Pre-DLC SkyRide

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Seaboro Kibbles, May 4, 2009.

  1. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
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    The VIP is crashed in the middle of The Sahara Desert, and it’s up to you to evacuate him. All you got to do is give your ghoust-bound VIP a ride in your hornet up to the pelican. Sounds easy, right? Well let me mention one last thing; the desert is infested with super fast sand zombies, who are basically there to make your life suck. Now things get interesting.


    [SIZE=+1]Download the game:[/SIZE] SkyRide, a VIP variant.
    [SIZE=+1]Download the map:[/SIZE] The Sahara, a Sandtrap variant.
    Recommended Teams: 2v2 – 4v4 (3v3 ideal)
    Supported Teams: 2v2 – 8v8; 2v2v2 – 5v5v5 and 2v2v2v2 – 4v4v4v4 also
    Similar Game: Tank Run
    Important Note: This game takes practice to understand. Its fun after a few plays, and is meant not to be taken seriously. Microphones Recommended.

    Luscious Story/Gameplay Write Up
    By Seaboro Kibbles

    SkyRide can be a funny or serious game. If you find it funny, than there’s no problem, but if you find it serious, read the next bit, it can really help you out.

    This game revolves around the act of clearing a landing area, then picking up the VIP without dying. There are alternative methods but this one seems to be your best bet. Communication, and decision making are the keys to victory. There are three roles you will play in this game, VIP, Special Operations Arial and Support and Evacuation units {SOASE} [saucies] (VIP’s team), and the Sand Zombies:

    Apparently you were some special soldier and your plane crashed. That really doesn’t matter, what matters is not losing your ghost, not going to slow, and to communicate with the SOASE’s for a pick-up. You’re extremely tough, but your shields decay, enemy damage won’t affect you too much, it’s time that will essentially kill you, so get to the pelican ASAP. And if you see a zombie, don’t call in the SOASE hornets, wait until the landing zone is clear. And one last thing I can’t stress enough, don’t lose your ghost, you’ll get assassinated!

    The Special Operations Arial Support and Evacuation units have a BR and a rocket launcher, and are really weak. There tool of destruction is the hornets though, it keeps them above the zombies, and deals out a lot of damage. As I said before, wait until the coast is clear, and then make the pickup. And make sure you do a good job of dropping the VIP off at the pelican, it’s surprising how many people screw up.

    Sand Zombies:
    Gravity hammer, plus plasma pistol, plus super fast, plus poor camo, equals the sand zombies. Your job is to keep the VIP on the ground. Some tips: Kill all vehicles possible, the VIP can use them to his advantage. If you swing your gravity hammer while in air, you get a little boost, this can be helpful and fun. When an enemy is out of the hammer's range, use the plasma pistol, overcharged it stuns vehicles.

    Here are some screenshots that really don't reflect gameplay, but look cool. More screenshots are in the spoiler.
    Here are some pictures of the 'Pelican' you have to get your VIP to:
    Here are how the spawns work:
    And here are some bonus pictures of ghost doing sick tricks!
    well that was fun.
    And here are the rest of the action shots, these are more realistic, and better reflect gameplay.

    [SIZE=+1]Download Game[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=+1]Download Map[/SIZE]
    #1 Seaboro Kibbles, May 4, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2009
  2. The Desert Fox

    The Desert Fox Ancient
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    This looks epic.

    Another awesome map by the best minigame maker on this site. It looks like it'd be very fun to play as you get a sense of some storyline (with the crash and respawn), yet at the same time you can engage in competitive gameplay that bears some hilarious aspects.

    All in all, this is another incredible mini-game/casual map that is up there among the elite few such as "Smear the Pinkie" and "Fort Knox". Great work, hope to see more.

  3. blackandblutoo

    blackandblutoo Ancient
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    It looks really cool. The thought an this map looked like you spent a long time on it. The pelican is a little wierd though. What is the point of it though? Is it just for show when the VIP gets there? Anyway, sandtrap is one of my favorite maps. You really brought out its awsome potential. I love it, I cant wait to see what you come up with next.
    VERY nice map 10/10
    #3 blackandblutoo, May 5, 2009
    Last edited: May 5, 2009
  4. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
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    The pelican is purley aesthetic. I thought i did a good job with just teleporters and weapon holders.

    People usually don't understand why the place explodes, but it is esential for gameplay. The VIP and his team needed to be separated, and i just worked the story around that actually. And this game is funner than smear da pinkie, if you have a good party that knows how to play. Smear the pinkie can be played with anyone, with any number though; SkyRide is more specific, but if everythings right it's awsome.
  5. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    Wait a second, you talk about zombies... but this is a VIP variant? What would make a person a VIP to a zombie... tastier flesh than the rest?
  6. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
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    This is VIP, the 'zombies' are actually just attackers that are really fast, have grav-hammers, and chase after normal people, to the regular player they would appear to be zombies, but they actually just have different traits, they don't infect people. VIP are pretty tasty though.
    #6 Seaboro Kibbles, May 5, 2009
    Last edited: May 5, 2009
  7. A hobo

    A hobo Ancient
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    This game seems excellent. I will download this and try it out. So far though, the aesthetics look nice. 4/5 for them.

    Just a question though. Why don't you use the two elephants and float them up in the air, and use those for pelicans? More belivable, really. Then you could also have the non-VIPs spawn up there.
  8. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    Only way you can get elephants up there is by modding, which isn't allowed here.
  9. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Or you could make a precision explosion that launches the elephant into the sky and lands on a group of teleporters.

    The reason why i couldn't use the elephant is even if i got the elephant into the right place (elephants can't be picked up in forge), it would spawn back in its original place. And there is no elephants in this map, it was made off bungie's 'sandtarp' which has no elephants. I did this because they would just get in the way. Hopefully that isn't considered a mod..
    #9 Seaboro Kibbles, May 6, 2009
    Last edited: May 6, 2009
  10. A hobo

    A hobo Ancient
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    Nah, you can take a drop pod and put it in the driver's seat, and pick it up from there. I've done it loads of times.
  11. Welsh Mullet

    Welsh Mullet Ancient
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    cant use elephants

    you can move them, but they will not save there and will respawn in the default locations, eg on the ground.
  12. bobalujr

    bobalujr Ancient
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    cool map looks good if you have enough people

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