Well, mostly it isn't. My friends and I enjoy playing Facing Worlds Remake on Sandbox (the one by HawaiianPig located here). Of course we play some good old fashioned CTF Multiflag, however we play with custom rules. Essentially all we change is, the flag never resets itself and players must be in the flag vicinity for 15 seconds to retrieve it. However we came across a problem that never existed in other maps death pits. Since the lower level (mid) of Sandbox is still part of the map, the flags cannot be retrieved if they fall down! Any workaround ideas?
We set the flag reset without contact to never occur on purpose. The question was for a work around that does not rely on changing that.
Why exactly do you need to change that option if you know the flag won't reset when dropped off the level? There is no way to fix this. You are going to have to play with the regular Capture The Flag variant.
That would be why I posted the thread. To know if anyone else knew of a workaround. When flags drop off a regular map they reset, when they drop off the sandbox sky bubble they don't. I asked, because I wasn't sure. That's how you find answers to things you're not sure about.
I'm not asking why you posted this thread, I'm asking why you need to set the gametype to where the flag doesn't reset. If you want the flag to reset, the only way you are going to be able to do it is by setting it to reset in the gametype options.
The only problem with killballs is I couldn't really rpredict where the flag was falling but thanks for the suggestion. As for Conker, we set it like that because we enjoy it like that. No real other reason.
You can't work around it..so tough up and set the setting back to 15 second without anyone there..its the only way so yeah. Sorry but thats the only way.
Indeed, there is no work around, and there will be no patch made for Sandbox, as Bungie has stated. Sorry bud, we all wish there way, but there just isnt. The same issue is present in Assault, and even now the "play ball" tactic in oddball isnt present unless you set the ball reset time to like 5 seconds. Theres no solution to it. Just set the reset time to something manageable like 30s to achieve a similar effect. This thread has ran its course, and cant go anywhere from here. locked. if you have questions, PM me