As a relatively new person to computer gaming, I don't really have the best computer. I have a good graphics card, sound system, but my computer is from 2001. Considering this, I went to a game store and bought, take a guess, Crysis. After a year of debating whether or not it actually looks good enough to buy, I bought it. The guy asked whether I had a decent computer, and I said "Yeah, it's fairly decent. I mean, if it can run Halo 1, it's good, right?" This earned me a disapproving glare, but undeterred, I left the shop eager to install it. I got home and loaded it up. Blah blah blah, two hours later it was installed. Now, I open it, only to find it said that my graphics card is not compatible. Since then, I've returned it, and found out that This made me very sad face, so I thought of an idea (that most likely, thousands have thought of). What if Crytek created a game identical to Crysis, but that could run on the Xbox 360? I've seen the things that say "it's impossible", but surely there must be some way to make Crysis Xbox compatible. Lower the graphics standard to FC2 graphics. Anything. I just don't want to spend more than $1,000 on a computer for just a game. Does anyone else think this would be a good idea?
Well Crytek has gotten an the CryEngine 2 running on 360, but in the past they have said that they consider Crysis a PC only series. So they might not have Crysis but they might come out with a similar game for 360.
Wow, I personally love Crysis, and I can run it on all full settings. Maybe you should consider upgrading your comp if you are going to run games on it, because it seems that currently yours inst quite cutting it.
God, I hope so. I've been practically drooling over videos of it's gameplay. *drool* I should probably close Youtube.
Lol, best computer in the world? Mine runs it perfectly on medium, which actually looks fantastic still.
Sarcasm, my friend. If Crysis doesn't run on a fairly decent computer, i.e. mine, it's a demanding game, requiring THE BEST ****ING COMPUTER IN THE WORLD.
have no fear...sarge is here! Build a Kick-Ass $500 Gaming PC, Play Crysis at 40FPS! - Page 1 | Maximum PC usedta be impossible, but these guys made it cheap for you to mod your already existing comp (or build a new one from scratch for $500) cheaply.
Actually, my Dad found a great computer store that did all that for about $500 (AUS), but since it's not actually my money, you know...
Hey a game you might wanna check out thats kinda like crysis is Far Cry 2.It has beautiful graphics a huge game world and FIRE!
I have a video to show you, I'm currently uploading it to YouTube. You will be happy. Edit: Its been uploading and being processed. Here is the link for when it is done.
This is console ignorance at it's finest... Halo 1 graphics wise could basically be run on any average Joe computer. You don't even need a gaming graphics card. Fairly decent to play halo 1 on low but to play anything else, good luck.
Well, Crysis will never be coming to consoles as stated by one of the developers at Crytek, but games running on the CryEngine 3 will be coming out for the 360.
I honestly don't see what you're trying to say here. Here's my response to what I assumed you what you meant. I have Halo 1. It runs really well. I have CoD 4. It runs well. I have Crysis. I can't play it. It's really demanding. Extremely happy face.