Each year roughly 12,000 students across the United States sacrifice their lives to a class called AP Art and Composition. The students must create 24 pieces of art in the timespan of only one school year. This is my portfolio.
Awesome Looks awesome, Rusty. I really like a lot of these. The more impressive thing is that you seem to be developing a style of your own. I see common themes and looks throughout you portfolio. The style your developing is original. Great job, keep developing your talent.
I love the compositions of your work. As makisupa said, you're developing your own style that seems to really suit your chosen direction. Your influences can really be seen in some of the images, mainly your Escher and Dali-esque love of things not being where they should, nor looking like they should; making you double take when viewing. Your strong suit, for me, is blatantly pencil-shading. Namely the green puppet image; which (i think) is my favourite. Alongside the climber on the corrugated cardboard. Excellent stuff. What's your future plans, now that you have this portfolio of current works?
Thank you very much, compliments are a fine thing to hear once you've had a little bit of yourself placed into every piece. Means I look awesome doesn't it, haha! I plan on practicing more and more and see where my imagination takes me. I feel that my best and worst pieces have been conceptual. I don't know really, practice more. I'm teeming with ideas that I want to pursue. That's about all I can do at the moment. Either that or sellout and do portrait work. Graphite is definitely my best medium, I feel. I still want to explore conte crayons though. Colored Pencils are a disaster for me as evidenced by that bird. Charcoal isn't too bad. I love Acrylics, their my favorite. The one medium I haven't explored is pen and ink. That'll be a nice new challenge for me. Anyways, glad you like it. Who knows I might make it big after I die, but its really just art to me and I love it.
Nice stuff rusty. As has been said, there's a certain style holding many of the pieces together - I particularly like (as the files are named) Hand of God, Marrionette, Laptop Hand and Going Nuclear (my favourite). I'm glad to hear you love doing what you're doing - don't stop.
Very very awesome stuff. Do you have an exam for that class or is it the 25 pieces of art? I really like the hand reaching for the apple one. I think that's your best, from my opinion.
I love the Point of View you give the viewer. I only spent about 20 seconds on each picture, but i could spend like 10 minutes uncovering the depth of it. Great work.
Thanks, umm with the exception of two of the pieces all the acrylics are 20" by 16". I like working larger so that I can show the brushstrokes rather than going into minute detail. As for the class itself, its just 24 pieces. 12 Breadth and 12 Concentration, the five best I sent in.
Amazing work. You should put your stuff on Deviantart.com. My favorites are the Hand and the Apple and the Nuclear one. Seriously, that's some amazing work. If only I could draw like that.
*Blushes* Thank you sock monkey. I like the first one the best though or the red painting because of how they express my emotions. Thank you as well, I remember your blog about the Mercialago. I like your work as well. You can draw like that, it just takes practice, which I will continue to do in order to refine my level of detail. Edit: I'll look into deviantart, I've seen some stuff before, but that level of craftsmanship puts me to shame.
This one is beastly good! I loved it. I also really like the Cardboard rock climbing one. I like your overall style of just dementing reality. Keep it up!
My concentration dealt with abstracting reality and I will keep it up; I have several ideas that I want to explore and will be getting more complex.
You took a bowl of cereal and put it in a forest. Are they cheerio's? Very nice artwork I was expecting something a little less artsy. However, I believe you made me say WOW quite a few times looking though the pictures. Rusty keep up the good work and when can we expect to be splashed with some more artwork?
Actually a student in my class took it. The problem with photography is that while it may seem easy it actually isn't. Getting that perfect shot isn't just a show up and take it, it takes a lot of planning. I wish you all the luck though, it will be lots of fun being around artisitic minds.