La Shia Castle By Funface Suported Gametypes: CTF, Assualt,Slayer and Infection (Preferibly a infection game where the Zombies have sheilds and move a bit faster than everybody else) Map Description: First of all I would like to say thanks for veiwing my First post. Second: This is a pre-DLC map I made on Last Resort some time ago. A Castle set up for team games and infection. Works well with 2 sided games and 1 sided games.I hope you enjoy it. A (somewhat) Over view of the inside of the castle. Complete Over View Overview of Attacker's Spawn The last picture, the teleporter that takes you about 25 feet ahead (for people on foot) And the Gravity hammer. And in the tower on the right, theres a sniper. Hey everybody thanks for viewing my first post. Let me know if theres any things I need to fix, and the reason attackers dont have may weapons is because they have Guass hogs And Ghost's. So Please leave feedback and constructive critisicm. Bye Download La Shia Castle HERE
Props for making a map on Last Resort. It looks kind of hard to move around inside of, but I'll have to check that out for myself. One question though. Couldn't the boxes fall down by shooting at the grav lifts?