Sandbox Prometheus

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Fenix Hulk, May 6, 2009.

  1. FinalEndeavor

    FinalEndeavor Ancient
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    hes got photoshop skills lol!! it gives a great layout and helps with the description and flow of the map!
    #21 FinalEndeavor, May 6, 2009
    Last edited: May 6, 2009
  2. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
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    Adobe Photoshop CS3. Works like a charm. ;P
  3. MNM1245

    MNM1245 Ancient
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    You said you can't wait to play this tonight then said that you love the map and it gets a 10/10. And that you love sticking people. You have obviously not played the map so why should you even be making comments like this? Seriously just don't say anything till you play spammer. It is people like you that keep me away from Forgehub(Especially the map section) and just make sick. Honestly your post count is not as important as you may think. Just because you get a high post count does not mean the staff will respect you and play with you and promote you. Things like this get you farther away from your goal. Correct if I am wrong and you have played this map before he released it because I highly doubt out of all the members here on FH you guys played this map together. So keep comments like these to yourself.

    Anyways I am DL'ing the map and will get back to you with my opinion. I like the look of that center structure and really want to look at that. It looks like you really put a lot of time into this post creating that picture and everything! So I can tell you're a very dedicated Forger. I'll be back. Unless I see more people like who I quoted!

  4. FinalEndeavor

    FinalEndeavor Ancient
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    whoa dude me and marauder 01 have helped test the map before he posted it on forge hub(i guess its like we were beta testing then) thats why he posted saying he was looking forward to playing some ctf on the completed version with some buddys here on forge hub. we all like the maps here on forge hub and have downloaded maps from here. we helped soulcrusher in making this map and tried to help it out for the better. maybe we like it so we give it a high rating nothing wrong with doing that.

    we just got done playing some games on it a lil bit ago with people from forge hub. so there was no reason to post a comment like that. we did not forge this map so we are not spamming. yea sure we played an earlier build but thats it. we tested it to help him out to try and get the most bugs or make things balanced as much as possible before he posted it on forge hub for further testing and such.
    #24 FinalEndeavor, May 6, 2009
    Last edited: May 6, 2009
  5. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
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    This is why the forum has mods.
  6. Marauder 01

    Marauder 01 Ancient
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    Obviously you have no idea what the hell YOU are talking about because matter of fact I do know these guys. I have known both Soulcrusher and FinalEndeavor going on 12 years. I helped Soulcrusher test this map while he was making it. What i meant when i said I cant wait to play the map tonight was I couldnt wait to play it with a bunch of people. Oh and how you come to the conclusion that I am spaming I have no idea. I could honestly careless about my post count considering I only really post in Soulcrusher's threads. So how about this dude quit trash talking when you have no idea what you are talking about and just download the map and try and find people to play it with.
  7. regulargonzales

    regulargonzales Ancient
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    I love the photoshop work you do to make these look really well presented! Excellent stuff, I've just queued the map to download. I look forward to checking it out; your other maps have been great.
  8. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
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    I will be adding Action Screenshots after work this afternoon and I will be making them look 3D, like the player is coming out of the screenshot, be sure to check it out later.
  9. porkstein

    porkstein Ancient
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    Well, this looks exceptionally forged and, judging from a quick forge-through, seems to play well also. However, I did have one gripe. Whilst I cannot be certain of anything without playing a proper game on it, this did shock me, especially for a map intended for 6-12 players.
  10. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
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    Think about Standoff, is that the same setup...??? I think it is, except for the sniper of course. Anyways, it plays well, nothing is over powering. Due to many vehicles and lots of cover, you need firepower. Ask the dozens who played this already and see what they have to say, nothing to complain about and without that setup, the game would be inbalanced.
  11. S0Y SAUC3

    S0Y SAUC3 Ancient
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    Hey you did a great job at the forging.All the stuff is nice and neat.The one thing that could be a problem is the heavy weapons.They might work out but im not so sure.If it doesnt make a v2 with a little less strong weapons and a little more floors on the pyramid.:0)
  12. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
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    All I could say is play it and see for yourself on the weapons. It had less before but more were needed for balance.

    As far as a v2, there is not going to be one, especially for only minor fixes like fixing out a weapon. There will not be any more levels to the pyramid because that would take to much focus on a single structure and would take away playability of the bases and surrounding cover. I would have to really disagree with you on this one.
  13. FinalEndeavor

    FinalEndeavor Ancient
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    actually the power weapons really arent as powerful as they seem. when we played games on there i think i was only really lasered like twice through out like a 20 minute game. the map has been balanced rather well. for the best use of the power weapons you have to be at different locations. like the laser and sniper best locations are on the sand around the map or on top of the pyramid. you can get the best shots but you are really exposed!! vehicles are difficult to get with the laser also cuz of the structures around the map so you have to be careful when trying to take a vehicle out.

    i feel like its pretty balanced cuz of how the maps set up and the spawn times of the power weapons
  14. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
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    And I would like to add that the Rocket Launcher has NO EXTRA CLIPS.
  15. FinalEndeavor

    FinalEndeavor Ancient
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    oh yea forgot about that! i dont even consider the rocket launcher a power weapon on the map lol
  16. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
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    Looks fantastic. No, really, this is one of the few Sandbox maps that has really stood out for me so far. I'm very excited to get a few games on this. When I do, I'll be back to tell you what I think.
  17. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
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    Action screenshots have been added, hope you all like and gives you a little feel of what to expect...
  18. FinalEndeavor

    FinalEndeavor Ancient
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    wow those action shots are aweosme!! love the 3d effect!!
  19. TheClubhouse

    TheClubhouse Ancient
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    Ya, I just played this map..... awsome. Seriously well made. At first I thought the temple in the center was abit "boring", but the man cannon that shoots you up the middle of the temple is great. The bases made so the warthogs can drive up them, under them is pretty cool too.
  20. RunTime83

    RunTime83 Ancient
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    Those action shots are AMAZING. I especially like the one where I'm following up with that shotgun kill. At least I think that's me, lol. Oh and to anybody that hasn't played it yet, Team King is awesome on this map with the integration of the pyramid.

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