The1ToFear, May 9, 2009.

  1. The1ToFear

    The1ToFear Ancient
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    The Arena V2 ~ Infection

    The Arena
    Made by The1ToFear/A jacal

    * UPDATE *V2* *

    Major Update!
    Includes a bigger arena! See the new pictures.

    Recommended: 4-16 Players


    The Arena is a 'Bull Arena' type map but, its on Sandbox.
    The idea is for the 'Bull' to splatter the humans in the arena. On a chopper.
    The humans start off with random primary and secondary weapons, so its just about luck with who gets what. You have 10 seconds to get ready for the bull to come. There are doors stopping the bull from escaping his 'cage' until 10 seconds.

    There is only 1 honor rule in the game and its not too serious to effect gameplay.

    1. NO use of charged plasma pistol shots. ~ Its just not fair for the bull. Even if its you're only gun, don't use it.


    Alpha Zombie Traits:
    Damage Resistance: 500%
    Shield Multiplier: 4X Overshields
    Shield Recharge Rate: 0% (No Recharge)

    Damage Modifier: 0%
    Primary Weapon: Magnum

    Player Speed: 25%
    Player Gravity: 200%
    Vehicle Use: Full Use

    No Sensors.

    Waypoint: Visible to everyone
    Forced Colour: Black

    Human Traits:
    Damage Resistance: 100% (Normal)
    Shield Multiplier: Normal Shields (UPDATED)

    Damage Modifier: 100%
    Primary Weapon: Random
    Secondary Weapn: Random
    Grenade Count: None
    Infinite Ammo: Enabled
    Weapon Pickup: Enabled

    Player Speed: 125%
    Player Gravity: 100%
    Vehicle Use: None

    No sensors.

    Waypoint: Visible to allies
    Forced Colour: Red (Lol)

    --------- OTHER INFO ---------

    TIME LIMIT: No Limit
    TEAM CHANGING: Not Allowed
    FRIENDLY FIRE: Disabled
    LIVES: 1



    V2 Overview (Notice double wall length longer)

    Before 10 seconds, the doors of the bull 'cage' are closed.

    But after 10 seconds...

    And then the bull is released!

    Before 10 seconds, the lights are like this:

    And after 10 seconds the red light appears and the bulls cage is opened...

    In 30 seconds, killballs spawn all throughout the tunnel, killing any cheaters, or people who arnt playing. The entrance is also blocked.

    :: ACTION SHOTS ::

    See kids, jumping is very helpful.

    Rockets + Bull = Dead bull.

    More action shots will be uploaded soon ...

    :: TIPS ::


    Rocket Launcher:

    The rocket launcher is very useful against the bull as it is very dangerous for you in close range. Dont fire it when you're next to the bull.

    Grav Hammer:

    The Grav Hammer is EXTREMELY useful against the bull, as it makes the bull fly across the map. But, the bull doesnt need to fear. He has boost. Activate your boost just as the grav hammer swings when your right next to the human. This works.​



    The needler can actually work, if you have a good aim. If the bull is going crazy, and you're the last person alive, swap it for another weapon that someone else has dropped.​

    Sniper Rifle/Beam Rifle:​


    The beam/sniper rifle is, well, pointless for defeating a physco bull. Swap it for something else.​

    Spartan Laser:​


    The spartan laser can do a great deal of damage. But, it has a big disadvantage, the charge. You need to keep cool when aiming with this, otherwise you'll completely miss, and you'll have to charge again.​

    Plasma Pistol:​


    Don't use this charged. If you are the host, and someone else is using it, give them a warning and then boot them. Its not fair.​



    The shotgun or the mauler is okay for taking down the crazy bull, but not the best. You can keep it if you want, but I'd advise that you'd change it for something a tad bit more powerful.​

    :: BULL TACTICS ::​

    Coming soon!



    The blocks I used are moveable blocks, so they are, well, moveable.
    What I did was I had the grav lift spawn just outside the door and I made it spawn at 10 seconds to release the bull.
    It works perfectly.​


    I hope you download, and rate my map!

    PLEASE leave feedback as I love feedback even if its bad.


    The Arena *UPDATE: V.2*
    Matador!*UPDATE: V.1.1*

    #1 The1ToFear, May 9, 2009
    Last edited: May 20, 2009
  2. ape man 117

    ape man 117 Ancient
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    Hey, you're map sucks big donkey balls. just kiddin' , i like the idea even though it isn't very original the only tip i could add would be to move the entrance hole up a few levels because if hit by chopper you could fly up into it and just wait it out unless something spawns and blocks it, that would work. 4/5
  3. The1ToFear

    The1ToFear Ancient
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    Yeah, after 30 seconds kill balls spawn and kill everyone that could be inside the tube. Problem solved. :)
  4. Canadians360

    Canadians360 Ancient
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    Nice idea I take it you had some inspiration from a map on bungie favorites a little while back. But hey this is a bit different a little more hectic and overall looks fun to play. Ill DL and try it out since the gametype on bungie was just swords. Random weapons may = more random fun Ill have to see. But interesting idea.
  5. Mr Garfunkle

    Mr Garfunkle Ancient
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    It's a pretty solid map, looks like the gameplay would be pretty chaotic. The random weapons could be a mistake, considering if there is a rocket launcher and a grav hammer on the map, the bull won't be able to move. I read your plasma pistol honor rule, and it just wouldnt seem fair for the human that got only a plasma pistol. They couldn't do any damage. It is cheatproof, which is good, but it may be a teeny cramped but I'll check that out later. Well done, keep it up.
  6. Canadians360

    Canadians360 Ancient
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    I have to ask why someone couldn't use non charged blast plasma pistol shots. I know the full charge shorts out the vehicle but whats wrong with single shots, I believe they dont stall vehicles but I may be wrong here.
  7. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    Looks beautifully forged, but I'm no fan of a square arena for a bullfight game. I'd prefer a map with rounded corners so the chopper doesn't keep stopping. That was one of the issues I saw with the original bull dome. I didn't like how the fence boxes and bull tunnel were in the middle of the map, so I forged that and merged those into the walls to make a smooth dome all the way around.

    As for gametype settings this is what I'd do...
    I prefer the "bull" to be invulnerable with only a sword ( mess with the bull, you get the horns ) That way you're working on dismounting the zombie from the chopper and need to assassinate him. Maybe make him brown, too?

    Humans aka "bullfighters"... needlers and swords would be my choice. Needlers are always a fun weapon on this game. They can't disable the vehicle and just fun to shoot and mess up the bull a bit. Bullfighters typically finish off the bull with a sword before the bull becomes the fans next meal. I wouldn't make the vehicle indestructible either. Give humans minimal damage modifier 10-25% and unlimited grenades. As long as the alpha is in the chopper, it's invulnerable. The alpha losing his chopper would be like a wounded bull. He's slow and vulnerable against all the bullfighters. Humans try to mess up the bull with grenades and flip him out of it. If they get him out of the chopper, they can blow up the chopper with grenades and the alpha would then be wounded and need to fend for himself. Grenade use also backfires. Throw a sticky at a chopper when he's running at you will only kill yourself when it explodes.
    #7 MaxSterling, May 9, 2009
    Last edited: May 9, 2009
  8. Insomniac21

    Insomniac21 Ancient
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    great forging but not my style keep up the forging
  9. The Cheat

    The Cheat Ancient
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    Doesn't look too bad.

    You've taken the classic bull fight mini-game, and improved it's gameplay with some much needed updates. It's nice to see you've stopped some of the unpredictability factor of when the bull will actually come out, by forcing him out before 30 seconds.

    The kill balls to prevent campers is a very nice addition, and players can't get on top of the tube anymore (like they could in the foundry version.) All in all, you've taken the classic bull fight mini-game, and streamlined it for better gameplay.

    As for your honor rule, that could easily be solved by changing the humans weapon to a magnum, and increasing the zombie's damage resistance (that way players can only kill him via assassination.)
  10. TraiiT

    TraiiT Ancient
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    Well for one thing, you don't put an apostrophe in between you and re because you're= you are... "you are map sucks?" Wtf man, but let me get down to the real map.... It looks really nice and the gameplay is probably amazing, ill download now. Nice work 5.5
  11. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    There really isn't much of an advantage over playing this map over a bull pen map on foundry. More people have foundry, and foundry has a dome-shaped level. Pretty smart idea about the timing system, to get the bull out or to kill people, but someone's gonna look stupid trying to navigate the bull out of a corner. Plus, isn't the level a little small?
  12. The1ToFear

    The1ToFear Ancient
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    Thanks guys for all your comments!

    In this version I really wanted to make it that the bull had to be on his chopper, and he could only do damage that way. I thought that may make it more fun, but I shall test some more versions later.

    As with the arena, yes, I did think that it was too small or it could be better rounded. I have made another Matador! game on foundry which was very popular, and it was round. This arena seems to be fine for the bull to get around. And its not too small.

    Again, thanks for all the comments!
    #12 The1ToFear, May 9, 2009
    Last edited: May 9, 2009
  13. The1ToFear

    The1ToFear Ancient
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    V.1.1 is now out! Includes round corners. Plus other things.

    More minor updates have been added.
    #13 The1ToFear, May 9, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: May 11, 2009
  14. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    Forum Rules

    1. No spamming.
    2. No double posting.
    Just edit your last post.
  15. The1ToFear

    The1ToFear Ancient
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    Honestly, this is rediculous. Im sorry I 'double posted' on MY thread about me UPDATING MY map with more features that more people can enjoy. I just want to tell people that its updated. I dont do this on the original thread because it was only a minor update. Spawn issues and stuff.

    Im not trying to have a go at FH/Shroomz, I love it, but I really dont think I deserve a warning/infraction. I have read the rules. I have read everything. Even if it is against the rules to double post, I believe that I shouldnt get warned/infracted for telling people that my map is updated.

    (I reckon I'll get banned for this ...)
  16. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    By your own admission, they were minor updates... so no need to bump your thread over minor updates. The last post in your thread was in regards to another "minor update" and nobody cared to comment about it. Like I said in my last post, just edit your post. Back to back posts in regards to updates makes you look desperate to keep your map on page 1. Maybe I'll make "minor updates" to all my maps and bump all those threads every day. If people care enough to comment, they'll bump your threads for you.
  17. The1ToFear

    The1ToFear Ancient
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    I wasnt trying to keep it on page 1. I was updating my thread for people to see that its updated. They might want to know that its updated. Do you know if they'll like the update or not? No you do not.
    I've only done 2 comments on the minor updates on this thread.

    By the way - thats not much.
  18. SpecterCody

    SpecterCody Ancient
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    Don't you love the people who don't read everything? Anyways its a nice simple idea that looks sound. The arena is a bit small though maybe adding a few spaces to a side would help.
  19. King 10011

    King 10011 Ancient
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    This is what we call spamming on forgehub >.<
    you want to actually try to tell him what to fix and maybe why it isnt your style.

    But anyway back to the map:
    This looks absolutely amazing. But there are 2 things that you MUST fix in V2 to get more DL's.
    1. Add more room if at all possible.
    2. Use double blocks for flooring. ( Walls are very crooked as you can clearly see in a couple of your pictures)

    The floor thing isnt your fault BTW, Bungie did something wierd with the teardrop things and that they're made to be upright not flat. IDK if thats right but dont bite my head off :p

    Keep up the forging.
    #19 King 10011, May 11, 2009
    Last edited: May 13, 2009
  20. The1ToFear

    The1ToFear Ancient
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    Thanks for all this constructive critism ...

    Yes, I do know about the teardrop thing, but, you are always jumping around. So it doesnt effect gameplay at all. I could make it bigger, but this seems to be epicly (New word?) awesome with 10 - 16 players. Its crazy!

    I like crazy maps, I dont know about anyone else though!

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